The One Ring

What is the best material for the base/bottom of terrain?
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Author:  LordoftheBrownRing [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:18 am ]
Post subject:  What is the best material for the base/bottom of terrain?

For example....making a small section of things or a patch of tree line etc.....

I used materials before but once glued the flat part would bend. Or, I would have squared edges and thick ones that don't sit flush with the table. Any help?

Author:  Nevinsrip [ Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is the best material for the base/bottom of terrain

Got to Home Depot and buy a sheet of 1/8 inch MDF. You can get a small 2 x 2 foot piece to start with. It comes in full 4 x 8 sheets, but you should wait until you're comfortable working with it before buying a big sheet.

You gonna need 2 power tools. A jigsaw with a fine blade and a hand held sander with medium grit sandpaper. If you're serious about terrain, you cannot live without these tools. If finances are tight, try a second hand store or flea market. Shouldn't cost you more than 25 bucks for both.

OK, now hook up your tools OUTSIDE.
The MDF has a glossy side and a rough side.
Cut with the rough side down.

Draw some shapes on you MDF sheet with a black magic marker. Start simple. Draw an amoeba shape that will fit 2 or 3 trees on it. Now put on eye, ear and nose protection, and cut the shape out with the jigsaw.

Unplug the jigsaw.

Plug the sander in and proceed to sand the edges all around. Keep sanding until the edges are paper thin everywhere. This will take you all of 3 or 4 minutes. Be warned however, that dust will be everywhere. Which is why I said OUTSIDE, lest you better half take the jigsaw to you!!
Seriously, be prepared for a dust storm.

Once finished, you now have a perfect base for whatever you need to display
Two more things.
Use the rough side up. Things will attach better to the rougher side.
Second, rough up the glossy side with a rasp, file or just crisscross some razor blade cuts.
Just enough to break the tension.

Now spray paint it with any leftover spray paint you have lying around. This will tighten and seal the MDF and keep it from warping on you,
once you begin to glue things to the opposite side.

Take a look at some of the terrain pieces that I've posted here. You'll see
the end results.
Remember the WalMart black spray paint advice. LOL LOL.
In other news:
Kane on a tear...Isles 5-0-2 in last 7 games

Author:  Oldman Willow [ Wed Dec 09, 2015 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What is the best material for the base/bottom of terrain

Well said Nevinsrip I can not add a thing 8)

Author:  Mithaearon [ Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is the best material for the base/bottom of terrain

I wrote an article on basing options for terrain: Basing Options may be of some help.

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