In addition to my WotR House Rules (link:
viewtopic.php?f=88&t=22069), I've made some army lists for WotR, that I hope will make it more themed, and stop some broken combos being taken. I've also created new units to fill some armies. (see next post)
The rules follow the normal rules for army building, however the 25% allies rule is removed.
Instead, you may choose any army list under your chosen army's list of allies and include any Legendary Formations and/or Epic Heroes from this new army list. After you have chosen your Epic Hero(s) and/or Legendary Formation(s) you may choose any Common or Rare Formations.
- The degree of rarity applies to each army list individually, instead of across the whole army
e.g. if you include Floi and 3 companies Dwarf Archer Kinband you couldn't then include Cirdan of the Havens and a High Elf Cohort without including a common formation from the Grey Havens army listSome Epic Heroes/Legendary Formations are included in different army lists. Where this is the case, the Epic Hero/Legendary Formation may only be taken once per army.
Good:The Fellowship:
Epic Heroes:Gandalf the Grey
Gandalf the White
Boromir, Captain of the White Tower
Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir
Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel
Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood
Gimli, Son of Glóin
Legendary Formations:The Fellowship of the Ring
The Three Hunters
Allies:The Grey Company, Rivendell, The Grey Havens, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, Minas Tirith, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wild Men of Drúadan, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards, the Eagles and the Guardians of the Carrock.
Epic Heroes:Arvedui, King of Arnor
Malbeth the Seer
Commander of Arnor
Legendary Formations:Royal Guard of Arnor
Common Formations:Warriors of Arnor
Rangers of Arnor
Hobbit Archer Militia
Allies:Rivendell, The Grey Havens, Minas Tirith and Khazad-dûm.
The Grey Company:
Epic Heroes:Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir
Legendary Formations:The Grey Company
The Dúnedain of Arnor
Common Formations:Rangers of Arnor
Allies:The Fellowship, Rivendell, The Grey Havens, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, Minas Tirith, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards, the Eagles and the Guardians of the Carrock.
The Shire:
Epic Heroes:Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir
Gandalf the Grey
Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel
Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan
Dúnedain Ranger
Legendary Formations:Tom Bombadil
Common Formations:Hobbit Militia
Hobbit Archer Militia
Allies:The Shire may not ally.
Epic Heroes:Elrond, Master of Rivendell
Arwen Evenstar
High Elf Marshall
Legendary Formations:Rivendell Guard
Glorfindel, Lord of the West
Common Formations:High Elf Regiment
High Elf Archer Regiment
Rare Formations:High Elf Cohort
Allies:The Fellowship, Arnor, the Grey Company, the Grey Havens, Lothlorien, Mirkwood, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, Minas Tirith, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards, the Eagles, the Guardians of the Carrock and the White Council.
The Grey Havens:
Epic Heroes:Cirdan of the Havens
High Elf Marshall
Common Formations:High Elf Regiment
High Elf Archer Regiment
Rare Formations:High Elf Cohort
Guardians of the Havens
Allies:The Fellowship, Arnor, the Grey Company, Rivendell, Eregion, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, Minas Tirith, the Army of the High King, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, Khazad-dûm, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards, the Eagles and the White Council.
Epic Heroes:Elrond, Master of Rivendell
Gil-Galad, High King of the Elves
High Elf Marshall
Legendary Formations:Rivendell Guard
Common Formations:High Elf Regiment
High Elf Archer Regiment
Rare Formations:High Elf Cohort
High Elf Knights
Allies:The Grey Havens, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, the Army of the High King and Durin’s Folk.
Epic Heroes:Galadriel, Lady of Lothlórien
Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlórien
Celeborn, Lord of Lothlórien
Haldir, Guardian of Lórien
Elf Marshall
Legendary Formations:Guardians of Calas Galadhon
Haldir’s Elves
Common Formations:Galadhrim Regiment
Galadrim Archer Regiment
Wood Elf Warband
Rare Formations:Galadhrim Knight Regiment
Guards of the Galadhrim Court
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Rivendell, The Grey Havens, Eregion, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, the Host of the Hammerhand, Théoden’s Riders, Minas Tirith, the Army of the High King, Durin’s Folk, Khazad-dûm, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles.
Epic Heroes:Thranduil, King of Mirkwood
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood
Elf Marshall
Common Formations:Wood Elf Warband
Mirkwood Stalkers
Rare Formations:Mirkwood Sentinels
Allies:The Fellowship, The Grey Company, Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Eregion, Lothlórien, The Forest of Fangorn, the Riders of Eorl, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Army of the High King, Erebor, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards, the Eagles and the Guardians of the Carrock.
The Forest of Fangorn:
Legendary Formations:Treebeard
Common Formations:Ent
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, The Grey Havens, Eregion, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, the Host of the Hammerhand, Théoden’s Riders, Minas Tirith, the Army of the High King, Durin’s Folk, Khazad-dûm, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles.
The Riders of Eorl:
Epic Heroes:Eorl the Young
Commander of Rohan
Legendary Formations:Eorl’s Knights
Common Formations:Riders of Rohan Éored
Royal Knights
Outrider Éored
Rare Formations:The Sons of Eorl
Allies:Thranduil’s Halls and Minas Tirith.
The Host of the Hammerhand:
Epic Heroes:Helm Hammerhand
Commander of Rohan
Legendary Formations:Helm’s Guard
Knights of Helm’s Deep
Common Formations:Riders of Rohan Éored
Royal Knights
Oathsworn Militia
Oathsworn Bowmen
Outrider Éored
Rohan Royal Guard
Rare Formations:The Sons of Eorl
Allies:Lothlórien, Minas Tirith and Durin’s Folk.
Théoden’s Riders:
Epic Heroes:Théoden, King of Rohan
Éomer, Marshall of the Riddermark
Éowyn, Shield-Maiden of Rohan
Erkenbrand, Captain of the Westfold
Théodred, Prince of Rohan
Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan
Déorwine, Captain of the Royal Guard
Commander of Rohan
Legendary Formations:The King’s Guard
Erkenbrand’s Riders
Théodred’s Knights
Grimbold’s Helmingas
Elfhelm’s Riders
Common Formations:Riders of Rohan Éored
Royal Knights
Oathsworn Militia
Oathsworn Bowmen
Outrider Éored
Rohan Royal Guard
Rare Formations:The Sons of Eorl
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Lothlórien, The Forest of Fangorn, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, the Wild Men of Drúadan, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles.
The White Tower:
Epic Heroes:Boromir, Captain of the White Tower
Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir
Peregrin Took, Guard of the Citadel
Commander of Minas Tirith
Legendary Formations:Denethor’s Guard
Warden’s of the Keys
Common Formations:Minas Tirith Warriors
Minas Tirith Archers
Minas Tirith Knights
Citadel Guards
Rare Formations:Guards of the Fountain Court
Avenger Bolt Thrower
Battlecry Trebuchet
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Théoden’s Riders, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wild Men of Drúadan, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles.
Minas Tirith:
Epic Heroes:King of Gondor
Steward of Gondor
Commander of Minas Tirith
Legendary Formations:Guards of the King
Common Formations:Minas Tirith Warriors
Minas Tirith Archers
Minas Tirith Knights
Rangers of Gondor
Citadel Guards
Rare Formations:Guards of the Fountain Court
Battlecry Trebuchet
Allies:The Fellowship, Arnor, Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Lothlórien, The Forest of Fangorn, the Riders of Eorl, the Host of the Hammerhand, Erebor, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles.
The Fiefdoms of Gondor:
Epic Heroes:Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth
Forlong the Fat
Angbor the Fearless
Commander of Dol Amroth
Legendary Formations:Blackroot Vale Archers
Common Formations:Rangers of Gondor
Men-at-Arms of Dol Amroth
Foot Knights of Dol Amroth
Knights of Dol Amroth
Rare Formations:Axemen of Lossarnach
Clansmen of Lamedon
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles
The Army of the High King:
Epic Heroes:High King Elendil
Commander of Númenor
Legendary Formations:Knights of Númenor
Common Formations:Númenórean Warriors
Númenórean Archers
Rare Formations:Rangers of Númenor
Allies:The Grey Havens, Eregion, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn and Durin’s Folk.
The Rangers of Ithilien:
Epic Heroes:Faramir
Commander of Minas Tirith
Legendary Formations:Rangers of Ithilien
Osgiliath Veterans
Common Formations:Minas Tirith Warriors
Minas Tirith Archers
Rangers of Gondor
Citadel Guards
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Mirkwood, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, Erebor, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles.
The Dead of Dunharrow:
Epic Heroes:Aragorn, Isildur’s Heir
Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood
Gimli, son of Glóin
The King of the Dead
Legendary Formations:
The Grey Company
The Three Hunters
Court of the Dead King
Common Formations:Warriors of the Dead
Rare Formations:Riders of the Dead
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, the Wanderers in the Wild and the Wizards
The Dead Walk Again:Any Epic Hero from this army list may join formations of Warriors of the Dead and Riders of the Dead. Aragorn may also join the Court of the Dead King.
Durin’s Folk:
Epic Heroes:Dwarf King
Dwarf Marshall
Múrin and Drár
Legendary Formations:Múrin’s Guard
Drár’s Hunters
Common Formations:Dwarf Warrior Kinband
Dwarf Archer Kinband
Dwarf Ranger Kinband
Rare Formations:Khâzad Guard Kinband
Dwarf Ballista
Ered Luin Rangers
King’s Champion
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Eregion, Lothlórien, the Host of the Hammerhand, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, the Army of the High King, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards, the Eagles and the Guardians of Carrock.
Epic Heroes:Durin, King of Khâzad-Dum
Mardin, Protector of Durin
Dwarf Marshall
Flói Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria
Legendary Formations:Durin’s Guard
Common Formations:Dwarf Warrior Kinband
Dwarf Archer Kinband
Dwarf Ranger Kinband
Rare Formations:Khâzad Guard Kinband
Iron Guard Kinband
Vault Warden Kinband
Dwarf Ballista
Iron Guard Ancients
King’s Champion
Allies:Arnor, Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Lothlórien and The Forest of Fangorn.
Epic Heroes:Dáin Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain
Balin, Lord of Moria
Gimli, Son of Glóin
Múrin’s Guard
Drár’s Hunters
Dwarf Marshall
Múrin and Drár
Legendary Formations:Múrin’s Guard
Drár’s Hunters
Common Formations:Dwarf Warrior Kinband
Dwarf Archer Kinband
Dwarf Ranger Kinband
Rare Formations:Khâzad Guard Kinband
Iron Guard Kinband
Dwarf Ballista
Moria Expeditionaries
King’s Champion
Allies:The Fellowship, Rivendell, Mirkwood, the White Tower, Minas Tirith, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards, the Eagles and the Guardians of the Carrock.
The Wild Men of Drúadan:
Legendary Formations:Woses Warband
Allies:The Fellowship, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower and the Wizards.
The Wanderers in the Wild:
Epic Heroes:Múrin and Drár
Legendary Formations:Gildor’s Household
Glorfindel, Lord of the West
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, Minas Tirith, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wizards and the Guardians of the Carrock.
The Wizards:
Epic Heroes:Saruman the White
Gandalf the Grey
Gandalf the White (may not be taken alongside Saruman)
Radagast the Brown
Legendary Formations:The Council of Wizardry
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, Minas Tirith, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Dead of Dunharrow, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wild Men of Drúadan, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Eagles and the Guardians of the Carrock.
The Eagles:
Legendary Formations:Gwaihir
Common Formations:Great Eagle
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, The Forest of Fangorn, Théoden’s Riders, the White Tower, Minas Tirith, the Rangers of Ithilien, the Fiefdoms of Gondor, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wizards and the Guardians of the Carrock.
The Guardians of the Carrock:
Legendary Formations:Wardens of the Carrock
Allies:The Fellowship, the Grey Company, Rivendell, Mirkwood, Durin’s Folk, Erebor, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Eagles.
The White Council:
Epic Heroes:Elrond, Master of Rivendell
Galadriel, Protectress of Lothlórien
Gandalf the Grey
Saruman the White
Legendary Formations:The White Council
Allies:Rivendell, the Grey Havens, Lothlórien, Mirkwood, the Wanderers in the Wild, the Wizards and the Guardians of the Carrock.
Evil:The Misty Mountains:
Epic Heroes:Durbûrz, Goblin King of Moria
Drûzhag, the Beastcaller
Moria Goblin Driver
Common Formations:Moria Goblin Warband
Moria Prowler Warband
Cloud of Bats
Rare Formations:Cave Troll
Gundabad Blackshields
Allies:Angmar, Dunland, the Scouts of Isengard, the Shadow of Dol Guldur, Barad-dûr, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgûl.
Epic Heroes:The Witch-King of Angmar
Drûzhag, the Beastcaller
Great Warg
Legendary Formations:Gûlavhar, the Terror of Arnor
Common Formations:Warg Pack
Ghostly Legion
Ghostly Riders
Spectral Host
Carn Dûm Warband
Angmar Orc Warband
Rare Formations:Court of Fallen Kings
Werewolf Pack
Cave Troll
Allies:The Misty Mountains, the Dwellers Below, Dunland, Barad-dûr, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgûl.
The Dwellers Below:
Epic Heroes:Drûzhag, the Beastcaller
Moria Goblin Driver
Great Warg
Common Formations:Moria Goblin Warband
Warg Pack
Giant Spider Brood
Cloud of Bats
Rare Formations:Cave Troll
Gundabad Blackshields
Allies:Angmar, Dunland, the Black Gate of Mordor, Minas Morgul, Barad-dûr, Rhûn and Khand, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgûl.
The Scouts of Isengard:
Epic Heroes:Lurtz
Uruk-Hai Marshall
Legendary Formations:
Uglûk’s Raiders
Vrashkû’s Talons
Sharku’s Hunters
Mauhúr’s Marauders
Common Formations:Uruk-Hai Scout Warband
Isengard Orc Warband (1 per Legendary Formation or Epic Hero)
Rare Formations:Feral Uruk-Hai
Warg Rider Warband
Wild Men of Dunland
Allies:The Misty Mountains, the Army of the White Wizard, Dunland, the Shadow of Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, and the Nazgûl.
The Army of the White Wizard:Epic Heroes:Saruman the White Hand
Gríma Wormtongue
Uruk-Hai Marshall
Common Formations:Uruk-Hai Phalanx
Uruk-Hai Warband
Uruk-Hai Scout Warband
Rare Formations:Isengard Orc Warband
Uruk-Hai Sappers
Uruk-Hai Berserker Warband
Isengard Troll
Isengard Troll Captain
Isengard Battering Ram
Isengard Assault Ballista
Allies:The Scouts of Isengard, Dunland and the Nazgûl.
Epic Heroes:Thrydan Wolfsbane
Legendary Formations:Royalblood Hurscals
Common Formations:Dunlending Hurscals
Wild Men of Dunland
Warg Pack
Rare Formations:Dunlending Horsemen
Isengard Orc Warband
Sharkey’s Ruffians (0-1)
Allies:The Dwellers Below, Angmar, the Scouts of Isengard, the Army of the White Hand, and the Nazgul.
The Ravagers of the Shire:
Epic Heroes:Sharkey
Common Formations:Sharkey’s Ruffians
Isengard Orc Warband
Rare Formations:Wild Men of Dunland
Warg Pack
Allies:The Ravagers of the Shire may not ally.
Cirith Ungol:Epic Heroes:Orc Overlord
Gorbag and Shagrat
Legendary Formations:Shagrat’s Tower Guard
Gorbag’s Morgul Rats
Shelob (may not be the army leader)
Common Formations:Mordor Orc Warband
Orc Tracker Warband
Warg Rider Warband
Mordor Uruk-Hai Warband
Rare Formations:Mordor Troll
Mordor Troll Drummer
Black Guard of Barad-dûr
War Catapult Battery
Siege Bow Battery
Allies:The Black Gate of Mordor, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
The Black Gate of Mordor:
Epic Heroes:The Mouth of Sauron
Orc Overlord
Legendary Formation:Troll Chieftain of the Black Gate
Guards of the Black Gate
Common Formations:Morannon Orc Warband
Orc Tracker Warband
Mordor Uruk-Hai Warband
Rare Formations:Mordor Troll
Mordor Troll Drummer
Mordor Troll Chieftain
Black Guard of Barad-dûr
Allies:The Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
The Shadow of Dol Guldur:
Epic Heroes:Khamûl the Easterling
0-2 Ringwraiths (they may be; the Undying and/or the Tainted)
Orc Overlord
Legendary Formations:The Necromancer of Dol Guldur
Castellans of Dol Guldur
Common Formations:Mordor Orc Warband
Warg Pack
Giant Spider Brood
Cloud of Bats
Rare Formations:Mordor Troll
Mordor Troll Drummer
Black Guard of Barad-dûr
War Catapult Battery
Spider Queen
Spider Broodling Swarm
Werewolf Pack
Allies:The Dwellers Below, the Scouts of Isengard, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
Minas Morgul:
Epic Heroes:Gothmog, Castellan of Minas Morgul
Kârdush the Firecaller
Orc Overlord
Legendary Formations:Grishnákh’s Trackers
Winged Nazgûl – The Witch-King of Angmar
Common Formations:Mordor Orc Warband
Orc Tracker Warband
Black Númenórean Regiment
Rare Formations:Spectral Host
Morgul Stalker Warband
War Catapult Battery
Mordor Battering Ram
Morgul Knight Regiment
Allies:The Dwellers Below, the Scouts of Isengard, Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate of Mordor, the Shadow of Dol Guldur, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Harad and Umbar, the Mahud of Far Harad, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
Epic Heroes:The Mouth of Sauron
Kârdush the Firecaller
Orc Overlord
Legendary Formations:Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor
Common Formations:Mordor Orc Warband
Morannon Orc Warband
Orc Tracker Warband
Warg Rider Warband
Rare Formations:Black Guard of Barad-dûr
War Catapult Battery
Siege Bow Battery
Mordor Battering Ram
Allies:The Misty Mountains, Angmar, the Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate of Mordor, the Shadow of Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Rhun and Khand, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
Rhûn and Khand:
Epic Heroes:Khamûl the Easterling
Amdûr, Lord of Blades
Legendary Formations:The Dragon Guard
Khandish King
Common Formations:Khandish Mercenary Warband
Khandish Mercenary Raiders
Easterling Cohort
Easterling Archer Cohort
Easterling Kataphrakt Cohort
Rare Formations:Khandish Charioteer (may not have Khandish King upgrade)
Allies:The Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate of Mordor, the Shadow of Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
Horde of the Serpent Lord:
Epic Heroes:Suludân, the Serpent Lord
Haradrim Overseer
Legendary Formation:Abrakhân Guard
Spear’s of the Serpent
Common Formations:Haradrim Warband
Haradrim Raider Warband
Serpent Guard Warband
Serpent Rider Warband
Rare Formations:Watcher Warband
War Mûmak of Harad
Allies:The Dwellers Below, the Black Gate of Mordor, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Harad and Umbar, the Mahud of Far Harad, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
Harad and Umbar:
Epic Heroes:Haradrim King
Dalamyr, Fleetmaster of Umbar
Queen Berúthiel
Haradrim Overseer
Legendary Formations:Abrakhân Guard
Common Formations:Haradrim Warband
Haradrim Raider Warband
Corsair Raiding Party
Rare Formations:Watcher Warband
War Mûmak of Harad
Corsair Arbalesters
Allies:The Misty Mountains, Angmar, the Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate of Mordor, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Horde of the Serpent Lord, the Mahud of Far Harad, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
The Mahûd of Far Harad:
Epic Heroes:The Mahûd King
Legendary Formations:The Beastmaster’s Mûmak
Mahûd Guard
Common Formations:Mahûd Warband
Mahûd Raider Warband
Rare Formations:Half Troll Warband
War Mûmak of Harad
War Mûmak of Far Harad
Allies:The Black Gate of Mordor, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Harad and Umbar, the Monsters in Middle Earth and the Nazgul.
The Monsters in Middle Earth:
Rare Formations:The Balrog of Morgoth
Dragon of Ancient Times
Stone Giant
Cave Drake
Allies:The Misty Mountains, Angmar, the Dwellers Below, Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate of Mordor, the Shadow of Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Harad and Umbar, the Mahud of Far Harad and the Nazgul.
Creatures of Darkness:Any formation chosen from this army list counts as a part of your original army list. E.g. if you take a Dragon of Ancient Times, and your main army list is the Mines of Moria, the Dragon counts a part of the Mines of Moria, and thus a common formation from the Mines of Moria must be taken for the Dragon to be used.
The Nazgul:
Epic Heroes:The Ringwraiths
Legendary Formations:Winged Nazgul
Twilight Ringwraiths
The Nine are Abroad
Allies:The Misty Mountains, Angmar, the Dwellers Below, the Scouts of Isengard, the Army of the White Hand, Dunland, Cirith Ungol, the Black Gate of Mordor, the Shadow of Dol Guldur, Minas Morgul, Barad-dur, Rhun and Khand, Horde of the Serpent Lord, Harad and Umbar, the Mahud of Far Harad and the Monsters in Middle Earth.
This was a word document previously, I've just copy and pasted it from there. If you want the word document, just pm me and I'll send it to you
Some army lists may change.
Comments and criticisms welcome
