The One Ring

All-hero army
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Author:  largonien [ Mon Jan 18, 2016 11:37 am ]
Post subject:  All-hero army


Yesterday, I played a game with a friend. I wanted to try something different, so I chose an all-hero army : Aragorn (from Arnor), Legolas, Gimli, the twins (from Arnor) and Arwen (approximately 600 pts). My opponent played Gondor : Beregond, Damrod, some rangers and WoMT, GotFC, Citadel Guards, Gandalf the White and KoMT (we decided that Gandalf could lead Gondorian troops, in this case the Knights).

The scenario was "The High Ground", so I knew that I was in troubles before the game started ;)

I managed to kill Gandalf and some warriors but then I was surrounded and my heroes started to fall like flies, one after the other (the Twins, Arwen, then Aragorn). The game ended just after the death of Isildur's Heir so Gimli and Legolas survived (I suppose they will have been slain in a few more rounds).

So my question is : is there any tactic when playing that kind of army?
I deployed all the heroes in the same area (unfortunately, because Legolas could not fire more than a few turns, but I wanted Gimli in the fight quite fast...) and charged the core of the army (soldiers on foot) with Gimli and the twins, while Aragorn and Legolas waited for the KoMT to come. Arwen was between the two lines (waiting the right moment to cast her spell and disrupt lines or dismount cav).

Feel free to comment and give me advice (on the tactics, or the army composition).

[ And sorry for my bad English ;) ]

Author:  Shapore [ Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All-hero army

Well,actually a friend of mine played a match two days ago against another friend; the first was using a Galadhrim army (Treebeard,eagles+ several elves) the latter an all-hero army (apart for 4 morgul knights) made of mages only! He had Saruman, the Witch King on fellbeast, the Knight of Umbar and the Dwimmerlaik on horse. In the end, the continuous barrage of magic powers devastated the elves host, and the having the fellbeast charged right in the middle of the elven archers.... they couldn't do much :no:

Long story short, i actually had to think again about my idea that an all-hero army couldn't work properly. Pick up an all-nazguls+ saruman and you'll se.... (the opponent wasn't very skilled tho)

Author:  Galanur [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All-hero army

Its all a bout strategy

Author:  Clanswoman o Lamedon [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All-hero army

Heroes are heroes, not superheros, you field a strike force, not an 7 man army, treat them as such, strike hard, and fast, and don't linger in combat, kill their heroes, their banners, and their hard hitters, you need to be be clever, you can't just throw yourself at the enemy and expect a victory!

You might be able to slay 50 orcs with them, but you cannot kill a proper army, without an army of your own.

Moria: One troll, lots of goblin horde infantry, not hard at all.
Kaza-dum: One balrog, vs one wizard, both die.
Amon-Hen: Two captains, couple formations of infantry, one death, two captures.

From then on our heroes have armies backing them up.

Author:  Draugluin [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All-hero army

I had Raddy on Sleigh+Saruman on horse+Gandalf on Cart+Beorn and I absolutely annihilated an army of dwarves. The key is to Immobilise the threats, Blast a few holes in the enemy line and only fight favorable fights. Also Radagast on Sleigh is a combat monster. I think all hero armies really need magic to be any good.

Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All-hero army

Clanswoman o Lamedon wrote:
Heroes are heroes, not superheros, you field a strike force, not an 7 man army, treat them as such, strike hard, and fast, and don't linger in combat, kill their heroes, their banners, and their hard hitters, you need to be be clever, you can't just throw yourself at the enemy and expect a victory!

You might be able to slay 50 orcs with them, but you cannot kill a proper army, without an army of your own.

Moria: One troll, lots of goblin horde infantry, not hard at all.
Kaza-dum: One balrog, vs one wizard, both die.
Amon-Hen: Two captains, couple formations of infantry, one death, two captures.

From then on our heroes have armies backing them up.

A troll and a horde of goblins easy? You havent played a good goblin player. Any of his heroes other than Gimli is likely to die if surrounded in combat and trapped by 8 goblins with 16 attacks. Even if they need 6's.

The troll alone eliminates one of his heroes and blows might.

Balrog losing out to a wizard? Nope..... the Balrog has 10 will and resistant to magic. Any wizard would almost be out of his store if not completely out by the time the Balrog is out of his. And even then you probably cant kill it.

Author:  ketara [ Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: All-hero army

I suspect he might have been making movie references?

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