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 Post subject: Noobie questions from a collector
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:16 am 
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Hello all :) This is my first post on this forum, basically outlining a couple questions I had stored in the top of my head when I began looking around on here. This seems like a great community/forum, can't wait to explore some threads and met some new people :)

1) I have a large collection of Gondor, Rohan, and Mordor miniatures. I basically re-created the battle of Minas Tirith, half assed, but complete with a Mumak, siege tower, ladders and the castle :) I really want to start gaming with a handful of basic warriors and learn the basic rules however.

I found out that each miniature is worth a certain amount of "points." I have the MoM source book but it doesn't really mention any point values.

I understand the basics of play and picking up on advanced rules from my GW store but do i really need to buy the general rule book just for point values? Can anyone guide me to a link outlining point values if there is one? :)

2) Right when i want to start playing WOTR is released :P I know it has separate rules and what not. Is it better to indulge into the WOTR gaming rules now that it is out?

(I like how each piece is is separate!!!) :P

Thanks all for your time
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:28 am 
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1) For complete points values for everything then buy the Legions of Middle Earth book. It costs £15 and is cheaper than buying a full rulebook. However you need to buy the One Rulebook (or the small MoM rulebook from the boxset will suffice) in order to have a complete set of basic and advanced rules such as Heroes, Courage...

The rulebook also has profiles for every model which has an appearence in the movies. I think the main non-MoM version also has rules for characters and warriors listed in the books but do not appear in the film. SBG is generally regarded as being a solid gaming system where almost every issue has been adressed by GW (in the days before WotR...) There are some rule queries but GW has a FAQ section for these which resolves most of the issues.

2) WotR is not a better or worse system than SBG. It purly depends on your gaming style and intrests. However (like the old SBG rules way back...), there are a few tweaks that need to be made to it.
The biggest positive side to WotR is that it contains ALL of the profiles for ALL of the citadel minatures available even including profiles for models still to be released. It also has all the rules needed to play the game. You also don't need to buy sourcebooks in order to aquire updated rules/new profiles. On top of that, since each companies has 8 attacks and 2 attacking formations strike simultaniously, lots of dice mean lots of death so confrontations are normaly resolved quicker than those in SBG where only the model(s) who wins the fight strike hits.
Only thing is in order to play it at a decent scale is lots of minis and lots of movement trays (custom or bought). It also has modeling tips for movement trays, banners, drummers... , 15 playable scenarios, campaign tips, ideas for making your own scenarios (Gondor related examples)...

I hope this helps answer your questions. I own both rulebooks and have played both systems. If you need any more questions answered post them.

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 Post subject: Re: Noobie questions from a collector
PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:58 am 
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Armandhammer wrote:
I found out that each miniature is worth a certain amount of "points." I have the MoM source book but it doesn't really mention any point values.

If you're talking about the Mines of Moria rule book that comes with the goblins and fellowship, it has all the same rules as the big book, even the page numbers are the same. And it does have point values for each profile listed, not sure how you could miss them.

Is it better to indulge into the WOTR gaming rules now that it is out?

It's a completely different game. Some of us will never play it :)
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:58 am 

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All the points costs are in your MOM rulebook, if you have models not in there then you need to get the supplement they are from.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:54 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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That's not true Hithero the Mom book have not every profile that the one-ring rulebook haves,like Imrahil,king of dead, koda , wotd and some other profiles but it is better to buy the supplements.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:16 pm 
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Thanks all for your responses :)

When I got my MoM box set, I lost the general rule book and was only stuck with the intro Mom supplement book which had basic stats for the warriors that came with it.

I picked up Legions of Middle Earth, thanks to Dragons_of_moria, and it turned out to be great :)
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 4:30 pm 
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I hope you like LoME, I wanted to buy it (having borrowed a copy from my friend and finding it incredibly useful), but they only had the store copy and no more available. :( That's why I picked WotR cause the LoME book was intended to be an extra Christmas present.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:47 am 
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Hey again :) Just started to make a tabletop for my Balins tomb collection and was wondering what is a better surface type for Balins tomb:

1: Textured Paint, paint with little foam bits to add texture on the surface


2: Creating flock from sawdust mixed with a dark grey paint

Thanks again :-D
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