Hello guys (and girls),
long time no see, but I haven't been inactive. I've still been reading a lot silently, and done quite a bit of sculpting and painting, and I'll try and catch up with some of that.
First of all I sculpted an Uruk Berserker captain, I started last autumn and finished him a couple of weeks back. First up there's a WiP shot:
And then pictures of the finished model. Unfortunately I had problems with the baking of the BeeS Putty, the model cracked in some parts and one time the model seemed to "sweat", so there was a sort of putty juice which covered up the details of the chainmail.
And a size comparison with a GW berserker, he's a bit tall and the head a bit small, I know. I like the more realistic proportions though, what do you think?
Also, I am thinking of having him cast and sold with some more casts of my banner bearer. What do you guys think?Next up there's a new WiP of the elk conversion for Thranduil. I wasn't happy with the size and head of the original one, so I scraped it all off and started all over. Much happier now, just gotta do all the fur again...
Also I did a horse sculpt which I picked up again yesterday after what must have been two years. I was really happy with the armature but never got around to finishing it, so I cut the Milliput down and added BeeS Putty, here's the model after a day of being a busy bee (see what I did there?):
The front hoof is not done yet:
The eye on this one is already fixed, don't worry.
Aaand I bought some easterling Kataphrakts and started kitbashing them with the old metal versions. The left guy is supposed to represent the model for the captain once he has lost one life, that way I don't need to keep track of the wounds. Hard to see on the picture, but he's been hit by a dwarven bolt and also has a cape.
Alright, last project for now, I promise. Anybody following the blog of the skirmisher may know these, I painted a small troup of Haradrim/Mahud earlier this year. Click on the picture to see more.
Oh sorry, forgot a couple.
A small dwarven merchant cart:
There's a video on how to sculpt the wooden structure
And I also got a video of how to sculpt the face of an Ent/Groot here:
Alright, I apologise for the very long post, I'll try and update this space more regularly in the future. I'd love to hear some feedback from you guys though, especially what videos you'd like to see next and whether you'd be interested in a cast of the Uruk Berserker.
Best wishes,