The One Ring

Is the GW hobby drill a good investment and how does it work
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Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:08 am ]
Post subject:  Is the GW hobby drill a good investment and how does it work

how do you operate the GW hobby drill and is it a good investment since its $15.00.

thanks for the insight

Lord of the rings hobby is the best on earth


Author:  Anduril Blade of Kings [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think there's an article on GW on how it's used. I wouldn't know personally, never used one. :?

Author:  Dagorlad [ Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:02 am ]
Post subject: 

The tools that GW produce are expensive, but they are pretty good quality and they all match each other, which is nice.

The hobby drill is also known as a 'pin vice' and is used for drilling tiny holes in something soft - like wood, pewter and plastic. You twist the drill back and forth with your fingers while applying gentle pressure on the end of it and you can make very precise holes with it for pinning multipart models or doing conversions or whatever.

I occasionally use mine for holding a model that I am painting or sculpting too.

This kind of tool is probably in my top ten of essential hobby tools so, if you can afford one, I recommend you get one. But be aware, you can find similar tools in most good hobby shops a bit cheaper than the GW version.

Author:  Feanorthenoldor [ Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:37 am ]
Post subject:  thanks

thanks guys
helped me a lot

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