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March 2013 Painting Challenge Warbands - Pick your winner
Poll ended at Mon Apr 08, 2013 9:10 pm
Aelfwine (Gondor) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
WhiteWizard (Wood Elves) 11%  11%  [ 10 ]
Greendragon (Goblins) 3%  3%  [ 3 ]
Theavenger001 (Haradhrim) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Green_Dragon (Uruks) 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Crucifer (Uruks) 12%  12%  [ 11 ]
Dreadknight (Grimhammers) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Fin (Gondor) 33%  33%  [ 30 ]
Grungehog (Dwellers in the Dark) 3%  3%  [ 3 ]
John Wayne (Numenor) 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Leonardis (Arnor) 4%  4%  [ 4 ]
BizzareWarstar (Dwarves) 23%  23%  [ 21 ]
Hashut's Blessing (Easterlings) 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Harfoot (Dwarves) 3%  3%  [ 3 ]
Rumtap (Uruks) 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Fishlegs (Gondor) 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Tabletop_Heroes (Goblins) 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Edge67 (Hunter Orcs) 1%  1%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 91
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:32 am 
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Joined: Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:36 am
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Hard Choice, I had to really look close at every ones work to make my final decision. In the end I had to go with Fin's conversion. The amount of detail work he put into the shields with mud and battle damage won me over in the end. Great work everyone.
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:13 pm 
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Really tough choice, it came down to 3 in the end. But my first thought on seeing BizzareWarstar’s Dwarves was Wow, so they had to get my vote in the end.
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:14 pm 
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Tough vote alright and congratulations to everyone who completed their warband, each one has their own unique characteristics that makes them something to be proud of; over all theme, individually well painted, colour scheme, extras, conversion work, painting technique..etc.
In the end though I gave my vote to Fin because their work combines all the elements which make a truly exceptional looking warband. nice one Fin :yay:
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:35 am 
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Well i can say i voted for myself. It was my first ever entry and i worked hard to get those little buggers done on time, so i gave myself a pat on the back :)

If i had had more time i would have done a little more highlighting /shading. But just a little, i don't like it when this overdone, i prefer a natural look to an enhanced look.

I would also have done a bit more with my captains base to make him stand out more as the leader. But other than that i was pretty happy.

But if i had voted for someone else who would have got my vote? I'm not sure but my 3 favourites are:

White Wizards Wood elves. Great colours, really nicely done

Crucifers's Uruk Scouts. You painted a lot of detail onto a very simple plastic model. Really nice job.

Bizzare Warstar's Dwarves. Very crisp clean finish. The little guys stand up tall!

I must say everyone did a good job and i was happy to be a part of it.

I think a drug habbit would be cheaper...
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:50 am 
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My vote went to Fishlegs as I think those cloaks are amazingly realisitic. I would love to know how they were done. I believe Fin is very much a worthy winner such an excellent warband aswell as Bizzarewarstar's Dwarfs and Crucifers Uruks both very cleanly done and amazingly executed and a worthy top 3.

I am however a little dissapointed that a few brilliant entries went rather unnoticed and am dumbfounded how they didn't get more votes. In my opinion for John Wayne, Fishlegs, Tabletop Heroes and Edge67 to only have 1 vote each out of a total of 90 is quite perplexing. They have done some breathtaking work.

Great work everyone though warbands has to be the best challenge so many entires!

CMON Gallery
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 10:53 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Congrats to Fin! A well deserved win. It was a very tough challenge with many high quality entries. My overall favourite was BW's dwarves, but only because I'm dwarving mad! The warband challenge really brings out the best in a lot of people - and we get lots more minis painted!

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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:14 am 
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Thanks guys!

The challenge was a lot of fun. Most of the entries are totally underrated but I guess this is just because you had only one vote. It doesn't reflect the actual quality of the paintjobs. Congrats to you, gentlemen! :yay:

Jomada - Adventures in Middle-earth
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:02 pm 
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Well done Fin, but great work everyone else too.
@Green_Dragon: Thanks for the compliment! The cloaks were painted using vallejo black and black grey. I started with pure black and then built up layers by adding a little black grey each time. I probably did about 6/7 layers until I had pure black grey. I then gave the whole cloak a wash using Army Painter dark tone (which is very similar to the old Badab Black. The frustrating thing is that it ends up looking pretty much the same as basecoating in black grey and just washing!

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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:22 am 
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Congratz on the win Fin, you had my vote but I was to lazy to log in and vote:P
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 8:38 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Congratulations Fin A well deserved win :yay:

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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:09 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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That is the problem with open competitions, the people that are new to painting, or the ones that don't have the skills like veterans do tend to get fewer votes. Congratulations on your win Fin!
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 9:53 pm 
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Am I the only one having problems with the panoramic display of the pics? It goes slowly for me, guess I just have an old cpu.

Great job all, Fin I'm guessing those are Perry brothers' models.

^@imrail, maybe open competitions might be lopsided, but we can't have secluded competitions. I've seen some regular contestants improve their painting skills over the years just to reach the level of the top tier guys, and if not reach that level, then just for sake of competiveness to earn a few votes. Also great excuse to paint minis sitting on a dusty shelf. I'mconcerned with voting by popularity contest more than anything, but I don't think that really holds up much effect in the voting process of these challenges.

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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:24 pm 
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Indeed, I like it the way it is. I wish that I would get more votes, but my style of painting doesn't seem to photograph well. (even though Iam very content with how they look irl, and I'm not going to change my style just to win a competition, unless it would be a golden demon of course.. :wink: ) So for me if I get votes it's awesome, but I just veiw it as a way to motivate myself to paint a figure, or more! :)
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 Post subject: Re: [PAINT] VOTE for Painting Challenge WARBANDS
PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:08 pm 
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I try really hard to vote on the merits of the work not on a preferred race, miniature, submitter or skill level. I've voted for several people who may have not had the best work submitted but had a noticeable increase in skill and/or originality within the work and felt they deserved recognition. Every one did great work and I look forward to seeing what everyone does next.
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