kisterminal wrote:
Ok played my first votr game!
Congrats mate!!! hope you liked it. and don't hesitate to post your questions here and we'll try to help as best as we can.
I hope everyone give me your Skype id to add it to the online players list guys - if you like of course.
Krol wrote:
gaarew wrote:
kidterminal wrote:
But the Might points (called hero points in votr for some strange reason) for Murin were wrong. Has anyone else found mistakes like this?
Yeah, there are a few like that. I think Ugluk and Gildor are the same.
It is possible to edit the M/W/F before the battle though.
All the M\W\F values are by default 2\1\1. For most captains this is true, but for special heroes, you can always edit those points by pressing Ctrl+H. Use the same shortcut to edit them during the game too.
Cheers and congrats on the game!!
I agree, it's a default to have any hero with 2/1/1 M/W/F when you first put it on the board. you have to adjust it then to the right one using the shortcut as Krol mentioned.
kidterminal wrote:
Also I didn’t like the tutorial I felt it could be better. I don’t know if it’s the one you guys made or not, hope I’m not hurting anyone’s feelings here.
No it's not, ours still being edited. I was busy the past few days but I hope I'm working on it now and shall let you know ince it's ready.
FelixPhantasm wrote:
Now what industrious programmer wants to take on new expansions!?!
Krol wrote:
hehe, that would be Mohammad! I have yet to learn Java (someday )
LOL. I know that it's an on open source and there is a source code there, but I don;t have the time to work on it. so I'm just playing with the edit mode to add or change the module. it took me some time to know how it works at first but now I think I can modify it fairly easy at this point.
Let me know what are you expecting in a new expantinon and I'll see iwhat I can do. I have some kind of a todo list with a very vague schedule

xtanha1rrmx wrote:
Do I need to extract the files from VOTR4.06.vmod?
no, you don't. it should be working as it is. what version of vassal are you using?
I am also opening both modules 4.03 and 4.06 same time in vassal with no issues.
Anybody else got a similar problem opening the module guys?