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 Post subject: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:18 am 
Elven Warrior
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Well, as there is a tournament at my door, I needed to prepare an army. I was looking at a list of all my armies, and, as someone who also enters the tourney told me dwarves are little pieces of [word deleted], my choice was almost clear: DWARVES!!!!
I heard things like: Baruk Khazad! in my head, but, enough story about it, here comes the list:

Warband One: The Iron Guards

Ragnar, Captain of the Iron Guard (King's Champion)
12 Iron Guards
305 Points

Warband Two: Morgrim's Guards
Morgrim, King of Belegost (Dain Ironfoot)
12 Khazad Guards
257 Points

Warband Three: Thorgrim's Archers
Thorgrim, Hand of the King (Floi, Loremaster of Moria)
12 Dwarven Warriors with Dwarf Bows.
178 Points

Total: 750 Points, 39 Models, 12 Bows= 33%, 6 Might

So, this is my list, But, now some questions:
1. Would you skip some archers in order to take Durin instead of Dain? The only difference on the tanky side between them seems a Fury like special rule for a extra point of Fate. Also, On the courage side, Dain has a higher courage, and a larger Stand Fast! range, while Durin has a War Horn>

2. As I'm also playing a 500 points match against a Goblin player, I need to change my list. But what should I do? Skip Morgrim's Guard, and change a few Iron Guards into Khazad Guards to get those double Handy's? As far as I know he has Groblog, or how that new Goblin King is called, 3 full warbands of Goblins, some Shamans, Ashrak and two Cave Trolls(they are no problem for Ragnar, as he could slay both of them in around 4 turns I think).

3. When I'm fighting that Goblin player, I can choose the scenario! Well, I thought of something like The High Ground, as it gives me a huge advantage. (My Iron Guards can cut through his Goblins with ease, and then form a line to guard the hill.

Oh, and I WON'T ally in spear support.

It would be realy nice if you could answer my questions, or comment on the list.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:58 pm 
Elven Elder
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A King's Champion can only lead 10 models because the Banner Bearers that accompany him count as 2 of the 12.

Dain is probably powerful enough for you, so don't cut down on numbers further, unless the extra pts from dropping the 2 above models gives you enough pts to do so.

To do a 500pt version, drop the archers, as you don't need them at that level.

Anything against allied cavalry?

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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:41 pm 
Elven Warrior
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
A King's Champion can only lead 10 models because the Banner Bearers that accompany him count as 2 of the 12.

Dain is probably powerful enough for you, so don't cut down on numbers further, unless the extra pts from dropping the 2 above models gives you enough pts to do so.

To do a 500pt version, drop the archers, as you don't need them at that level.

Anything against allied cavalry?

Dropping the troops from the King's Champion's warband would mean that I could eather drop another archer in order to get Durin, Get more Iron Guards from Khazad Guards, or change Floi in eather Gimli, Mardin or Balin. For the cavalry, I'm not planning on allying in horsemen, as I don't know how tourneys on my new gaming location think of WYSIWYG, otherwise I'd make Dwarven Ponyriders. But, if they don't bother with that, I'll use cavalry. For the 500 points, it'll be a King's Champion, Floi, somewhere around 14 Iron Guards and 10 Khazad Guards.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:11 pm 
Elven Elder
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mastermanje wrote:
GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
A King's Champion can only lead 10 models because the Banner Bearers that accompany him count as 2 of the 12.

Dain is probably powerful enough for you, so don't cut down on numbers further, unless the extra pts from dropping the 2 above models gives you enough pts to do so.

To do a 500pt version, drop the archers, as you don't need them at that level.

Anything against allied cavalry?

Dropping the troops from the King's Champion's warband would mean that I could eather drop another archer in order to get Durin, Get more Iron Guards from Khazad Guards, or change Floi in eather Gimli, Mardin or Balin. For the cavalry, I'm not planning on allying in horsemen, as I don't know how tourneys on my new gaming location think of WYSIWYG, otherwise I'd make Dwarven Ponyriders. But, if they don't bother with that, I'll use cavalry. For the 500 points, it'll be a King's Champion, Floi, somewhere around 14 Iron Guards and 10 Khazad Guards.

Keep Floi, he's rather good in SBG fo his pts, either Durin or Guards, depending on whether you want a more solid baseline, or more powerful hero, I'd go for the first one.

Dwarvn Pony-riders sound like a cool conversion.

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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:57 am 
Elven Warrior
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Well, going to pm the tournament-organisator about it today on another forum, and for Floi, i like him, but didn't knew if he was good on the field (never used him)

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:17 pm 
Elven Elder
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I've never used any Dwarves, but I know they can be very good for other reasons...

Use Floi to take out the really powerful speciak rukles thhat you're oponent will be relying upon.

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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:22 pm 
Elven Warrior
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
I've never used any Dwarves, but I know they can be very good for other reasons...

Use Floi to take out the really powerful speciak rukles thhat you're oponent will be relying upon.

Things like terror when a Nazgul is around, things like gothmog?

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 3:59 pm 

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Spearless dwarves against a goblin swarm? I smell dwarf blood.

I haven't fielded Floi since ShadowLord left the field with the decrease in bow use. Still powerful...I'd love to have him on hand just before the Undying needs to use his Will as Fate.

If you have choice of scenarios, don't take one that gives VPs by how many models are inside an area: swarms will generally win from sheer numbers, if you can't kill enough fast enough. And you won't have the movement advantage to ge there first to set up your sheld wall outside the perimeter---and with the new 6 inch areas, you'll be hard pressed to have the numbers to defend all that terrain. Expensive elites cut down numbers...and dagelijk Dwarves overpower goblins anyway. Consider numbers, instead, if you know you are fighting gobs.

Love to see a battle report! Good luck.
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:05 pm 
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spear support is very necessary in most battles but you might be ok if you dont let your opponent even start to think about trying to flank you

rozinante said:
...and dagelijk Dwarves...

eeer... what does dagelijk mean?

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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:38 pm 
Elven Elder
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Dwarves do very well without spears. Just bring the KC along and use his banners to help win fights.

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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:11 pm 
Elven Warrior
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SidTheSloth wrote:
spear support is very necessary in most battles but you might be ok if you dont let your opponent even start to think about trying to flank you

rozinante said:
...and dagelijk Dwarves...

eeer... what does dagelijk mean?

@Draugluin Indeed, Iron Guards with banners will totaly overpower spearblocks. Still waiting to hear the response on my question to the organisator.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 8:42 pm 
Elven Elder
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As Draugluin says.

Yes, Terror's a good one, unless you're facing Black Numenoreans as it would be a waste.

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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:30 pm 
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I've played as and against dwarves slot, what generally goes down is:
A:the heroes end up sinking all their might into combat, getting kills, calling heroics etc. I always use a tonne of shields to help outlast everyone, you have none but you do have two banners, use them well!

Back in the lome days my army would be a handful of dwarf elites (just enough to make a front line), maxed out rangers with bows, and then I'd fill up the rest of the points with rohan outriders. I dunno if outriders are still heroes, if they are do it!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 3:46 pm 
Elven Warrior
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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
I've played as and against dwarves slot, what generally goes down is:
A:the heroes end up sinking all their might into combat, getting kills, calling heroics etc. I always use a tonne of shields to help outlast everyone, you have none but you do have two banners, use them well!

Back in the lome days my army would be a handful of dwarf elites (just enough to make a front line), maxed out rangers with bows, and then I'd fill up the rest of the points with rohan outriders. I dunno if outriders are still heroes, if they are do it!

Why would you even use rangers? maybe more range, but in the new gamesystem, your first turn of the game wouldn't even need a volley, but you get better armor and better strength bows in return.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:30 pm 
Elven Elder
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SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
I dunno if outriders are still heroes, if they are do it!

They are not, but on foot, they cost the same pts as a WoR with bow for identical stats but better shoot value, making regular Rohan archers on foot useless.

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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:46 pm 
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mastermanje wrote:
SuicidalMarsbar wrote:
I've played as and against dwarves slot, what generally goes down is:
A:the heroes end up sinking all their might into combat, getting kills, calling heroics etc. I always use a tonne of shields to help outlast everyone, you have none but you do have two banners, use them well!

Back in the lome days my army would be a handful of dwarf elites (just enough to make a front line), maxed out rangers with bows, and then I'd fill up the rest of the points with rohan outriders. I dunno if outriders are still heroes, if they are do it!

Why would you even use rangers? maybe more range, but in the new gamesystem, your first turn of the game wouldn't even need a volley, but you get better armor and better strength bows in return.

I used them back in lome to work with the outriders, as I stated earlier. New game system this would probably be pants bur the premise that dwarfs make a good tanking force for something better off shooting/spellcasting etc still remains. Arnor with spears are worthwhile allies...
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2012 9:49 am 
Elven Warrior
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Well, the organisator said I could use spears looking as normal dwarves with spears, but then the spears needed to be a bit elite, as dwarves are elite(4 fight and/or courage), so I think I'm going for Forlong the Fat with Axemen of Lossarnach turned into dwarves, wich means I'll skip the Khazad Guards and Floi, but change some Iron Guards into Khazad for 2handeds around. And That'd probably mean I can turn Dain into Durin.

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:08 am 
Elven Warrior
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After the organisator told me I can use these spears, I came up with this list:
Warband 1:
Durin, 8 Warriors with bows&4 Khazad Guards

Warband 2:
King's Champion& 10 Iron Guards

Warband 3:
Forlong& 12 Axemen of Lossarnach

But, When I looked at the list again, I saw another option:
Warband 1:
Gimli, 7 Iron Guards& 4 Khazad Guards

Warband 2:
Balin with Durin's Axe& 10 Dwarf Warriors with Shields

Warband 3:
Floi& 10 Dwarf Warriors with bows

Warband 4:
Forlong& 12 Axemen of Lossarnach.

4 questions left:
1:should I skip some warriors In order to change Gimli into a King's Champion?
2:On the first list, how about changing Durin with Murin&Drar?
3: On the first list, what to do with the points left?
4:Which list should I choose?

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 11:48 am 
Elven Warrior
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And option 3:
King's Champion, 10 Iron Guards&2 Khazad Guards
Dwarven King with either 2handed or throwing axes, 10 Warriors With bows&2 Khazad Guards
Floi, 5 Warriors with shields, 1 Warrior with hand weapon.
Forlong, 12 Axemen of Lossarnach

Ours is the fury!
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 Post subject: Re: Elite Dwarf Army - 750 Points
PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 12:36 pm 
Elven Elder
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For some reason, I prefer option 3.

How many pts are left in option 1 though?

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