[h2][center]White Dwarf 364 April 2010[/center][/h2]

Lord of the Rings
WOTR Rohan Tactica.
Painting a Rohan Army.
Warhammer 40,000
New Releases: Blood Angels and Imperial Terrain.
Details on the new Blood Angels Codex and Miniatures (includes a page on painting Blood Angels).
Battle Report: Blood Angels v. Chaos Space Marines.
'Eavy Metal Masterclass: The Sanguinor.
Modelling Workshop: Converting and Posing Blood Angels.
Beastmen Tactica.
Constructing and using a ranged Warhammer army.
Battlefield Challenges: "Duel of Champions".
Army Masters: Vampire Counts army.
Old War Stories: Warhammer Campaign.
Standard Bearer: Uniforms and iconography.
Modelling Workshop: Statues.
Next Month
War of the Ring: Battlehosts Released.
Warhammer 40,000: Blood Angles History.
Warhammer: Orcs & Goblins.
[For more details see links below].