The One Ring

Sauron army ?
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Author:  Keithandor [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Sauron army ?

Hi all
I just picked up the Sauron model in a deal on ebay and my son is keen to use him in his Mordor army.
Anyone tried him out in a game yet ?

Author:  Phantom_Lord [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

are we talking SBG or WOTR?

Author:  Keithandor [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Have I posteed in the wrong forum ? This is the right one for WOTR ?
Anyway I'm talking WOTR.

Author:  garmenhord [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Keithandor wrote:
Have I posteed in the wrong forum ? This is the right one for WOTR ?
Anyway I'm talking WOTR.

Forum Index > the war of the ring
That's what standing there ..

Author:  Keithio the Green [ Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

In WOTR Sauron can be extremely useful in the hands of a player who knows how to use to his full effectiveness, otherwise he is not worth his points.

The only problem with Sauron is that good heroes with a fight of 6 or more (of which there are plenty) can easily take him out in a duel if they roll a rampage result on the heroic duel table, since he is a monster and a hero so would suffer 2D3 automatic hits. He is also vunerable to some spells used by even the lesser magic casters.

Author:  Azrothan [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:35 am ]
Post subject: 

But that's why he has Epic Strike, so he won't get rolled over by fighty heroes. Being a Mighty Hero and Touched by Destiny, I'm sure he'll be able to use it in any duel he gets dragged into. :twisted:

I would, however, be keen on keeping Sauron clear of possible epic shots. :shock:

Author:  Phantom_Lord [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject: 

garmenhord wrote:
Keithandor wrote:
Have I posteed in the wrong forum ? This is the right one for WOTR ?
Anyway I'm talking WOTR.

Forum Index > the war of the ring
That's what standing there ..

Yes i missed that :oops: soryy for any confusion caused :oops:

Author:  Keithio the Green [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:47 am ]
Post subject: 

I would be wary of relying on the Epic Strike tactic in Duels.

It's becoming accepted by many players that Epic Strike doesn't effect Duels, and I would wager that this will be the case when the FAQ comes out.

Author:  Azrothan [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can't understand why it shouldn't be allowed. It costs might, not all heroes have it. If it wasn't allowed it would make characters with high fight value dominate duels from the start, not just when you're all out of might. :roll:

It's not really more powerful than taking down Sauron, or any other (very) hard to kill monster with an Epic Shot or plenty of other Epic Actions out there. :o

Author:  Enfid [ Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 

One thing I can say is that you need to master all aspects of the game (and that involves the normal move, shoot, etc, and then usage of heroes, and then usage of magic) before you can use him effectively, and that still doesn't account for the several special rules he has. He's also not as tough as, say, a Balrog or a Mumak, so he can't be exposed to too much shooting or hard units. In short, he's not an easy hero to use. Ironically, a lot of Mordor players seem to begin playing with him.

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