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 Post subject: Jamros Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 6:42 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Well, I made my own board game. Before I show it off, I feel obligated to provide a disclaimer: the miniatures used in this board game for character pieces were done so without permission. All rights are reserved to the respective intellectual property owners; this board game was created for personal use and will not be distributed. Moving on. :)

A couple of months ago, a friend of mine was moving into a new house, and invited some of his closest friends over for a game night. Whilst playing Apples to Apples, I casually asked my friend, whom I call P, if he had gotten the new miniature board game, Mass Slaughter 2. The jokes continued, including the game’s hardcore mode, where you actually kill your opponent, and its status as an award winning sequel to the non-existent Mass Slaughter. The next day, P and I got the bright idea to actually make Mass Slaughter 2; its unveil would be a big laugh fest, but we also intended that it be a very playable and enjoyable game. Over the next two months, P and I, with the help of my brother, worked hard to get the game finished to be played by Christmas vacation. Besides my brother, I am the only one of my friends who paints miniatures, and therefore did the vast majority of the work. ;)

What's in the Box?

I won’t bother to explain the rules at all; there’s too much to read as it is! Just know that the game supports eleven players based on dice rolls.


The game itself consists of numerous different parts, each almost as equally as important as the others. The box took a lot longer than I thought it would, and was mostly for gags, ecspecially the unpictured back cover. There are two boards, which didn't take long at all; one is the main game board, the other is the Arena. The rules are quite short, and extremely easy once the game gets rolling. There are 23 cards. Each card consists of a title, picture, description, and effect; most of the descriptions are inside jokes, historical blurbs, or non chalant sentances just to get something on there. Then, there's the eleven miniatures, which I know is what you guys want to see! They aren't as good as my usual due to the rush, and the camera doesn't do them justice to boot! :wink: No, fur realz.

The Referee started life as a Blood Bowl Referee from Games Workshop's Citadel Miniatures that I picked up from a hobby store in South Carolina.

The English Halberdier was a Warhammer Bretonnian Men-At-Arms from GW's Citadel that I got from a hobby store here in NC before it closed.

The Scottish Knight is from eBob Miniatures's Rebellion range.

The Union Soldier is actually a repainted Confederate Soldier that I picked up at the gift shop in Arlington Cemetary. I could not, for the life of me, find the company it was made by.

The Confederate Soldier is the same as above.

The "Cowboy Pirate." I ordered the Western Gunfighter from eBob Miniatures, but it was out of stock. I still haven't recieved it, unfortunately (but don't hold that against eBob, he's awesome!!). So...I had to get a replacement in time for the unveil. I pulled out eBob's villager, the one that resembles Bill Ferny. When I said it was a Cowboy, everyone else said it looked more like a pirate--and thus, he was called the Cowboy Pirate.

Ramon is from eBob's Western range.

The German Non-Commissioned Officer is from eBob's Stalag Luft III Range.

The German Rifleman is also from eBob's Stalag Luft III range.

The Ghoul is from Mantic Games. I recieved it by signing up for Wayland Games Newsletters. This mini was my first experience with Mantic; I was very impressed.

The Space Marine. Last and certainly not least. I bought the 40K paint set for conversions with my Blood Swords (which I never, ever, ever play with) and had a few leftover Marines.

The Unveil


P, my bro, and I finished the game three hours before playtime. We had kept MS2 under wraps for the entire development period. P was set to host a social gathering at his house; ten players ended up showing (my bro didn't come, he wasn't feeling well). P invited these friends over as if it was a usual board game night, without letting them know about Mass Slaughter 2, so that when I brought it in, casually as if it was a real board game, it would be a big, hilarious suprise. Yes, we got the laughs, and we actually played Mass Slaughter 2 twice, but it wasn't recieved as well as I thought it would be. In other words, they liked it okay, but they didn't REALLY appreciate it or love it. To be fair, we did little playtesting and it isn't the best set of rules around. I don't feel like I wasted all my time or money, but it does demotivate me to do something like this again. Aw was fun to make!


Questions and comments are welcome. And again, the minis do look better irl.

Last edited by Jamros on Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:28 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Mass Slaughter 2 (pic and text heavy)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:48 am 
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Lol, I want to know the rules!!
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 Post subject: Re: Mass Slaughter 2 (pic and text heavy)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:32 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Sticky Fingersss wrote:
Lol, I want to know the rules!!

Really?? Or is that sarcasm...
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 Post subject: Re: Mass Slaughter 2 (pic and text heavy)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 8:00 pm 
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I would be interested in the rules as well. No sarcasm. :wink: :P
The game looks cool, but it's hard to tell if I would like it as 3/4s of a game is the rules. 8)
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 Post subject: Re: Mass Slaughter 2 (pic and text heavy)
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:05 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Alright guys, you asked for it. :) Straight from the rulebook. If something isn't clear, let me know!

Mass Slaughter 2

Two to eleven players. Each player rolls two dice to get a character. Each miniature starts at the green “Start” square, and for the first turn, each player rolls two dice to find out how far they move. For the second turn on, movement is reduced to the roll of one die.

Players take turns moving. Turns may be determined by the character numbers or by seating position, whichever is more convenient. Whoever goes first in a round must draw the card for the round. Cards have various effects, and many cards may not be applicable to the drawer.

Anyone can attack anyone, and must do so. When a miniature lands on the same square as another miniature, the two must enter combat. In order to win combat, a miniature must win four times in a dice roll (each miniature gets one die for combat). Make sure to consult the special rules for variations of this situation. After the combat, the winner remains on the square, and the loser is removed from the game. However, if the loser has more than one life, his or her miniature is returned to the “Start” square. No combat can ensue on the first turn of play. In addition, if more than two miniatures somehow land on the same square, they must be sent to the Arena.

There are four different square colors. The green square represents “Start,” where all players begin. Passing “Start” four times (excluding being sent to start by death or card) will result in a victory. No combat can ever occur on “Start.” Black squares are normal and have no effects. Landing on a yellow square will result in a miniature remaining immobile for a round, and landing on a red square will force the miniature to automatically advance to the nearest enemy.

In certain situations, a group of miniatures may be sent to the Arena. Miniatures should be placed along opposite edges. Each character rolls a dice to determine how many squares they can move in a round. Unlike movement on the regular board, a miniature does not have to move all of their allotted squares. When a player lands on the same square as an enemy, combat ensues as usual. Combat cannot involve more than two miniatures at a time. A death in the arena is the same as a death on the main board; if, however, a miniature has more than one life, they will return to “Start.” Arena combat ends when one side has been eliminated.

The last miniature alive or the first miniature to pass “Start” four times wins the game.

Roll two dice; the result is your character for the game. Characters cannot repeat, so keep rolling until you get a unique character. If need be, you may reduce the roll to one die.

1. Not Possible.
2. None. Referee—Calling the Shots: Once per game, the ref may intervene in a battle he is not involved in by sending two factions to the Arena. For example, if the Cowboy enters combat with the Scottish Knight, the Referee may send the English Halberdier, the Scottish Knight, the Cowboy, and Ramón to the Arena. American.
3. Medieval. English Halberdier— God Save the King: Due to an increase in morale, the Brit gets +1 per roll per round on any character not of English descent. English.
4. Medieval. Scottish Knight—Freedom!: the Scott gets +1 per roll per round fighting any character of English descent. Scottish.
5. ACW. Union Soldier—Strength in Numbers: The soldier may get one re-roll per round of fighting. Considered American.
6. ACW. Confederate Soldier—Rebel Yell: the enemy gets one automatic loss per roll per round due to loss of morale, so he or she must win 5 rolls rather than 4. Considered American.
7. Western. Cowboy—Dead or Alive: The American gunfighter may survive his first defeat in combat. Essentially, the Gunfighter has two lives. American.
8. Western. Ramón—Mexican Gang Leader: This Chicano gets +1 per roll per round fighting any character of American descent. Mexican.
9. WWII. German NCO—Superior Firearms: the soldier gets one automatic win per roll per round, so he must win 3 rolls rather than 4. German.
10. WWII. German Rifleman—Das ist der hammer: the soldier may attack from one square away. German.
11. None. Ghoul—Undead: the ghoul gains a life each time he defeats an opponent. No nationality.
12. None. Space Marine—For the Emperor!: the Space Marine is a soldier from the 41st millennium, and is therefore excessively elite for his enemies. He may choose one enemy per game that he enters into combat with to automatically slaughter. In addition, he has two lives. Considered English.

Different Ways to Play!

For extended fun, we have provided the option for different game modes.

Team Mode. Characters from the same factional time period fight on the same side in the game. For example, players controlling the WWII miniatures would never enter combat with each other. Alternatively, partner up before rolling for characters.
Character Mode. Players must take on the persona of the miniature they are controlling.
Arena Mode. All miniatures start in the arena and fight to the death. No cards.
Friendly Mode. Players choose their character, and there are no cards or additional special abilities.
Hardcore Mode. After defeating a character in the game, the winner must kill the loser in real life.

I don't know how to post the back cover or the cards, but I guess if you want to see those, shoot me a PM and I'll email it to you. Comments and questions are welcome, and the rules are pretty balanced when actually played with.
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 Post subject: Re: Mass Slaughter 2 (pic and text heavy)
PostPosted: Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:50 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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eBob has posted the Cowboy today. In other news, I gave each miniature a touch up; I figured that in most cases, the camera wouldn't even recognize the difference, so I'll hold off on posting pictures (unless they are requested, of course). I'll post a pic of the Cowboy as soon as he arrives and I can get him done.

I may also use this thread to post other non-LotR minis I've worked and will work on.
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 Post subject: Re: Mass Slaughter 2 (pic and text heavy)
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:22 pm 
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I think it sounds fun, i think its fantastic the box art that you've done for it.
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 Post subject: Re: Mass Slaughter 2 (pic and text heavy)
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:51 pm 
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"Hardcore Mode" lol

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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:24 pm 
Elven Warrior
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We got snow last week, which quickly turned to ice, so I spent my time out of school painting up this diorama. These Confederate command troops are from Perry Miniatures' American Civil War range (ACW20, I believe). There are six total; two captains, two banner boys, two drummers. One of the banners is the Confederate Battle Flag, and the other is the North Carolina State Flag of the time period. And of course...the camera...yadda yadda yadda...


Also, eBob's Western Gunfighter apparently got lost in the mail; he told me that he was sending another today. A man of true character, imo :yay:
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:37 pm 
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That diorama looks great Jamros. The painting is nice and neat and the base looks good too. May I ask what size base they're on to give an idea of size? Is it 60mm or 40mm? Cheers.

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:06 pm 
Elven Warrior
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The base is 60mm, and is from Games Workshop.
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
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On Saturday, I informed eBob that the Western Gunfighter had still not arrived (the one who had been ordered in late November and shipped December 30th)--we both concluded that it had been lost in the mail, and he sent another one out on Monday. Unfortunately, the original mini arrived on Tuesday. I feel kind of bad about it, as it was just a day more! But he said not to worry if I recieved both. Still, I'll have to make it up to him by placing a big order down the line! So, I got it painted up today, meaning the MS2 Crew is officially complete.

Doesn't look as much like The Man With No Name (the obvious inspiration) as I would like, but its done, and it doesn't look too bad.

Some shots of the whole crew:
I haven't played MS2 since the original unveil, but I hope to sometime soon with some friends who didn't get to play it.

Also, here's something I finished a few months ago. I bought the Halo Actionclix preview pack from Amazon to repaint them and make them into a diorama based on the poster that came with Halo 3. Really hard to capture the diorama with a camera.
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:22 am 
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Looks great, what scale are your American civil war ranges?
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:59 am 
Elven Warrior
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28mm, both the Perry Brothers and that unnamed brand from the Arlington Cemetery Gift Shop.
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 4:26 am 
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I love the Spartan, and the Clint Eastwood figure, I think you got the colors spot on! Good Job!

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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:06 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I actually did these some months ago now, but never posted them. And once again, I want to apologize for my poor photography skills.

This is the accidental second Western gunfighter sent by eBob. I think this second paintjob looks a lot more like Blondie...but the pic doesn't show that so much.

This is the "One Eyed Fat Man" miniature from Crusader Miniatures, clearly inspired by John Wayne as Rooster Cogburn in True Grit.

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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 4:31 am 
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Looks good! Although the bar (that holds up the horse I assume) is a bit annoying.
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:17 am 
Elven Warrior
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Edit: Deleted a large amount of text pertaining to an American Civil War Project (including a series of questions to help me decide what to do).

Last edited by Jamros on Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:44 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Edit: Deleted a large amount of text pertaining to an American Civil War Project.

Last edited by Jamros on Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Jamros: Non-LotR Showcase
PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 10:43 am 
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1. What do you think of first when you hear "American Civil War"?
Economic differences, north and south, slavery, dances with wolves (just wathced that film recently and it came up)

2. Speaking from a military perspective, what do you think most embodies the American Civil War from the following?
A. Generals

3. And, in the same vein, which side of the struggle, Union or Confederate?
Do you mean which do we support?

4. Which of the following do you think would most embody the American Civil War?
A. 54mm Confederate General (Robert E. Lee)

5. Any further comments?
I think it's great your taking up something historical. I've always loved historical things. Check out perry Miniatures civil war range. its plastic 28mm and great quality, although i dont know if hte poses are good enough for a diorama.
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