Thanks for the inquiries Drumstick! I tend to be long-winded and my camera is poor, and half of this thread isn't even related to my medieval project, so I haven't generated much interest. This project started as a conversion for War of the Ring, taking out the fantasy elements as well as some of the overpowered-hero aspects in order to make it usable for medieval battles. But things have taken a somewhat different turn, as we are now rebasing the models on 40mmx40mm bases. This is because the cavalry could not be moved on their trays stably. When we saw how much it would cost to place them all on 40mm circular bases and give them War of the Ring cavalry movement trays, it was decided that some sort of new basing had to be used, as well as possibly new rules. Right now, War of the Ring is still the favored rules set, but I been looking into Impetus, Hail Caesar, Terry Gore's Medieval Warfare, Dux Bellorum, and Neil Thomas's Ancient and Medieval Wargaming, among others. Medieval wargaming doesn't seem to be very big, so it a lot of times gets grouped in with Ancients, and if it doesn't the information about the rules is very scarce. If anyone can help, I'm looking for rules with around the same complexity as War of the Ring, with army lists for the High and Late Middle Ages.
I too like the look of the English army, my brother's army, more than my own Saracens, but I think I would prefer to game The Crusades over something like The War of the Roses. My only gaming partner right now is my brother, that's his English army. This is a project we decided to do together. The miniatures in all these pictures are actually a mix of Italeri, Zvezda, Caesar, HaT, and Revell miniatures. My army only consists of Italeri and HaT. And now, an update with some more painting and the new basing:

Here's this post's side project...

This is the 54mm Iroquois Warrior from Model-K. It came assembled and toned for an absolutely unbeatable price. Now, as a disclaimer, I'm not sure what Model-K's deal is. They are based in Ukraine and have a massive selection of varying quality. They may be receiving expired molds from other companies, they may be re-producing miniatures in their area of the world, or they may somehow be pirating copies of miniatures from other companies. I'm not sure, it may be a combination of all of those. This miniature was awesome to paint, I'm very proud of how it turned out. 28mm is no longer the favored scale for wargaming
or display