I guess evil has finally claimed me..
I've Put together a couple 600 point forces
The !st
Goblin Shamen
2x Goblin Prowlers (2h wp)
2x Wild Warg
9x Goblins (sh)
9x Goblins (sp)
7x Goblins (bw)
31 Models 1 Might 7bows
2nd Force
Wild Warg Chieftain
4x Wild Warg
4x Goblin Prowler (2h wp)
11x Goblins (sh)
11x Goblins (sp)
9x Goblins (bw)
42 Models 4+might(not sure on dragon stats) 9bows
Just had a few quieries
The Balrog/Dragon could i make them my leader / king of the force, so if i rolled to kill a king, i would love to see someone try kill them.
If i am correct other models can use Balrog / Dragon's standfast role
And someones not game to give me an idea on what the dragon's stats and upgrades look like?
And do the wargs knockdown the opponent if they charged in? and negate other calverly charge bonuses?
Otherwise thoughts and critisim is more then welcome...
note this is the 2nd time i had to write this reply today...