The One Ring

Thorin's WIP: 01.03.14: Uruk-Hai and Galadriel
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Author:  Thorin [ Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Thorin's WIP: 01.03.14: Uruk-Hai and Galadriel

Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to the One Ring, had a good look around this site and now thought it'd be a good time to start a WIP thread.
Why? Easy one, I grabbed a rather large collection of LotR miniatures off ebay in February and right now I am busy getting them ready for the battlefield. If I ever find an opponent in my area. ;)
But oh well, time for a few pictures now. I am not at all a beginner in painting TT miniatures, but it is very hard for me to classify myself :?
Attention: This post is quite picture-heavy...

Here they are:
Starting off with Lurtz

Side View of this Evil Guy:

And his back:

Then, a generic Uruk-Hai:

Side View:

And his shield with the White Hand:

Finsishing this post, here are a few "true" WIP images of the Galadriel miniature I've painted today.


Close-Up of her face:

What do you think of these? Any tips, criticism, comments and opinions are greatly appreciated! :)

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin's WIP: 01.03.14: Uruk-Hai and Galadriel

Firstly a welcome to the site, I'm pleased you have joined us.
It certainly looks like you know how to hold a brush. Lurtz leatherwork looks great, nice use of drybrushing.
When it comes to Galadriel, the paint looks a bit thick, make sure you water it down to a milky consistency and don't overload your brush.
An Uruks clothing can be rough but you want a very smooth finish to the lady.

Author:  Thorin [ Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin's WIP: 01.03.14: Uruk-Hai and Galadriel

Thanks for the constructive criticsm and the welcome, Gandlaf :)

I've indeed used paints a bit too thick on Galadriel. I think she looks better now that I've reworked her cloth.

Side (this actually shows her "real-life" look best, I have a very unforgiving camera)

Then, another few Uruks including Uglúk:

"Hi ho, hi ho, home from work we go":

(I've painted the severed head Uglúk holds in the colours of the Orc he decapitates in the film)

Two Uruk-Hai berserkers I started painting today.

Finally, the Gundabad Orc General. I decided to paint him the way he's seen in the movie for about 2 seconds: Pale, dirty skin and Grey hair.



Lurtz leatherwork looks great, nice use of drybrushing.

You probably won't believe me, but Lurtz's leather hasn't been drybrushed :) Just a good basecoat followed by two different washes and careful accentuation.

Author:  mertaal [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin's WIP: 01.03.14: Uruk-Hai and Galadriel

They look great! I especially like the dark and dirty scheme you've chosen for the gundabad. Good luck finding an opponent. I have to say, painting and modelling is my first love in the hobby, but without the opportunity to play once in a while my motivation to do so would probably be much lower.

Thanks for posting your work. Keep it up! This is a great place for creative feedback.

Author:  Gandlaf the Grey [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Thorin's WIP: 01.03.14: Uruk-Hai and Galadriel

Galadriel looks so much better, well done.

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