The One Ring

Counters! Counters!
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Author:  Sticky Fingersss [ Mon May 14, 2012 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Counters! Counters!

I'm making some counters for my WW2 game. I will be using coins (Korean equivalent of 1 pence) as the base and then be painting on top. The bottom of the coins will indicate what the counter actually means, but I want the top to be more creative. This is the idea I have for now:

When Tanks/Planes get damaged-Fire using cotton with a dice placed on top to represent how many structure points are remaining.
Altitude Level for planes-Just grassy terrain, it will be placed next to the base anyways. A dice will be placed on top to represent the altitude, although I want something more creative, or should I just use some spare guns or some arms for gore?
Pivot Level for planes-Just grassy terrain, it will be placed next to the base anyways. A dice will be placed on top to represent it's turning capability, although I want something more creative, or should I just use some spare guns or some arms for gore?

What I can't think of:
Cannot move for infantry-Representing pinned down troops.
Cannot shoot for infantry-Representing pinned down troops
Cannot move for tanks-Should I use the same thing with the fire? Or use something like ripped up shrapnel as it will be placed on the actual tank.
Overheat-Representing heavy weapons, tanks and planes.
Cannot shoot for tanks-Should I use the same thing as the overheat? It's the same rule practically...


Author:  Telchar [ Mon May 14, 2012 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Counters! Counters!

Sticky Fingersss wrote:
I'm making some counters for my WW2 game. I will be using coins (Korean equivalent of 1 pence) as the base and then be painting on top. The bottom of the coins will indicate what the counter actually means, but I want the top to be more creative. This is the idea I have for now:

When Tanks/Planes get damaged-Fire using cotton with a dice placed on top to represent how many structure points are remaining.
Altitude Level for planes-Just grassy terrain, it will be placed next to the base anyways. A dice will be placed on top to represent the altitude, although I want something more creative, or should I just use some spare guns or some arms for gore? Or paint it to look like an altometer (or what are they called)
Pivot Level for planes-Just grassy terrain, it will be placed next to the base anyways. A dice will be placed on top to represent it's turning capability, although I want something more creative, or should I just use some spare guns or some arms for gore? A model of a plane in a smaller scale turning?

What I can't think of:
Cannot move for infantry-Representing pinned down troops.Infantry hiding behind cover or lying on their backs?
Cannot shoot for infantry-Representing pinned down troops
Cannot move for tanks-Should I use the same thing with the fire? Or use something like ripped up shrapnel as it will be placed on the actual tank.
Overheat-Representing heavy weapons, tanks and planes.Smoke?
Cannot shoot for tanks-Should I use the same thing as the overheat? It's the same rule practically...


Author:  Ice Queen [ Wed May 30, 2012 12:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Counters! Counters!

Recently I saw an interesting counter in an Impetus Samurai game for keeping track of the number of casualties. The counter was rectangular and had a dial attached. The top was decorated with a nicely painted casualty figure. For each casualty taken, he just dialed the number up. It was hero-click like. It was very aesthetically pleasing to not have markers cluttering up the battle field.

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