The One Ring

Harad-ish paper/card buildings Updated 2010 Dec 6
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Author:  tsmpaul [ Fri May 28, 2010 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Harad-ish paper/card buildings Updated 2010 Dec 6

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UPDATE 2010 DEC 6th: Sorry, I don't have a file hosting place at the moment, so these buildings can't be downloaded. I'll fix that sometime though. I added a post further down in this thread, showing my latest change to my buildings. I now have stable roofs that can support metal minis without sagging. There's a picture, and I provided a link to a tutorial on doing it.
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I wasn't sure which forum to post this in. There was a request to make my Harad style buildings as a printable pdf for those interested, so I've made it available as a download. Just print walls out, cut/fold, and tape together to make buildings! Works best with thick paper (230 gsm or there abouts). Plain printer paper won't support figures on the rooftops, and most printers should handle printing thick printer paper.

A pic:

Author:  captain krak [ Fri May 28, 2010 11:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

nice stuff! This would probably be best in the terrain forum.

Author:  tsmpaul [ Fri May 28, 2010 11:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Can a moderator move this thread to the Terrain category? (Or is there a way for me to do it?)

Author:  imrail [ Sat May 29, 2010 5:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow that looks great, are their anymore of these kind of buildings?

Author:  tsmpaul [ Sat May 29, 2010 5:34 am ]
Post subject: 

imrail wrote:
are their anymore of these kind of buildings?

Those are the only Harad looking ones I've done so far, after looking at the pictures in the Harad sourcebook. I'm thinking of making some simple Gondor printable paper buildings next, and maybe some Rohan houses or something later on. They won't be anything majorly complex, but work well for quick and easy scenery.
A neat thing with paper is that if the roof is taped into place, then after using them, the tape can be slit with a craft knife and the rooftop removed, allowing the paper building to fold flat for storage.

Author:  imrail [ Sat May 29, 2010 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

tsmpaul wrote:
imrail wrote:
are their anymore of these kind of buildings?

Those are the only Harad looking ones I've done so far, after looking at the pictures in the Harad sourcebook. I'm thinking of making some simple Gondor printable paper buildings next, and maybe some Rohan houses or something later on. They won't be anything majorly complex, but work well for quick and easy scenery.
A neat thing with paper is that if the roof is taped into place, then after using them, the tape can be slit with a craft knife and the rooftop removed, allowing the paper building to fold flat for storage.

Someone give this man some gold coins (I run out of mine :( )
I hope to see some gondor buildings soon, your harad buildings look great, I have to cut them out now :).

Author:  garmenhord [ Sat May 29, 2010 2:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great idea - this certainly is handy for those who want to keep it cheap and it's probably a fast way to make it to. (Or at least for those who just have to print it out. :-D ) Really nice job on this , the buildings look great.

Author:  Highlordell [ Sat May 29, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great job, indeed you do deserve a coin, sadly I am out as well, but I look forward to using these in my games. 8)

Author:  tsmpaul [ Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Downloadable Harad-ish paper/card buildings


Hi guys, haven't been doing any LOTR scenery building for a while, but recently got out my paper harad buildings again. The first time around, the roofs - being thick paper stickytaped to the insides of the walls (so it could be removed, and the whole building folded flat for storage) it wasn't very stable, especially if metal minis were used. I've added a new step to my buildings now, that could be a handy idea for people doing other sorts of buildings as well.

I did a step by step tutorial on my blog at this entry:

Basically, cut out foam board to the shape of the roofs. Make small incisions below the roof line on the walls. Cut toothpicks into small pieces, and insert a bit of toothpick in each hole. Sit the foamboard inside the building, on top of the toothpicks. Put the print-out of the roof on top of the foamboard.

Instant stable paper building, supporting metal figures!

Sorry to anyone who's tried downloading the paper buildings to print them out, I don't have a hosting place at the moment for files, but I'll add a new link for getting the buildings at some stage, for anyone else who is interested in trying them out.

Here's a pic of an assembled building, with a bunch of metal minis on the roof - and no sagging walls or rooftops! I figure the toothpicks can be painted a darker wooden colour to make them look better as well. So easy to store! Just remove the roof and the toothpicks, fold flat, and put away!


Author:  garmenhord [ Mon Dec 06, 2010 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Harad-ish paper/card buildings Updated 2010 Dec 6

Looks good :) , i like the idea of the toothpicks. Ur models seem painted very well to. And the basing is fun, i like that u based the sides to :) .

Author:  Hexter [ Mon Dec 06, 2010 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Harad-ish paper/card buildings Updated 2010 Dec 6

Wow those buildings look really impressive and they sound quite practical too.

Nice Watchers of Karna,love the colour scheme.


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