I think it's great that we can have thought-out discussions here on the One Ring, unlike the "What next, boltguns?" arguments favoured on the old GW forum.
lorderkenbrand wrote:
Personally the idea of elves using horses all geared up in armour frightens me. But the thought of an elf riding in heavy armour just cant lodge itself in my head. Elves are magical creatures and prefer to be able to wield a blade fully rather than riding about and taking hits. They would not need the added protection as they seem to be skirmish armies (in the third age)
Still I think that in the first age an elf would ride in light armour on an unarmoured horse so as to give both mount and rider more freedom when attacking and defending. Dol amroth knights are just ploughing machines with all their heavy armour were as elves are more majestic.
I find two flaws in that (well, not flaws, but room for counter-argument

Yes, Elven craft was graceful, but that would indicate that the armour used by the Elves would be graceful and not hinder them when mounted. The strong armour crafted by the Elves (such as we see on the infantry at the Last Alliance) would be light and flexible enough to allow full movement if worn mounted. Certainly there were groups of Elves who traded a lot with the Dwarves in the First and Second Age, so armour for horses or the riders could alternatively be made of "weightless" Mithril. Therefore, whatever armour used wouldn't hinder them in being "able to wield a blade fully", as you suggest. Also, even though they don't try to "ride about and take hits" (although a cavalry unit that only did that would be funny to see

), the mass of spear and bow-amed Orcs in Morgoth's army would cause horrific damage to any unarmoured Elves. When you consider what a stray arrow or block of spears would do to riders, you realise that cavalry would really need some strong armour.
Secondly, you gave the argument that "Dol amroth knights are just ploughing machines with all their heavy armour were as elves are more majestic." Well, I have already noted that the seemingly heavy armour of the Elves could indeed be majestic, but furthermore, many of the people of Dol Amroth were tall with dark hair and grey eyes, and could speak Elvish. Indeed, the city was nearby the Elven port of Edhellond, and according to one story, the Lords of Dol Amroth had Elven blood. Dol Amroth was the most noticably Elvish part of Gondor - such as for its ships in the Elven style and its tradition in playing the harp - so if the Elves had the same cavalry it wouldn't seem out of place.

lorderkenbrand wrote:
Also sunlight reflects 'brilliantly' off armour so wood elves would use light unarmoured horses.
Rivendell elves strike me a being heavily armoured but i think the horse would have no protection because again they are not cruel like men - ie no reins or saddles.
I agree that Wood Elves would use unarmoured horses and riders if they did, but then I don't think they used cavalry anyway, leaning towards the stealthier approach. And with regard to the "cruelty" side of it, I think it is more cruel to the mount to ride it unarmoured in battle.

lorderkenbrand wrote:
They are my thoughts, still i like the conversion - the horse doesnt neccesarily have to be armoured but instead just wearing a fancy garment

Well thanks.

The "fancy garment" is why I chose the mount in the first place (that and because a metal horse is better for supporting a metal conversion). The actual term for this is a "caparision", which I painted in the colours of one the Houses of Gondolin, and it makes the horse look very Elvish to me.