Larry-Boy wrote:
He looks a little tanned. He was kinda paler in the movie, but thats fine too, he's just been getting more sun

P.S. He looks mean

Remember, this ISN'T Saruman from the movies. This is Saruman before his fall. I imagine he should look a bit different from the movie version, like, not as peely-waly (pale) because he hasn't taken to locking himself away in Isengard yet. Also, I don't want him to look like the GW version, hopefully, the robes will end up very white. Think Gandalf the White white. Or Daz white.
Anyway, not really been in the mood for painting this weekend. Maybe something to do with the fact that I still have 48 Elves to paint...
I did pick up a box of Warriors of the Last Alliance, just to almost finish the minis I need. Was all set to get them built up, but when I opened the box, lo and behold, damaged sprues. So, took a return trip to GW today to get them sorted. Now, only Radagast to get.
So, here's a few pics of what I've done so far.
Painted the Wargs for the Warg Riders, and almost ready to get the riders started.
Here's how the Good Heroes are coming along
and a little indulgence for myself. Took into consideration that by the time this is done, I've have a pretty substantial Dol Guldur army all painted up. Took a little look at LoMe (madness I know) and other than the Werewolf and Black Hearted Tree, which aren't out yet, I'll be able to field pretty much every model option, except the Catapult.
Modified it a little bit. Base is made from foamcard, double-sided carpet tape and plasticard. Just traced the shape from the Dragon's base. I cut off the locators for the wheels, because I figured that the base of the wheels didn't make for the best contact points, and that the Catapult looked a lot better firmly planted on the ground.
I already have some crew assembled anyway, but I'll probably try and get the Orcs for this done later today.