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 Post subject: Battlehost Question
PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:11 pm 
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Greetings all.

Well, I wanted to pop down to my LGS to pick up a copy of BH, but three of my fellow gamers called in the last 24 hours and had them all held. :sad: So I'm stuck waiting for Friday's delivery now (which I can't pick up until Sunday due to work schedule :( ).

I'm not going to ask for any details that can get anyone in trouble, but I was hoping to get some general info here as I'm trying to plan out a force for a game later this month. Unfortunately, my planning involves committing to some painting and a model order. I was hoping to dive in over the next couple days but if there is a BH option that I might be able to take advantage of then I'll delay any commitments until I can decide if I want to go for it or not.

My force is mostly Woodelf Warbands, with a Company of Sentinels (can proxy to get 2 Companies) and Legolas and Thranduil as the main Heroes (I use Lothlorien, Eagle or Ent allies to boost it based on point need while building the core army larger).

So...could anyone please confirm if there are any Battlehosts for Mirkwood / Woodland Realms Elves? If so, then some ideas of what special benefits the Battlehost brings (I am not asking for any point info here) over just getting the forces as normal WotR Formations is also appreciated. If there are no BH for Thranduil's realm then just confirm so I may go on my marry little Elvish way. :rofl:

advTHANKSance! :)

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:35 pm 
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Posts: 1279 ... 9a&start=2 for general elf talk, but I also know of a page onbt heir website where, if you maximise the picture, you can easily read it and it's called Thradnuil's Halls.

From memory, it's 75pts + models and you must have 3-6 Wood Elf Warbands (3+ companies), 1-2 formations of Mirkwood Sentinels and Thranduil (of course). Benefits: all can Ambush (in woods only) and something else that I forget, lol. Something to do with a re-roll to something if in 12" of Thranduil.

I'm having a search for it, but I would recommend that list ;)

(3 boxes of wood elf warriors and 5-8 blisters of Mirkwood Sentinels, not too bad...)

P.S. Buy any metals you need before the price bump ;)
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:00 pm 
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The page Hashut was talking about is the article "Get started with Battlehosts" article from May 7th and click on the Galadhrim elf army picture and it will pull up Thranduil's Battlehost.
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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:29 pm 
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Thanks. The funny thing is, I saw others mention that you can read something if you zoom in on it, but I can't seem to see what pic anyone is talking about. All the pics in that four-page article seem to be of models on the table but I don't see the book anywhere in the background. Am I just overlooking a pic somewhere??? Can someone help point me to the actual pic that seems so elusive??? :oops:

As for forces, I have 3 boxes of Wood Elves already (3 Companies w/ bow, 6 Companies melee) with another coming Friday and may add one more before switching over to other models. That will give me 5 Companies with bows and 10 melee.

I have six Sentinel models already and may pick up one more blister, but really don't like using the same pose too much. So I'm going to order some of the metal Wood Elves to give me some variety. I am also looking at using an alternative model (probably Legolas from Three Hunters) as a Sentinel Captain. For now though I proxy some Mirkwood or Galadrhim to get up to 2 Companies of Sentinels. In SBG the Sentinels were REALLY expensive compared to basic WE Warriors, but their spells made them worth including 1 or 2. In WotR, a Company of Sentinels is only 5 points more than a Company of WE with Bow and have the extra benefit of their special rule (and believe me, a low Str is what you want your enemy to have when fighting Wood Elves!!! :wink: ). So I am trying to get to the point where I can field two Formations (3-4 Companies each) of these guys.

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 5:31 pm 
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Got the pic finally. Thanks!! I never bothered clicking those because normally that just brings up a larger version of the same pic. Gonna have to poke around GW's pics more often. :rofl:

That does look like an interesting one. I'm not sure if it's the only one applicable to Mirkwood, but even if it is I think I'll take advantage of it. The Courage benefit is nice depending on who I'm facing, but the ability to have any of the Formations Ambush as well as getting the Defense bonus sounds really good. My LGS opponents hate my Mirkwood forces in SBG and curse them as my "Tricksy Elves", and this may be just the thing to restore honor in WotR as well. :-D

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PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:03 pm 
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Ah yes, +1D ontop of the usual when in woods. It means that you can get D6 elves that can't be shot at until within 12"!!!!!!!!

Sounds like a good idea to get the metal wood elves. You could also use any displaced wood elves (displace by banner, captain, character etc) with a little greenstuff to make flutes/lutes/lyres/pan-pipes etc etc. I HATE having monopose units as well :D Sculpt some hoods up as well and you're done ;)

I forgot that you had to click a "normal" pic to even realise that it was the rules. As far as I know, that's the only Wood Elf one, although there is also Haldir's Elves (Galadhrim) and Elrond's Host ([or something] High Elves).
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:11 am 
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Yeah. For my Dol Guldur army I used a combo of Castellan and Black Numenorian models to make my 2 Companies of Castellans. I'm glad GW has a few options out there for Wood Elf troops as well, but I wish there was a little more.

With metal Wood Elves having the same price as Sentinels they're a decent option to add some variety to the Formations, and some basic instruments can be added based on my bravery with GS at the time. :rofl:

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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 9:27 am 
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Things like that work though :D In fact, I encourage things like that (of course, you couldn't have Black Numenorians with "counts as" Castellans in the same army as Castellans with Black Numenorians, lol :D ). It helps to make the units more interesting, visually.

Hoods will be the easiest sculpting to do for them. Also, if you could figure out some way of replicating the "acorn toggles" that their cloaks seem to have, both of those could really help to tie them in.
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PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:10 pm 
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With the paint jobs there's not much chance that my "use as" Castellans would be mistaken for Black Numenorians, even if I had both in my Army (not too likely). I'll try to get my Gallery updated (woefully out of date). :oops:

Good suggestion on doing the acorn broach detailing. Most of the Sentinel models already have their cloak off their head so I wasn't feeling like I needed to do that for too many, but thought it would help some. But I didn't think about the little acorn detailing. That will really help and not be TOO much of a frustration in sculpting. Thanks! 8)

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