The One Ring

Quick shout out: Anyone still playing WotR?
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Author:  robh [ Sun Dec 05, 2021 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Quick shout out: Anyone still playing WotR?

Just wondering if anyone here is still playing the War of the Ring game? Vanilla or houseruled or if anyone knows of any scenarios for it.

I am renovating my old collection of LOTR figures (been boxed and unloved for about 15 years now) and adding in a bunch of "job lot" stuff I have picked up off ebay (mostly broken to a greater or lesser degree).
I am putting them onto 60x50 bases instead of the larger official ones so I can use them with a historical ruleset (Archon) but still remain usable for a downsized WotR game.

Author:  Hurin_it [ Mon May 23, 2022 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick shout out: Anyone still playing WotR?

In Italy we are still playing it. Not so many people, but we organize some 1-2 national tournaments per year, with usually 10-12 partecipants.

Author:  lostpict [ Wed May 25, 2022 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick shout out: Anyone still playing WotR?

I have not played it in a few years, but really enjoy it for narrative play. We ran a Isengard and a Gondor campaign with it a few years back. I think its failings are when it is used for competitive play and people min-max the system instead of using it to develop competitive scenarios.

Author:  robh [ Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick shout out: Anyone still playing WotR?

lostpict wrote:
.....I think its failings are when it is used for competitive play......

I agree absolutely, it is so badly written and insufficiently tested that it is easy to abuse if you are that way inclined. Personally I hate any "tournament" or "competitive" style gaming. Just not fun.

Author:  Mapper [ Fri Jun 24, 2022 11:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick shout out: Anyone still playing WotR?

In case anyone is interested, this blogger is doing some WOTR rules. ... -beta.html

Author:  robh [ Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Quick shout out: Anyone still playing WotR?

Yes, Jay's blog is an excellent LotR resource. His "Middle Earth Battles" rules give a good game that feels more like a historical battle with magic than a Warhammer bash.
It is a good step up for players with large SBG armies as it retains individual basing.

His take on War ot the Ring speeds up the referencing and play rather than changing much, he keeps the (imho) excessive magic and special actions for example. Well worth taking a look at if an improved WotR is your thing.

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