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 Post subject: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:50 pm 

Joined: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:46 pm
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Hi everyone,

I've been looking round to see if I could find anything made by the community or by others, to expand and change the current Numenor army.

You know the likes, custom hero's, edited stats, new units that sort of thing.

If anyone could help that'd be great, if there isn't anything out there then I may consider creating my own with all of you wonderful people to help me ! That's of course if you wanted too :P


Last edited by Silver_legion on Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Community Numenor army ?
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:15 am 

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We've had conversations but thats about it. What I would do is build some custom heroes with the rules and formulas found in battle companies. There is a lot of potential there.
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 1:10 am 

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Well having been told just above that conversations have been had about the Numenor army there never has been any real rule creation, so I have decided to lead the charge into the rule making and get something together with help from the community and get some great new rules for everyone to play wit hand enjoy !

So me and Paradigm have been having a quick back and forth with ideas of units heroes and other bits and bobs to get us started, eventually I would like to have scenarios as well as a full army list for everyone to play with and enjoy !
We are aiming for something of an army that is different from that of Gondor and Rohan in play style and unit types.

To start off with we discussed having a Royal Body guard unit which would have the rough statline as follows.

Kings bodyguard:
5 3 4 1 1 4 or 5 ?

Options would be: Shield 1pt
Lance 1 pt
Armoured horse / Horse (maybe both ?)
Banner 30 points ?

They would also have the bodyguard rule, but is there a possibility of having them gain a bonus of some sort when within so many incehs of Elendil or Isildur ?
We decided the base defence of 4 would be a good base as in the film, when Isildu is ambushed, you can clearly see normal warriors of Numenor on horseback in their usual armour, we assumed this would have been his personal body guard ?

Next up would be an addition option for Elendil,

If Elendil is in your army, you can upgrade the Kings bodyguard with Heavy Armour for 1 pt per model, ( This is to reperesent having a more elite bodyguard for the great king of the Numenorians)

Next up was Elendils second Son, Anarion. We based his base stats for that similar of Faramir,

6 4 6 2 2 5 3 2 2

Options: Shield

We checked his background and it was rather lacking in detail but it did mention he fought quite a bit in Ithillien, so a possible woodland creature special rule ? There is obviously more we can do with this character yet.

Next up was a mid tier hero, better than a cpatain but not as good as the main heavy hitters,

Somethign along the lines of this.

Knight hero (needs a name):
5 4 5/6 2 2 4/5 2 1 1

Options: Lance
Different weapons, possibly a two handed one ?

For the current Warriors of Numenor we thought replacing the normal bow option with a Steel Bow option (long bow) would repressent their superior bow crafting skills compared to that of the ordinary man. Their 4+ to hit would still leave them short of the elven skill with a bow.
Would there also be a possiblity of offering a 2 handed weapon choice also ??

Finally we thought a more heavly armoured unit that would offer the Numenor army something extra to play with or maybe even lightly armoured. This is obviously somerthing that needs everyone chipping in ideas for what could possibly give the army a new dynamic to play with.

So far that's everything we got, I decided it was ready for the community to start offering suggestions and feedback for us to get going.

once we have more final choices and decissions I will make up a PDF for downlaod and we can go from there !

Thanks for looking
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 11:16 am 

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So this morning I have been reading up on the history of the Numenorians and it was apparent they are excellent Sea men. So would there be a possible corsair like profile to make to represent the crew of their fleets ?

Is there anything else that would be a decent additional to the army ? Any special rules or hero poasibilties, maybe some extra equipment options for the exiting warrior ?

It would be good to know what past discussions have talked about as maybe they could help add some more depth to the proposed rules.

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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:04 pm 

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It depends on if you're trying to make them lore accurate, in which case the profile of the warrior needs to be re done, or are you trying to keep them at their same level of power but add variety?
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 4:49 pm 

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As of current I'm wanting to do both, I'm wanting to add variety but keep them reasonably accurate to the lore. The aim was to expand the current Numenor army, making new units. Possibly replacing weapon choices , for example replacing their normal bow option to a long bow.

I'm wanting to get a discussion going of ideas of what people would like to see from the Numenor army, play testing and creating some good balanced rules :)
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 1:08 am 
Elven Warrior
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Okay first of you should look at the unfinished tales they talk about the Numenor army a bit. Secondly according to the unfinished tales Numenorians were a people that came from the sea and as such they did not make use of cavalry heavy or other wise. They had horsemen in there army but these were humans from middle earth that they hired or were allied with. Think along the lines of Rome or Carthage, they had a lot deferent peoples fighting together in one army. Thirdly the Numenorians used the term knights to refer to fully train and tested heavy infantry(like thanes) not mounted soilders.

Now as far as I can figure, in terms of lore based additions you could make to the existing list, you can add Anarion at about or just below his brothers level but with less fate. Anarion's sons and Isildor's sons that fought in the war at around or above Captain level. Then add a knight unit with more fight, more strength, more courage, and heavy armor. Add the option to take the steel bow or two handed weapon as well as a spear and shield too. Lastly through in a household soldier/guard(kings guard of sorts) that's fight 5 with super heavy armor, a spear and a courage reroll or something if within 12 inch of the army leader. Oh and you could add an upgrade to the knight or the household guard that gives him I don't know blades of westerness i.e. bane of kings vs orcs/goblins/Uruks/spirits.

You could further expand by stretching the army to include other allied humans that would be worse over all when compared to the numenorians themselves. But would bring some flexibility to the list(i.e. harad or mordor) with cavalry, skirmishers and so on.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 2:15 am 

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Hey Wan,

That some really useful information to go with, the bodyguard unit I suggested was the only cavalry unit I had planned on putting into the army. I had read somewhere that they were an army heavy on the infantry side. So this made the bodyguard a truly unique unit in what would be primarily an infantry heavy army. I must admit though I much prefer the household guard as a name, it feels much more Numenorean to me than kings body guard.

Do you think giving the household guard unit both just armour and heavy armour choices allows them to be used more flexible?
What are your thoughts on the general stay line that I put up for the bodyguard unit ?

Also I'm interested in the bane of Kings rule you speak of, what does this do ? Could it be possible that they gain this rule when within 12" of the army leader?

In my second post I have put a suggested stat line for Anarion, I've tried to put him as a mix of faramir and Isildur. Though I think the fate should be reduced to 1 as he bit the dust in the battle against Sauron when a rock fell on his head.
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 12:52 pm 
Elven Warrior
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For the household guard I'd go with something like this
F4/4+ S4 D5 A1 W1 C5
really heavy armor(+3defence)
I'm tempted to say just go with really heavy armor bass since they will almost always be getting it. You could also start them off at fight 5 I suppose but I would leave that to a special rule or upgrade or some sort. Like if they are within 12in of a given hero they get plus one to their fight. That way your opponent will be rewarded for being able to bring down one of those tuff heroes, to help keep things balanced.

Bane of kings is a rule used by some of the harad heroes that lets them rerolled all failed attempts to wound. So having it against a certain model would mean rerolling all failed wound against just that sort in particular Weather or not you could tie that to a heroes aura effect I don't know. I'd imagine if could work like a banner for wounding.

With Anarion I'd suggest giving him one less fate and one more will. He needs really heavy armor from the start thought to keep him in line with his brother and father.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2015 10:44 pm 

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These are really great ideas ! The Household Guard stats looks great and their options are good too, I think the suggestion of a rule to up their fight value when in range of certain heroes like Elendil and Isildur is just what is needed to make that unit unique.

I do think real heavy armour should be just kept to the heroes themselves I would think the best armour would be made for their Lords.

As for their Base points cost, what would you think is a balanced points cost ? I'm thinking a 9 to 10 Base point cost would be reasonable ?

I like the slight changes to Anarion, once we have the points costs roughly set up I'll be ready to get this into pdf format !
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 Post subject: Re: Numenor : Proposed Rules
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:15 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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The reason I think the guard should have really heavy armor is because the only other humans with it are the guards of the fountain court form the Gondor list. It would stand to reason that they inherited that armor from some other unit.

For the base point cost the price they should be going from the warriors is 11pts. Each stat upgrade is a point and so is the special rule. If we drop the option for them to take really heavy armor then they should just come with heavy armor from the start. So they would start a 12pts base. The war gear should include a lance as well I suppose since the heroes have one.

For there special rule though there are a number of other suitable one that could be use besides plus one to fight. They could reroll courage tests as long as a selected hero is alive on the field. They could use a selected heroes stand fast at any range. The could have blades of westerness build into there profile to start with or have resistant to magic from there armor. whatever they get I think they should only get one to keep the rules of becoming unwieldy.

They need a really good one though or no one would use them since the knights will need something like the same profile with one less courage, so they will be cheaper to field.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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