The One Ring

Problems painting Balin's Tomb
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Author:  yggdrasil [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Problems painting Balin's Tomb

I'm on the last leg of my first terrain, but I'm really struggling with the drybrushing on such a large scale.


Basically, my grey is coming in really splotchy and uneven, and I'm not sure how to fix it.

I'm using an acrylic paint I bought at an art store, and it comes out of the tube fairly thick, which is how I've been using it. Would it be better to water it down a little before drybrushing?

Also, it's a little glossy right now, so maybe a coat of matt varnish will level out the colors a little?

At this point I'm considering going full grey and maybe do a black wash of the whole thing. Hopefully you guys have better ideas.

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems painting Balin's Tomb

The project looks very good so far.

I am going to suggest that you try a sponge.


My collection. They are way less expensive in the bath section of the Walmart than the art supply store


I started with a dry brush then added texture and different browns with the natural sponge. I use craft paint on terrain.


I like to use a large sponge so I can control the different colors. It is possible to make stamps and add paint texture too.



A sponge stamp and a foam board stamp.They are very easy to make.


I think sponges are the easiest of the stamps to master.

I hope this is helpful, The project looks very nice 8)

Author:  yggdrasil [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems painting Balin's Tomb

Thanks for the positive feedback and great advice! I never even thought of sponges, but I actually think they will give me exactly the effect I'm after.

Unfortunately I'm leaving for Christmas today and won't be able to work on it until after new years, but at least now I have a plan!

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Mon Dec 15, 2014 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems painting Balin's Tomb

This is a series of beginning videos for using and creating stamps from foam core. the second link is the best how too. The last link using the sponge.

Using a sponge for highlights is at 340

Your skill level is above this but I learned several things watching.
Happy Holidays

I added a new link. This is an example of how to texture with a hot glue gun.

Author:  GreatKhanArtist [ Sat Mar 07, 2015 1:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems painting Balin's Tomb

Use a bigger brush. Splotchiness is often caused from too much paint. To test if your brush is dry enough, wipe it across your palm. You should see colour only on the ridges. Never wet a drybrush in water before using. They are also stiffer than regular brushes. I use the cheapest brushes I can find, they are stiffer and make better drybrushes. Go back and forth faster with less pressure.

Drybrushing is meant to be messy. Always paint the details later!

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