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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 7:37 pm 
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Larry-Boy wrote:
He looks a little tanned. He was kinda paler in the movie, but thats fine too, he's just been getting more sun :lol: .
P.S. He looks mean :?

Remember, this ISN'T Saruman from the movies. This is Saruman before his fall. I imagine he should look a bit different from the movie version, like, not as peely-waly (pale) because he hasn't taken to locking himself away in Isengard yet. Also, I don't want him to look like the GW version, hopefully, the robes will end up very white. Think Gandalf the White white. Or Daz white.


Anyway, not really been in the mood for painting this weekend. Maybe something to do with the fact that I still have 48 Elves to paint...

I did pick up a box of Warriors of the Last Alliance, just to almost finish the minis I need. Was all set to get them built up, but when I opened the box, lo and behold, damaged sprues. So, took a return trip to GW today to get them sorted. Now, only Radagast to get.

So, here's a few pics of what I've done so far.

Painted the Wargs for the Warg Riders, and almost ready to get the riders started.


Here's how the Good Heroes are coming along


and a little indulgence for myself. Took into consideration that by the time this is done, I've have a pretty substantial Dol Guldur army all painted up. Took a little look at LoMe (madness I know) and other than the Werewolf and Black Hearted Tree, which aren't out yet, I'll be able to field pretty much every model option, except the Catapult.



Modified it a little bit. Base is made from foamcard, double-sided carpet tape and plasticard. Just traced the shape from the Dragon's base. I cut off the locators for the wheels, because I figured that the base of the wheels didn't make for the best contact points, and that the Catapult looked a lot better firmly planted on the ground.

I already have some crew assembled anyway, but I'll probably try and get the Orcs for this done later today.


Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:20 pm 
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Nice job so far on these John...I really the color scheme of Cirdan and Erestor and Glorfindel are looking great as well! Keep up the good work on these! :D

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:53 pm 
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Whew, there's nothing like having loadsa Elves to paint to kick the enthusiasm out of a project...

Saying, that, not been a great week at work, and haven't really had the patience to paint when I've been getting home.

Still, have almost all the stuff assembled and primed, so hopefully I can manage to at least get all the bases done.

That would just leave 9 High Elves with spears and Radagast to be built and primed.

The end (of the building) is in sight.

If I get the bases all sorted, I'm planning on finishing the Warg Riders off to complete the Evil force, and Ill get a group shot or two of them.

Then it's back to Elves...


Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:03 pm 
Dark Lord of Moria
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Never leave what you hate the most to last...should have painted the elves first !!!

There are fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 10:33 pm 
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DurinsBane wrote:
Never leave what you hate the most to last...should have painted the elves first !!!

Well, I would have but

a) a lot of the Evil stuff was already done...

b) the rest of the Evil stuff was pretty much ready to be started...

c) I owned about 10 Elves before I started this...

I'm going to be breaking it up a bit by chopping and changing what I'm doing. I'll force myself to do a batch of Elves before I go back to the Warg Riders, then I'll do more Elves and maybe finish off the Catapult, even though it's not on the schedule, it is playable in a Dol Guldur list.

Also, retail therapy helps. I've ordered all the remaining EVIL minis I need for The Fall of Arnor and Khazad-Dum. Maybe it won't help when they arrive...

She is doing her head in. :P

Still, I've committed myself to this now. I WILL get it done, as of next week, start the new job, so I'll be spending a lot less time travelling, and less time working, so hopefully I can keep the ball rolling.

Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 8:28 pm 
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Remember, this ISN'T Saruman from the movies. This is Saruman before his fall. I imagine he should look a bit different from the movie version, like, not as peely-waly (pale) because he hasn't taken to locking himself away in Isengard yet. Also, I don't want him to look like the GW version, hopefully, the robes will end up very white. Think Gandalf the White white. Or Daz white.

Even during that time he wasn't the greatest guy. As soon as the istari landed on the shores of middle earth and Cirdian Gave Gandalf his Ring, Saruman was sour. As soon as the White council was established he locked himself in Orthanc.
Any way, are you buying all the models from all the supplements :shock: . You have alot of minis...
Still I like the whole generel idea of collecting a whole supplement. I'm going to try it this summer 8) .

I first moved to The last alliance. It doesn't work any more so I moved here, on may/20/08 :-p
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:33 pm 
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Larry-Boy wrote:
Still I like the whole generel idea of collecting a whole supplement. I'm going to try it this summer 8) .

me 2, probably will go tomorrow to GW and get scouring of the shire models, or maybe fotn, i made some scenery from fall of the necromancer, but it remains to be painted, all i would need is some models, i have 2 of each white council member, sauron necromancer, gandalf, radagast etc, would need some basic plastics through.

the 2nd set of the white council is for a conversion im doing after september for the next golden demon, im gunna spend on-and-off about 8 months painting them (while building the tower of orthanc and painting the rest of my urukhai) - gunna be a busy hobby year!!

"I gave you the chance of aiding me, willingly, but you have elected the way of pain" - Saruman
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:22 pm 
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Larry-Boy wrote:
Any way, are you buying all the models from all the supplements :shock: . You have alot of minis...

Yup, that's the plan. I haven't quite finished the full list off yet, still need to add the Scouring of the Shire, Siege of Gondor and Battle for Pelennor Fields minis, but it's 592 Good minis and 654 Evil minis so far...

Of course, so of it is silly numbers, like 3 Ringwraiths on Fellbeasts, 23 Knights of Minas Tirith... but a lot of the minis feature across most of the supplements, so I only need to paint up 50 Orcs, 50 WoMT...

As it stands just now, I have about 150 of the required Good minis and 376 of the Evil. That's not the full collection mind, I only need 32 Morannon Orcs for the scenarios, but I already have 72...

I don't think that the 3 missing books are going to add too many 'new' models to the list. Most of the stuff bar Hobbits is already covered somewhere.

Larry-Boy wrote:
Still I like the whole general idea of collecting a whole supplement. I'm going to try it this summer 8) .

Good for you!

I will warn you that it is a big commitment in time, concentration and also financially. Make sure that you pick a book where you will enjoy painting the vast majority of the minis. It is a very rewarding feeling as a hobbyist to see the forces coming together, and it also means that you get to paint a variety of different minis, and as an added bonus, you will end up with a spare force, just in case you want to introduce anyone into the game. Nothing helps garner interest quicker, than two painted forces duking it out on the table.


Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 11:05 am 
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I've decided to go with the Scouring of the Shire minis, cant get into town today unfortunately :(

"I gave you the chance of aiding me, willingly, but you have elected the way of pain" - Saruman
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:38 pm 
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gaarew wrote:
Make sure that you pick a book where you will enjoy painting the vast majority of the minis.
like a couple of boxes of wood elves? :wink:

Does that pupil look like it was done on MS Paint to you?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:41 pm 
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i'm not sure what ill get. I'm leaning towards The two towers journey supplement or FoTR. I don't have the book for either though :(

I first moved to The last alliance. It doesn't work any more so I moved here, on may/20/08 :-p
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:44 pm 
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Larry-Boy wrote:
i'm not sure what ill get. I'm leaning towards The two towers journey supplement or FoTR. I don't have the book for either though :(
i like the fellowship stuff. it is easy to get hold of the good models (the fellowship, 9 dunedain, gildor and arwen/glorfindel) and the evil models can be used with most armies (goblins, warg riders, uruk-hai scouts, balrog doesn't really fit, but he's the only one. cave trolls are useful and the wild warg chieftain is great) i actually own all of these models myself (although mostly by accident) i decided to finish it off a while ago.

Does that pupil look like it was done on MS Paint to you?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 7:07 pm 
Elven Warrior
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tirno.alyanorno wrote:
Larry-Boy wrote:
i'm not sure what ill get. I'm leaning towards The two towers journey supplement or FoTR. I don't have the book for either though :(
i like the fellowship stuff. it is easy to get hold of the good models (the fellowship, 9 dunedain, gildor and arwen/glorfindel) and the evil models can be used with most armies (goblins, warg riders, uruk-hai scouts, balrog doesn't really fit, but he's the only one. cave trolls are useful and the wild warg chieftain is great) i actually own all of these models myself (although mostly by accident) i decided to finish it off a while ago.

People, let's get back to dissing .. ehrm .. discussing the work that John is Churning out. :P
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 8:44 pm 
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Argh. I feel violated. My thread has been derailed.

That's my job...

thewhitewizard wrote:
I've decided to go with the Scouring of the Shire minis, cant get into town today unfortunately :(

Good luck. I hope you already have Lobelia...

tirno.alyanorno wrote:
gaarew wrote:
Make sure that you pick a book where you will enjoy painting the vast majority of the minis.
like a couple of boxes of wood elves? :wink:

It was one box of Wood Elves. And one box too many...

Larry-Boy wrote:
i'm not sure what ill get. I'm leaning towards The two towers journey supplement or FoTR. I don't have the book for either though :(

If anyone is planning on doing this, PM me and I will send them a copy of the XL sheets for whatever book. Then you can picture the enormity of the task.

Just picked up BfPf and SoG on ebay, so I'm only after SotS now.

tirno.alyanorno wrote:
i like the fellowship stuff. it is easy to get hold of the good models (the fellowship, 9 dunedain, gildor and arwen/glorfindel) and the evil models can be used with most armies (goblins, warg riders, uruk-hai scouts, balrog doesn't really fit, but he's the only one. cave trolls are useful and the wild warg chieftain is great) i actually own all of these models myself (although mostly by accident) i decided to finish it off a while ago.

If it's easy to get hold of Gildor, wanna point out how? You can't get him here anymore.

Joansean wrote:
People, let's get back to dissing .. ehrm .. discussing the work that John is Churning out. :P

At last, the voice of treason... errr reason.

Empty house tonight.

Well, just me, a lizard and 48 Elves...

Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 9:35 am 
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gaarew wrote:
Good luck. I hope you already have Lobelia...

If it's easy to get hold of Gildor, wanna point out how? You can't get him here anymore.

try and find the link between the two..i forgot about gildor. it used to be able to get him in defenders of the shire (or something). unfortunately they discontinued that nice little boxed set....though i don't really understand why..

Does that pupil look like it was done on MS Paint to you?
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:18 am 
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Nice models, me like a lot, I'm definately watching this thread.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:43 am 
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Ok, here's a little update. Finished assembling the High Elf Spearmen, so just waiting to get my hands on Radagast, as he's the last model I need.

Still to glue sand onto the bases and prime them, but here is a shot of what's still to be done.


That very handy mini holder is actually the packaging for a set of steak-knives. It's very handy because it holds 56 minis at a time.

Here's a few close ups too.

Erestor, Glorfindel and Elrond


Ciridan and Arwen


Warg Riders


and here is how the painting roster is looking now


It's great to see hat it is filling up. I know I've sloed down a bit since I started, but I still reckon that I can get this lot done by the end of the year.

Well, if it wasn't for those pesky Elves...

Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:51 am 
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Looks like everything is coming along very well so far! Great work with everything!

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:38 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Nice start mate, the heroes are looking just fine and your list is looking colourful. Now we need to inspire you to get these done ASAP! So come on John! Woop woop! You can do it! :P

Paint away...

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:57 am 

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hey i've been having a look over the whole article and have really enjoyed the read (especially gaarew's little comic one-liners). the painting is awesome congratulations. it has inspired me to start a dol guldur army :D:P.

i can't wait for some more updates, as i just love looking at well painted models...
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