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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:02 pm 
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I was rather pleased to find 'Escape from Orthanc' the other day in Toymaster. Even better, it was 20% off!

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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:16 pm 
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Went back to my local independant store today, they said the GW Sales Rep used to push them to take all the new LOTR releases, but now no longers bothers. It appears a complete lack of interest in LOTR by GW. I think new relaease will go down to 1 block of release a year, I mean we only have 2 or 3 at the moment. If the Hobbit does not get made then well who can guess what the future will be?

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 10:35 pm 
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Sad isn't it! They set up a really good thing with LOTR years ago, I'm just annoyed I didn't discover this hobby then.

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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:32 am 
Elven Elder
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Sad isn't it! They set up a really good thing with LOTR years ago, I'm just annoyed I didn't discover this hobby then.

It is not to late as general interest in TLOTR wains a lot of people are unloading a lot of stuff really cheap. You could look at it as an opportunity. There is a lot of stuff on e bay

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:51 am 
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Its never to late to start, 95% of the figures are still available, the range is still slowly expanding, and as the previous message says, ebay has some great bargins, i have picked up a large Rohan Army for a fraction of its value.

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:48 pm 

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Harfoot wrote:
Its never to late to start, 95% of the figures are still available, the range is still slowly expanding, and as the previous message says, ebay has some great bargins, i have picked up a large Rohan Army for a fraction of its value.

While we're on the topic of great ebay bargains, a few weeks ago I got over twenty new sprues, plus a few metal figures, for less than £20. :-D

"There are few left in Middle Earth like Aragorn, son of Arathorn." - Gandalf, Many Meetings
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 8:33 am 
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I belive a few box sets are discounted (the modles wern't discounted) just the sets and what they had in them such as the

Old Friends (gandalf and frodo)
ROTK TTT FOTR (all had either orcs vs gondor, urks vs rohan, lastalliance vs goblins)
All the old battle hosts (like host of cirith ungol ect...)
That one mordor uruk in the pose as a berserker shown in the ROTK recent book.
Urukhai scout captain with 2handed axe
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:56 pm 

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this whole thread makes me quite dissapointed with the games workshop service. i used to play 40k about 10 years ago, and back then you could order any item from the back catalogue, even if it was only a single component from a miniature. that didn't apply to plastics (something to do with the molds perishing) i wonder if it is something to do with the change from lead alloy to white metal? are the molds different now?
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 2:41 am 
Elven Elder
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something to do with the molds perishing) i wonder if it is something to do with the change from lead alloy to white metal? are the molds different now?
The meal molds are basically the same.The molds are made from vulcanize rubber they wear out at a steady rate. When they replace a model with a new one they stop replacing the molds. So eventually they can't make any more of the old figures. The plastic injection molds are made in a totally different way. They last for tens of thousands of cast longer. They are also very costly to make.Figures with smaller cast runs are cheaper to make in metal
Hope this helps.

"the same as a duck you must be made of wood"
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 1:40 pm 

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I’m predominantly a collector and painter within the hobby and I’ve just recently got animated on this topic when, while updating my own list of models, it dawned on me that some of the metal models were no longer available from the GW website.

A quick search revealed this useful thread (thank you all) and revealed I was missing the metal Morgul Knights. This was quickly corrected as I found a (rather expensive) box via Amazon.

A more thorough check between the website and my own records thankfully revealed no more missed models but I have got rather behind keeping up with recent releases.

I thought I’d share the resulting list of discontinued models I came up with in case it’s of use to anyone else. Corresponds pretty much with what’s gone before in this thread – but its model rather than set based and ordered by factions etc.

The whole process is not helped by the GW website needing housekeeping, as it does show products that are no longer available. The original Rangers of the North do show as still being available however as do the Warg Attack and Amon Hen box sets. What is / isn’t available is odd too in some instances, with some models from old boxed sets still being available in blisters or direct and some not. C’est la vie when collecting from GW I guess.

Here’s my list:

Army of the Dead - Warrior of the Dead: 6 Variants
Dol Amroth - Dol Amroth Banner Bearer: Dol Amroth Banner Bearer Mounted
Dol Amroth - Dol Amroth Captain: Dol Amroth Captain - Mounted
Dol Amroth - Knight of Dol Amroth: 2 variants
Ents - Ent: Ent original TTT version
Fellowship - Aragorn: Defenders of Rohan - Aragorn
Fellowship - Aragorn: Fellowship Aragorn
Fellowship - Aragorn: Helm's Deep Aragorn
Fellowship - Frodo: ROTK Gollum, Sam & Frodo: Frodo
Fellowship - Frodo: Captured by Gondor Frodo
Fellowship - Frodo: Fellbeast Frodo
Fellowship - Frodo: Invisible Frodo (Resin Model)
Fellowship - Gandalf the Grey: Orthanc Gandalf
Fellowship - Gandalf the White: BGiME Gandalf the White with Staff
Fellowship - Gandalf the White: Heroes of the West Gandalf
Fellowship - Gimli: Defenders of Rohan - Gimli
Fellowship - Gimli: Fellowship Gimli
Fellowship - Gimli: Helm's Deep Gimli
Fellowship - Gimli: Heroes of the West Gimli
Fellowship - Legolas: Defenders of Rohan - Legolas
Fellowship - Legolas: Fellowship Legolas
Fellowship - Legolas: Heroes of the West Legolas
Fellowship - Merry: Grishnakh Merry
Fellowship - Merry: The Fall of The Witch King Merry
Fellowship - Paralysed Hobbit: 4 variants
Fellowship - Pippin: Grishnakh Pippin
Fellowship - Sam: ROTK Gollum, Sam & Frodo: Sam
Fellowship - Sam: Captured by Gondor Sam
Gondor - Boromir of the White Tower: Boromir Captain of the White Tower with flag
Gondor - Faramir: Heroes of the West Faramir
Gondor - Knight of Minas Tirith: 4 variants
Hobbits - Lobellia Sackville-Baggins: Lobellia Sackville-Baggins
Kings of Men - King of Men: 4 variants
Lorien - Galadhrim Warrior: Haldir's Bowman - 3 variants
Lorien - Galadhrim Warrior: Haldir's Swordsman - 3 variants
Lorien - Wood Elf: Lorien Elf Bowmen - 4 variants
Lorien - Haldir: Haldir with Bow
Lorien - Haldir: Haldir with sword
Lorien - Haldir: Helm's Deep Haldir
Rangers - Halbarad: Halbarad with Banner
Rivendell - Arwen: Arwen Mounted with Frodo
Rivendell - Arwen: Arwen with sword
Rohan - Eomer: Defenders of Rohan - Eomer
Rohan - Eowyn: Helm's Deep Eowyn
Rohan - Eowyn: The Fall of The Witch King Eowyn
Rohan - Hama: BGiME Hama
Rohan - Rohan Captain: Rohan Captain - Foot 2
Rohan - Rohan Royal Guard: BGiME Rohan Royal Guard Mounted - Banner
Rohan - Theoden: Defenders of Rohan - Theoden
Wizards - Saruman the White: Saruman the White (White Counsel)
Balrogs - The Balrog: Balrog - TTT version
Balrogs - The Balrog: Khazad-dum The Balrog
Easterlings - Easterling: Easterling Warrior - 4 variants
Gollum - Gollum: ROTK Gollum, Sam & Frodo: Gollum
Gollum - Gollum: Captured by Gondor Gollum
Harad - Haradrim Raider: Haradrim Raider - Bow
Harad - Haradrim Raider: Haradrim Raider - Lance
Harad - Hasharin: Hasharin
Isengard - Lurtz: Lurtz with Bow
Isengard - Palantir: Palantir
Isengard - Saruman: Orthanc Saruman
Isengard - Saruman: Saruman with Staff and Palantir
Isengard - Uruk-hai Scout: Uruk-Hai Bowman - 4 variants
Isengard - Uruk-hai Scout: Uruk-Hai Warrior - 4 variants [some still available in Amon Hen box]
Mordor - Gothmog: Gothmog - Foot
Mordor - Gothmog: Gothmog on Warg
Mordor - Morannon Orc: Morannon Orc - 3 variants
Mordor - Mordor Troll: Mordor Troll with Hammer
Mordor - Morgul Knight: Morgul Knight - 2 variants
Mordor - Orc: Mordor Orc Bowmen - 4 variants
Mordor - Orc: Mordor Orc Warrior - 14 variants
Mordor - Shagrat: Shagrat with mithril shirt
Ringwraiths - Fell beast: TTT Fell beast + ringwraith
Ringwraiths - Fell beast: Witch-king Fell Beast + witchking
Warg Riders - Golfimbul: Golfimbul - Foot
Warg Riders - Golfimbul: Golfimbul - Warg
Warg Riders - Warg Rider: Warg Rider - 3 variants [some still available in Warg Attack box]

Last edited by Fingallos on Tue Nov 09, 2010 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 4:57 pm 
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Thats a big list, my local idependant store has a metal blister of SKODA Captain and SKODA Standard Bearer, its in Frome, Wiltshire, UK if anyone is interested.

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 5:43 pm 
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Erurainon the Trombonist wrote:
I was rather pleased to find 'Escape from Orthanc' the other day in Toymaster. Even better, it was 20% off!

Ah you should have told me man, I found one that was 75% off! But I already have one so I didn't need it.

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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:53 pm 
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Fingallos wrote:
The whole process is not helped by the GW website needing housekeeping, as it does show products that are no longer available. The original Rangers of the North do show as still being available however as do the Warg Attack and Amon Hen box sets.

Really? That's lame. What would happen if I tried to order them from the GW site, then?

I was under the impression that the original Fellowship of the Ring and Ambush at Amon Hen boxes were still available, which would have made the following models off of your list available:

Fellowship - Aragorn: Fellowship Aragorn
Fellowship - Gimli: Fellowship Gimli
Fellowship - Legolas: Fellowship Legolas
Isengard - Lurtz: Lurtz with Bow

Regarding these two:

Fellowship - Gandalf the White: Gandalf the White with Staff
Harad - Hasharin: Hasharin

I was able to look up both (assuming the Gandalf is the one packaged with the mounted version) on the GW store - are neither of them actually available, either?

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:20 pm 
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Hirumith, the Grey Knight wrote:
Fingallos wrote:
The whole process is not helped by the GW website needing housekeeping, as it does show products that are no longer available. The original Rangers of the North do show as still being available however as do the Warg Attack and Amon Hen box sets.

Really? That's lame. What would happen if I tried to order them from the GW site, then?

I was under the impression that the original Fellowship of the Ring and Ambush at Amon Hen boxes were still available, which would have made the following models off of your list available:

Fellowship - Aragorn: Fellowship Aragorn
Fellowship - Gimli: Fellowship Gimli
Fellowship - Legolas: Fellowship Legolas
Isengard - Lurtz: Lurtz with Bow

Regarding these two:

Fellowship - Gandalf the White: Gandalf the White with Staff
Harad - Hasharin: Hasharin

I was able to look up both (assuming the Gandalf is the one packaged with the mounted version) on the GW store - are neither of them actually available, either?

I ordered the metal Captain SKODA, a week later GW ordered me to say it was no longer available, so dont waste your time!

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:09 pm 

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Regarding these two:

Fellowship - Gandalf the White: Gandalf the White with Staff
Harad - Hasharin: Hasharin

I was able to look up both (assuming the Gandalf is the one packaged with the mounted version) on the GW store - are neither of them actually available, either?

Sorry - my list didn't make it clear, the Gandalf I refer to is the one which came with the Battle Games in Middle Earth (BGIME) magazine. It is similar to the one you mean but without the rock. There are two hasharin models - the one i refer to is the original 2004 release - it shows on the webstore but under availability it says 'No Longer Available'. The is the same situation with the original Fellowship box - but the hobbits, Boromir and Gandalf are available in blisters, but no sign of Ara, Leg & Gimli. The Amon Hen box set does appear to be available but the Lurtz model I refer to is a later one (also just with bow) which came out with the Fellowship Journey supplement but I cannot see it on the webstore. Also note the webstore I'm using is the UK one.

Hope all that makes sense - it's a bit of a mind bender sometimes all these variations.


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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:23 pm 
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Fingallos wrote:
Hope all that makes sense - it's a bit of a mind bender sometimes all these variations.

No kidding! There have been so many Aragorns, Legolases, and Gimlis that I'm sure I couldn't count them all of the top of my head. I went to Warhammer World just over a year ago, and snapped a shot of all of the Aragorn models lined up together - 12 total (including mounted & foot versions, and the plastic MoM model)!

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 9:44 pm 

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Has anyone else noticed that the only way the giant eagle is listed now is ....well, as a giant eagle and not as Gwaihir? So in effect Gwaihir is not available anymore either.
Think he will be redone for The Hobbit?

richmondwarmancers we play Lord of The Rings, Battlefleet Gothic, Infinity, some board games, and really whatever tickles our fancy..
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 5:29 am 
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I imagine he will, assuming GW does anything with The Hobbit (I'm assuming they will, but it's such a long ways off that one can't be too sure...)

Well, that's my 2 cents.
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:27 pm 
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Isn't gwhair and the giant eagle model identical?
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 Post subject: Re: List of Figures GW have discountinued
PostPosted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 1:48 pm 

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Sticky Fingersss wrote:
Isn't gwhair and the giant eagle model identical?

Yes it's the same model. It was originally available as part of the "Escape from Orthanc" box set and known as Gwahir. During one of the repackaging exercises it became an indivdual blister with the Giant Eagle tag.
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