The One Ring

Painting the Middle-Earth
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Author:  Altervision [ Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Painting the Middle-Earth

Hi! This is the first time I publish something here. I subscribed some time ago and now I decided to show some of my miniatures!
I'm painting some Uruk-hai and some Warriors of Rohan at the moment. Very soon I will receive some new models from LOTR and The Hobbit.

This is an Uruk-hai warrior I painted recently and I have to make the base. The only thing that I don't really like is the White Hand symbol, but I didn't want to repaint the shield, so I leaved it like that.
ImageUruk-hai - LOTR by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageUruk-hai - LOTR by Altervision, su Flickr

Then I painted this Warrior of Rohan and this time also the base. :-D
ImageRohan Warrior with spear F by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageRohan Warrior with spear R by Altervision, su Flickr

Author:  slinky [ Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Very nice - The weathering on the cloak and the nice blood splatter on the shield really add something!

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Fri Jan 12, 2018 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

I really like the blue armour of the uruk. It contrasts well with his skin.

Author:  metalface13 [ Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Really nice work

Author:  Altervision [ Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Thank you guys! Yesterday I worked on the bases of my models and I hope to finish today. I will probably post other pictures during the day.

Author:  Alhvar [ Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

I am curious what it is that you think is wrong with the White Hand symbol. It looks good to me. I imagine that is the way they are meant to look. I mean, it is not like Saruman had some sort of sigil he printed the armours with, right? The symbols were made by hand of the orcs themselves?

Author:  draked [ Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

For the Uruk-hai, I am a big fan of the blood splatter! I had the same situation as you on a similar model where I painted the white hand but immediately regretted it. I think yours is good, also the blood splatter makes the hand seem more hidden. Hair contrast looks great and the finish on the skin is nice. It's not my style but I admire it and want to try to achieve it on a few of my models.

For the Rohan model, the wood on the spear is mesmerizing! I have tried this effect in the past but my lighter lines are always too straight, yours almost make it seem as if he has an elven spear... if that makes any sense.

Author:  Altervision [ Sun Jan 14, 2018 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

I had to wait the moderator to approve my message and now I think I can post without waiting. :D

@slinky - Thank you! Making historical models helps a lot when you have to add weathering!
@GreatKhanArtist - Thank you! It was something new I wanted to try and I think that if you use the right color without exaggerating, you can achieve a good result.
@Alhvar - I think the hand it's a bit too big and too regular. Yes, I think the white hands are made by the orcs and I this is why they should not be regular like mine.
@draked - I'm glad you like the way I painted it. I paint all my miniatures this way since roughly two years. The process is the following: base color, wash, base color again leaving the wash in the recessses, 1 highlight and effects (blood, rust, oxyde...). For the wood on the spear I used size 0 brush and I slowly painted a line, then I turned the model and restarted painting in other way.

Yesterday I finished to paint two Berserkers and also the base for the Uruk warrior. I also tried to paint the base border with a light brown (XV-88) and I think it's a fantastic color for these purpose. Way better than black!

ImageSenza titolo by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageBerserker + Uruk-hai Warrior F - Isengard by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageBerserker 1F - Isengard by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageBerserker 1B - Isengard by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageBerserker 2F - Isengard by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageBerserker 2B - Isengard by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageUruk-hai Warrior F - Isengard by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageUruk-hai Warrior B - Isengard by Altervision, su Flickr

Author:  Alhvar [ Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Nice berserkers. And the overall impression of the uruk in the middle is much better after it has been properly based. Not that it was in any way bad before.

Altervision wrote:
@Alhvar - I think the hand it's a bit too big and too regular. Yes, I think the white hands are made by the orcs and I this is why they should not be regular like mine.

Hmm, maybe a troll lent its hand..? I would not worry too much about it.

Author:  PowerofWill [ Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

They all look good! I also really like the blood splatter, it's very well done. 8)
Keep it up!


Author:  Altervision [ Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Hi guys! thank you for your comments!
I'm painting some Goblins from the Escape from the Goblin Town set. This is the first one.
ImageGoblin Warrior F2 - The Hobbit by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageGoblin Warrior B1 - The Hobbit by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageGoblin Warrior F1 - The Hobbit by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageGoblin Warrior B2 - The Hobbit by Altervision, su Flickr

Author:  Qwertz8 [ Fri Feb 02, 2018 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Great work on the Uruks all around!
The goblin looks as nice as a goblin can look :wink: The purple wash (?) is a little too abrupt for my taste, the base is really amazing though 8)

Author:  Altervision [ Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Hi guys, finally I'm back! I have not painted for a while and 2-3 weeks ago I started painting again. I painted a Warrior of Rohan with sword and I nearly finished another Uruk-hai warrior (I will show this when it's completed). I paint also other stuff not related to LOTR/The Hobbit, so I will not update very often this post ahahah
ImageWarrior of Rohan with sword front by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageWarrior of Rohan with sword back by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageWarrior of Rohan with sword side by Altervision, su Flickr

Author:  Altervision [ Sun Apr 15, 2018 6:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Qwertz8 wrote:
Great work on the Uruks all around!
The goblin looks as nice as a goblin can look :wink: The purple wash (?) is a little too abrupt for my taste, the base is really amazing though 8)

Thank you and sorry for the late answer! I'm really happy you like the base. It was my first attempt at making something more advanced than the other bases.

Author:  Altervision [ Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Hi guys! In the last months I painted some new miniatures. I also worked on some other stuff not related to LOTR/The Hobbit.
I will put all the pictures in a spoiler.
Click to: Show
ImageUruk-hai warrior Front by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageUruk-hai warrior Side by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageUruk-hai warrior Back by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08920 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08922 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08926 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08928 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08929 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08927 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08917 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08916 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08915 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC08919 by Altervision, su Flickr

Author:  Drumstick [ Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Really good work. You certainly have some skill with a paintbrush. 8)

Author:  Cave Dragon [ Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth


Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Nov 03, 2018 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Somehow I missed your post with the goblin last year. I hope it's not too late to encourage you to keep going with both your boxed sets, you're doing a great job!

Author:  Stealer0327 [ Thu Nov 22, 2018 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Wow nice stuff you are handy with the old mk1 paint brush.

Author:  Altervision [ Wed Jul 31, 2019 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Painting the Middle-Earth

Hi guys, it's been a while since I published an update. I just stopped painting for a really long time. I needed a pause and I now I'm ready to start again!
I don't paint only LOTR/The Hobbti miniatures, so it's difficult to update this post frequently.
I know a lot of time has passed, but I want to thank
@Cave Dragon
for the support.

Today I can only show you Legolas from the set Heroes of the Helm's Deep. I hope to finish also another miniature (Lindir), but I'm having some problems with the base, because I made something different.

ImageDSC00114 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC00113 by Altervision, su Flickr
ImageDSC00112 by Altervision, su Flickr

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