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 Post subject: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 12:52 am 
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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:50 am
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I started a War of the Ring blog to record my battle reports and post pictures of my armies. I'll also chronicle my upcoming map campaign of Isengard's invasion of Rohan. It also has a link to the Warlord Youtube channel for War of the Ring.

Here's the link:

Feel free to leave your comments of the blog and also on the youtube channel as I would appreciate your feedback. With GW no longer supporting WOTR, I'd like to keep the game going among our great community.
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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 3:05 am 
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The blog looks pretty cool. I played WotR for a bit, and even participated in a WotR tourney at an independent store. It is fun, but just has too many loopholes and weird situations. It could definitely benefit from a 2nd edition, but with the miniatures costing what they do now, I don't see it ever taking off.


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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:17 pm 
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Not to chime in here negatively...
I completely agree with Erunion.
Took my very substantial (5,000 points) WOTR Fallen Realms collection,
and traded out 2/3 over a several months, to diversify my collection.
Never going to look back and regret it either.

Trading Post: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=26745&p=339385#p339385
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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 1:01 am 
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Some of us still have enough figures in the unpainted pile for a decent size army. I also play SBG, but the system gets bogged down when you try and do larger battles. The current SBG is in it's 5th edition if you include the movie editions, the "One Rulebook" and The Hobbit Edition. Sure a second edition would have been good, but if you remove the "Warhammerisms" incorporated from Fantasy, it makes for a more balanced game. This is the topic of my next blog.

The blog is designed for those who still play WOTR or are interested in playing. I hope to have a weekly updates.
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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:01 am 
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Joined: Wed Jul 30, 2014 2:47 am
Posts: 29
Glad to see some activity on WoTR. Nice blog. Keep it up. Where is your group located? My son and I play 2-3 times (1500 - 2000 pt. games) a week and are currently running our own campaign. We are in the Nashville, Tennessee area and would love to find more players. While the game rules could do with a 2nd edition we find modifying some of the issues with our own house rules has worked out well. We'd love to participate with others that want to keep the game alive even if underground :-)

Incoming fire has the right of way...
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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:22 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:04 am
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Good for you! I too have several armies and I've decided to host large showpiece battles at local gaming cons for which I'll use house rules with play-tested armies and scenarios to ensure balance.
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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:14 pm 
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Sounds great! The WoTR system is really the only way I know to do large showpiece battles and still play them in a reasonable time. We find that with a little of our own tinkering we can restore balance. I'm just glad to know there are still some out there playing.

Incoming fire has the right of way...
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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:05 pm 
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Posts: 265
We are working on a playtested update for war of the ring.

The premise being the core rules are pretty sound, the weirdnesses primarily being in balancing (points). It's a work in progress as we play every week, and playtest the rules and the effect of any changes. For example we tried making cavalry Resilience 3... But it just made them tanks. (rather than the squishy jelly they are at Resilience 2), so now we make them cheaper and that seems to do the trick and people are more willing to take them and use them in a force rather than just masses of infantry

Linky in my sig

A second Edition for The War of the Ring:

Taking the War in Middle earth to a new level!
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 Post subject: Re: War of the Ring Blog
PostPosted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:56 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:04 am
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Location: Bear Flag Republic
daersalon wrote:
We are working on a playtested update for war of the ring.

The premise being the core rules are pretty sound, the weirdnesses primarily being in balancing (points). It's a work in progress as we play every week, and playtest the rules and the effect of any changes. For example we tried making cavalry Resilience 3... But it just made them tanks. (rather than the squishy jelly they are at Resilience 2), so now we make them cheaper and that seems to do the trick and people are more willing to take them and use them in a force rather than just masses of infantry

Linky in my sig

I've bookmarked your website. Keep up the good work!!
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