The One Ring

dead man's hand
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Author:  Goisil son of foili [ Sun May 18, 2014 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  dead man's hand

Hello all, so does anyone play this, I've just picked up a rules book and a couple of gangs.I like that skirmish style the wild west theme. And the models look nice. I'll post some pics of them once they hit the paint station.
So im just seeing if there
are any plays on here

Author:  Bofur The Dwarf [ Sun May 18, 2014 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dead man's hand

Future player here I believe. I'm currently planning on buying some. The miniatures don't look top notch to me, but saying that, they're some of the best Western minis out there now. It may just be the paint job though.

The rules from what I read on a review the other day sound good. Love Western stuff; and as I said, I'll be picking som up.

Author:  Dr Grant [ Mon May 19, 2014 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: dead man's hand

I'm really interested in it. I played a demo game at a game show last October and loved it, it's a really fun, simple rule-set and a wonderfully evocative and cinematic game.

I got the starter set for Christmas and spent the next week assembling the buildings, they were really good fun to put together (although the incredible detail means they do take a while) and I managed to get all bit one assembled. The scenery really does look absolutely spectacular, I love that it's pre-painted, made the whole thing more accessible for me. I've got 2 gangs waiting for the brush, as is so often the way though, SBG has been pushing my other gaming projects out of the window. Who knows, maybe after my current Battle of Five Armies theme is finished I'll be able to devote a few weeks to getting the gangs painted up.

Here's a pic of the scenery I managed to get assembled at the time, all the doors open and the roofs and second floors lift off so you can place models inside - it's hella-cool!


Really couldn't recommend it enough, the card system is brilliant and the production values are first rate.

Author:  sarge [ Mon May 19, 2014 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: dead man's hand

I have played a couple of demo games of this, it was ok and fairly cinematic.....but I'm still very keen on 'the rules with no name' which was put out by wargames foundry, and still available I think.

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