The One Ring |
An Elf army that can actually fight |
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Author: | ElfGeneral [ Fri May 25, 2012 9:10 pm ] |
Post subject: | An Elf army that can actually fight |
I have been thinking of trying to make an elf army that can do some damage rather than just bunker, no army list or units decided upon yet, just some ideas and want some advice 1)Epic Rage - originally thought of using Galadriel (Protectress) for this but she's not worth 200 points. I am thinking Eomer (90 points) would be a good choice if I put him in a a group of wood elves that are already defence 3 they would be strength 7 with no down sides 2) Heroic Duels - Elves high fight heroes should make them really good at carving through waves of bad guys, I'm thinking thranduil (F7 and Epic Strike) and the twins (F6, two duels for the cost of one and Elladan has Epic Strike) 3) Gandalf over Galadriel - Gandalf may cost more (25 points) but Blinding Light reduces fight to 0 meaning my elves will get an extra 5 to 6 dice in each fight and I should be amazing in Heroic duels and he provides that needed support role. 4) Ent or an Eagle - thinking of taking Beechbone (cheapest Ent with might) or an eagle for added hitting power 5)Epic Shot - as many heroes as I can get to deal damage to Trolls and the ilk. 6) Legolas - Crippling Shot is again good for attacking monsters and Swift Strike means combat is no longer simultaneous and my elves will strike before other infantry + he also has Epic Defence ans Shot 7)Army Banner - Heroic Advance (every formation within 12 inches can heroic charge) meaning some serious momentum for 1 might as I am planning on have a few banners because I can't have my elves failing there charges and losing the terror effect ![]() ![]() 9) Manoeuvrability - I think this in particular will be particularly important if I am to win any games to this end I am thinking of taking some knights and again the Twins for Heroic Charges and Moves. Elves are highly mobile anyway and I don't think this is usually used to its full potential by as many people as it should, it may also be worth allying in some good cavalry units 10) Magic - If manoeuvrability is going to be the sword in my arsenal then this will be my shield I plan on using Magic to essentially attempt to cripple there movement Immobilise, Transfix, Panic Beast, Call Winds and Entangle will be used to put a strangle hold on there movement. Sunder Spirit and Light of the Valar will be an aid to my Terror causing elves. Visions of Woe and and Nature's Wrath will also be used offensively. For units it think i should take Wood elves, Wood elf sentinels, Galadhrim Knight, and High Elf Cohorts Heroes with the above in mind night include Haldir(Epic Shot, Sacrifice and good stats), Erkenbrand (cheap for Duels and courage), Eomer (Epic Rage and pos. Ride/Walk as the case may be to Ruin), Gandalf (listed above), the twins (listed above), Thranduil (for duels, magic and Epic Shot), Legolas (listed above) and possibly Eowyn (for duels and pos. Ride/Walk to Ruin) |
Author: | Telchar [ Sat May 26, 2012 6:35 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
Don't use sentinels, to have them do something you must have a D3 unit in close combat. You might use them with Eomer as your epic rage unit, but in that case Wood Elves are only necessary as archers. Take a big block of Galadhrim and put Gandalf in with them. |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Sat May 26, 2012 11:14 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
I was planning on using the Sentinals for the Entrapping Song so my other guys didn't take such a beating but I see your point about about using them with Epic Rage. one of the main problems i have found with this army is the heroes Gandalf, Leoglas and Eomer alone are 490 points and any other powerful enough group of heroes will cost the same ![]() |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Sat May 26, 2012 2:35 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
Does anybody have ideas for units and heroes I can ally with (not WOMT I refuse to use badly undercosted units) |
Author: | Lays [ Sun May 27, 2012 9:53 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
Dwarf qarriors are always good, but if you look for something cheaper then oatsworn millitia since u already use eomer |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Sun May 27, 2012 10:15 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
I'm not going to have a huge number of points spare in this army for allies so Dwarf Warriors are out, but I can see the argument for Oathsworn Militia for cheap infantry and I could Epic Rage with them and it would be much cheaper. I an thinking of taking the Blessing of Galadriel (D3 extra might) for one of the twins meaning I should get 2-6 might rather than 1-3 might for 50 points which is good, yes or no |
Author: | Telchar [ Mon May 28, 2012 7:38 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
Take Galadriel herself, and use Counsellor to give extra might, and you can use her magic and epic defense as well. |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Mon May 28, 2012 10:45 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
Gandalf and Galadriel have almost the exact the same stats, they both have Epic Defence, Channelling and Renewal, Counsellor and Touched by Destiny. The only differences are that Galadriel has +1F and causes Terror (which I don't need as my elves already cause Terror) but Gandalf has Blinding Light (which gives my elves 5 or 6 more dice in combat which I will need) and Inspiring Leader (Master) and cost 25 more. That is why I'm planning on taking Gandalf over Galadriel |
Author: | Telchar [ Mon May 28, 2012 12:56 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
Or take both, when you pass 1500 pts. Could you give us an army list to work with? |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Mon May 28, 2012 9:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
All Elven armies can fight, just not very well. What Elven armies need most is WoMT, lots and lots of them. Or if you can afford (in money/conversion) Warriors of Arnor. |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Tue May 29, 2012 11:46 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
GothmogtheWerewolf - that is the point I was trying to make that I want to create an elf army that can fight, using mostly elf only units. I'm hoping to use there advantages manoeuvrability, high fight and courage, Magic and an abundance of Epic Heroes to there full potential whilst trying to cover up there weaknesses such as poor defence (elves have the largest number of Epic Defence heroes in the game which I think is overlooked to much) and high cost by using flank charges and Legolas' Swift Strike. Telchar - when I posted this it was little more than a passing idea so there was no idea of units or strategies ect. but I will try an get an army list up today or tomorrow ![]() |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue May 29, 2012 11:56 am ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
In the case of Epic Defence, I believe, that it has been made (by FAQ) that a formation can onlyy benefit from one of these per turn. One of the best thins to counter overcosted troops, is undercosted, or more reasionablycosted heroes, like Thranduil, and the Twins. The magic could definately work for you, most succesful elven player use a lot of it. Not many people use Legs though, and think alo of the 3 Hunters. Hight Fitht + magic + terror, gives you lots of D6, but that is only the first leg. You should still take 1 or 2 blocks of WoMT. |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Tue May 29, 2012 12:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
I was planning on Epic Defencing different formations rather than one twice or more in one turn. The three hunters are good but are too fragile because you can't heal them (light of the Valar only works on the casters formation and they have We Stand Alone). I never use Legolas either but I think his Swift Strike, Crippling Shot, Epic Shot and Epic Defence might make him a good enough for this army as hitting before them will be really helpful and I think Crippling and Epic Shot will be needed to kill monster that I feel my army would struggle to deal with normally |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue May 29, 2012 12:23 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
Elves are genearlly good against monsters, theyir archers turn them to pincushions, and their magicians, ensorcell the others to death. What you need to deal with is Morannons, Blackshieds, WoMT, Arbelesters, etc. assuming they are there. |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Tue May 29, 2012 1:08 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
I'm not planing on taking a huge number of archers in this army except maybe Gildor's household and my plan for Morannons etc. was to to magic them into submission Call Winds, Immobilise Transfix etc. then get a flank or rear charge off to limit there attacks back and have Legolas around so one of my formations will strike first |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Tue May 29, 2012 1:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
It occurred to me that spirits would be a very good ally for this army their spirit grasp combined with the courage draining magic of the elves would mean that tough enemies such as Moronnans and WOMT who elves usually struggle to hurt could quite easily be taking hits to what would in practice be defence 1 rather than 7. They also move at 8 cause Terror and have spirit walk (which is basically Pathfinder Master) so would not get left behind either any thoughts |
Author: | GothmogtheWerewolf [ Tue May 29, 2012 5:37 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
The AotD are even more overcosted than some of the Elves, but if you want to go all Angmar-like, then you could, someone once mentioned how Elves can often do what Angmar does too. |
Author: | Telchar [ Tue May 29, 2012 5:48 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
ElfGeneral wrote: It occurred to me that spirits would be a very good ally for this army their spirit grasp combined with the courage draining magic of the elves would mean that tough enemies such as Moronnans and WOMT who elves usually struggle to hurt could quite easily be taking hits to what would in practice be defence 1 rather than 7. They also move at 8 cause Terror and have spirit walk (which is basically Pathfinder Master) so would not get left behind either any thoughts They are 60 points and less then D7. Don't. |
Author: | ElfGeneral [ Tue May 29, 2012 5:55 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
That's a shame I really thought they could be much more effective especially as elves have cornered the market in Command and Dismay spells ![]() |
Author: | Telchar [ Wed May 30, 2012 3:02 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: An Elf army that can actually fight |
They would be loads more effective, indeed, as in really bad instead of the worst unit ever (except High Elf Regiments) |
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