The One Ring

Imrail's WIP topic.
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Author:  imrail [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Imrail's WIP topic.

I'm busy with a 1500 points wotr Gondor force, and I'm making some pictures this afternoon.

For now I have:
Warriors of Minas Tirith (6x) -> 150 pnt.
- Captain of Minas Tirith -> 50 pnt.
- Banner Bearer -> 35 pnt.

Minas Tirith Archers (6x) -> 180 pnt.
- Captain of Minas Tirith -> 50 pnt.
- Banner Bearer -> 35 pnt.

Minas Tirith Knights (5x) -> 125 Pnt.
- Captain of Minas Tirith -> 50 pnt.
- Banner Bearer -> 35 pnt.

Rangers of Gondor (5x) -> 150 pnt.

Men at Arms of Dol Amroth (1x) ->35 pnt.

Foot Knights of Dol Amroth (3x) -> 135 pnt.
- Banner Bearer -> 35 pnt.

Knights of Dol Amroth (4x) -> 200 pnt.
- Banner Bearer -> 35 pnt.

Gaurd of the Fountain Court (1x) -> 35 pnt.

Avenger Bolt Thrower (1x) -> 50 pnt.

Battlecry Trebuchet (1x) -> 100 pnt.

Clansmen of Lamedon (1x) -> 30 pnt.

Epic heroes;
Boromir Captain of the White Tower -> 175 pnt.
Aragorn, Isildur's heir -> 200 pnt.
Faramir -> 90 pnt.
Peregrin Took, Gaurd of the Citadel -> 75 pnt.
Prince Imrahil -> 125 pnt.
(no.. my name is not from this guy!)

Ent (1x) -> 125 pnt.
Gandalf the grey/white (1x) -> 200/300 pnt.

I have some unused miniatures;
- 1 captain of Minas Tirith, and 1 Banner of Minas Tirith so I can split the Warriors
- King of the Dead
- Denethor
- Halbarad

This is a grand total of 2555 points!
Hmm.. it seems I have my 1500 point army!
I want to add some Army of the dead and some more Clansmen.
But.. I have to do that later because: (see next post)

Author:  imrail [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 10:45 am ]
Post subject: 

I found a great deal on the internet.
But I don't know if I should make the deal.

The person on the internet sells:
24 Dwarf Rangers
24 Dwarf Warriors
8 Iron Gaurd
8 Khazad Gaurd
1 Dwarf Balista
2 Dwarf captains
2 Banner bearers
9 metal warriors
6 metal warriors
Book; Khazad-Dum

He sells this for a total of 58 euro's.
If I should buy this from Games Workshop it was around the.. 220 Euro's.

So.. what to do?

Author:  Hallpers [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Go for it. You'll have an army (at least a starter army) for a fraction of the price if you'd buy it later on from GW.

Author:  hero of gondor [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Nice to see another gondor army looking fort for some pictures.

Author:  imrail [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here is a picture of my whole army:

Here is a picture of Boromir, captain of the white tower:

And my Dol Amroth banner Bearer:


Axeman of Lossarnach:

And the last picture for now, a miniature painted by my girlfriend.
I did the eyes. Please be gentle with your comments ;)

Author:  king elessar 2615 [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 6:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow boromir's cloak sweeeet :-D

Author:  BilboOfTheWhiteTower [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lookin' good! :yay:

Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmmm, not bad. I agree with Elessar, the cloak is nice. My only criticism (meant in a constructive way) is that Boromir's hair looks kind It may just be the pic, but if not, it could stand to be a little more brown. The Axeman of Lossanarch is also good. The beard is the best part, in my opinion. Nice work! 8)

Author:  imrail [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like being critised. (sounds weird huh)

But that way I know what i can do better.
The pictures are a bit lighter, but perhaps I can fix boromir his hair :)

Thanks for the comments!

Author:  Longbottom Leaf [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think, Boromir's hair looks nice. Though, you're highlights are a bit sharp. Try watering down your paints more, this will help smooth out the transition between colors better. Keep up the good work. 8)

Author:  aelfwine [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Water down your paints a bit. Dab your brush on a tissue to remove excess water and paint as normal. The whole thing flows better and looks less chalky. (GW skintone paints can get quite granular looking, if you aren't careful).

Also, base your figures. The base is about 1/3rd of the visual reference of the finished piece. The eye will have something else to record when you base the figure, so any small flaws in the mini will be harder to spot, even by you, the person who painted it.


Author:  imrail [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

aelfwine wrote:
Water down your paints a bit. Dab your brush on a tissue to remove excess water and paint as normal. The whole thing flows better and looks less chalky. (GW skintone paints can get quite granular looking, if you aren't careful).

Also, base your figures. The base is about 1/3rd of the visual reference of the finished piece. The eye will have something else to record when you base the figure, so any small flaws in the mini will be harder to spot, even by you, the person who painted it.


I am basing my miniatures, but I'll reupload the pics with based mini's.

Author:  imrail [ Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

It has been to long before I updated this thread.

I have a couple of new projects.
First of all, an easterling army of 500 points.

I have;
2 boxsets of Easterling warriors
2 boxsets of Easterlings Kataphrakts
1 banner
2 captains
1 amdur

I'm painting a couple of easterlings, and I'll try to upload my pictures as soon as possible.

The next project, although not really started, is a small warband of Rohirrim. I'm going to buy 24 warriors and 6 riders, and some heroes.

Because of the lack of spears in an easterling box set, I'm thinking of converting 8 swordsmen to spearmen.

Author:  imrail [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

A small update on converting the easterlings,

I'm trying to convert one right now, I'm clipping the swords now, and I will drill a small hole in the Easterling his hand.

Then I will do a small pin in it.. and I do the sword head on it, so there is a new pikemen... I'll make some pictures if it works.

Author:  the director [ Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

i'm pretty interested in seeing how that works out as it's a conversion i'm keen to try with my easterling force (similar size but only 6 Kataphrakts and 1 captain)
let me know how it goes, your plan sounds solid

Author:  PowerofWill [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:00 am ]
Post subject: 

Can't wait to see some pics. I'm really curious as to how the spearmen conversions will turn out.

Author:  Hashut's Blessing [ Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 

The idea of swords on poles sounds like a good one and should fit in quite well since it will hopefully look something like a naginata.

Good idea ;) I always thought about converting mine, but was unsure of how to get decent spears, lol :P

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