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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:33 pm 
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Dezartfox wrote:
"Page 29 – The Spider Queen, Unit Entry.
Change to be an Independent Hero."

Nooooooooooo my Lotr Spider army is now illegal again :(
looks like I'll have another random goblin character leading the spiders along with Ashrâk -_____-

Thats a bit silly - a Spider hero should be the leader of a warband of spiders. Personally, if my opponent wanted to have his Spider Queen lead a warband of giant spiders I wouldn't have a problem with it. Its way more thematic than the Spider Queen being on her own but her minions being led by a puny goblin.

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:59 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Maybe they're planning something with the spider scene in the films..

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:17 am 
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Draugluin wrote:
Beowulf, you can use Bows and Shields in the same turn, that's the whole point of Expert Rider. Also, you can still only move 1/2 and shoot, the -1 penalty is in addition to that.

Expert Rider...duh. Been too long since I played any Cav in SBG (actually played my first SBG game in about a year just two weeks ago :o ).

I knew that the 1/2 move limit was still present. Sorry if my post wasn't clear. Comes from writting at work. :rofl:

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:05 am 

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Draugluin wrote:
whafrog wrote:

That's how I read it. You could have 100% bows in an all RoR army, or 100% bows if you had 2/3rds RoR and 1/3 WoR w.bows (the RoR count as warriors for the purposes of calculating WoR limits).

It's overkill IMHO. 50% limit would have been fine, or even a "RoR don't suffer a movement penalty" rule.

Maybe they're trying to move some RoR stock...

I would say that this is wrong, they don't count at all is the way that I read it. So you would need to have 2 WoR without bow for everyone with bow. I may be wrong, but that's how I interpretted it.

That would be a bit weird though, you could have a 100% bow force if you took all RoR, but if you wanted to add a few Outriders you'd need twice as many 'other' models as Outriders to make it legal.
I think they don't count towards the bow limit (ie the number of bows), but they do count towards the number of warriors in your army, which you use to work out your bow limit.

I also think the FAQ needs an FAQ.

Titans Wargames Club
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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:17 pm 
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Damian wrote:
Draugluin wrote:
whafrog wrote:

That's how I read it. You could have 100% bows in an all RoR army, or 100% bows if you had 2/3rds RoR and 1/3 WoR w.bows (the RoR count as warriors for the purposes of calculating WoR limits).

It's overkill IMHO. 50% limit would have been fine, or even a "RoR don't suffer a movement penalty" rule.

Maybe they're trying to move some RoR stock...

I would say that this is wrong, they don't count at all is the way that I read it. So you would need to have 2 WoR without bow for everyone with bow. I may be wrong, but that's how I interpretted it.

That would be a bit weird though, you could have a 100% bow force if you took all RoR, but if you wanted to add a few Outriders you'd need twice as many 'other' models as Outriders to make it legal.
I think they don't count towards the bow limit (ie the number of bows), but they do count towards the number of warriors in your army, which you use to work out your bow limit.

I also think the FAQ needs an FAQ.

I haven't seen it in person but it sounds like it's phrased the same was as for Heroes. If that's the case then they are not included in the calculation at all. It does make sense even though it is frustrating. The Outrider example is where it can be hard to adapt (you would need to bring in mounted Guard I think since RoR can't balance them out now). But from the other perspective you don't want someone bringing along 10 RoR and then using them in the calculation to bring in a larger contingent of allied archers as well.

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:52 pm 

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Allied contingents have to have their own bow limits, so aren't affected.

What it does not say is 'RoR don't count for the purposes of working out what your bow limit is.'

1) Count up the number of warriors in your army.
2) Divide by 3 and round up to find your bow limit.
3) Riders of Rohan do not count towards this limit.

1) Count up the number of warriors in your army that are not RoR.
2) Divide by 3 to find the bow limit for the part of your army that isn't RoR.
3) Only count bows not carried by RoR against this bow limit.

The first method is less complicated and the most likely explanation.

I haven't seen it in person but it sounds like it's phrased the same was as for Heroes.

Edit: It says;
'Your army can have 1/3 of its warriors (rounding up) armed with bows...... Bows carried by heroes do not count towards an army's bow limit'

Titans Wargames Club
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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:53 pm 
Elven Elder
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It's actually worded the same way as for heros. Neither RoR nor Rohan heros with bows count towards the bow limit, IMO.

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:19 pm 
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Draugluin wrote:
It's actually worded the same way as for heros. Neither RoR nor Rohan heros with bows count towards the bow limit, IMO.

Right...but they're still "warriors". So if you had 3 warbands, could you take:
12 WoR w/bows
24 RoR

or would you have to take:
12 WoR w/bows
12 WoR w/other
12 RoR

or maybe:
12 WoR w/bows
24 WoR w/other
XX RoR (as many as you want)

Because if they don't count towards the bow limit in the same way as heroes, then all the non-hero, non-RoR have to conform to 33% (option 3). But if they don't count but *are* still warriors, then option 1 or 2 would work.
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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:23 pm 
Elven Elder
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I guess you'll just have to ask your opponent. I personally would say that you would need to have 2 WoR w/other for every one with, but that's just me.

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:38 pm 
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Assuming Damian has the wording exact, for Heroes it says:
"Bows carried by heroes do not count towards an army's bow limit'"

In the FAQ it says:
"Riders of Rohan in warbands chosen from the Rohan army list do not count towards your forceʼs Bow Limit."

The key phrase "do not count towards (an army's / your force's ) bow limit" are the same for each.

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:06 pm 

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Bows carried by heroes do not count towards an army's bow limit

Since heroes are never considered when working out what your bow limit is (as you're counting warriors only) the only point of this sentence is to clarify that you don't count their bows against the maximum number that your warriors are allowed.
This sentence does not mean 'Ignore heroes when working out what your bow limit is'.

The same sentence when applied to RoR means 'don't count their bows against the maximum number that your warriors are allowed'. It does not mean 'Ignore RoR when working out what your bow limit is'.

Titans Wargames Club
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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:39 am 
Elven Elder
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Anyone wondered why on Earth Easterlings/Khand have 50% bow, it doesn't make sense, unless the idea is to have up to 50% Khandish horsemen and the rest Easterlings.

Also, I nknew I was right about the Golden king not being able to be supported.

For Rohan, RoR count as non-bow armed troops for bow limit purposes surely, otherwise what's the point?

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:44 am 
Elven Elder
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First of all, only Easterlings can have 1/2 bows, not Khand. I think it's because of the make-up of the box.

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 Post subject: Re: The Hobbit FAQ
PostPosted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:15 pm 
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GothmogtheWerewolf wrote:
For Rohan, RoR count as non-bow armed troops for bow limit purposes surely, otherwise what's the point?

I hope that's the case. It makes sense but does leave a few openings for exploitation. Even so, they aren't the strongest force in the game anyway so inclusion isn't as big of a deal.

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