Well, by 7pm EST, aka midnight GMT, I had completed almost double the challenge.
There was a small problem: I had to base the damn things.
Alas, my basing protocol for Gondorian miniatures is a bit long and time consuming (they all have to have white bricks on their base to represent Gondor's broken glory) so I finished the challenge this morning. Then I needed enough light to take some pictures.
I didn't get it, so I'll take out the proper camera later and fiddle with lighting, but here's the preliminary results, courtesy of a rubbish smart phone camera.

And here they are with a better camera:


I painted 16 warriors in total, and two captains, as well as a Mithril Boromir representing a "King of Men" character. The idea is that these are part of the Gondorian forces who typically defend Osgiliath, but may be moved up or down the river to reinforce the garrisons at Cair Andros, or points south.
It's been a learning, or re-learning experience for me. Certain things became clear.
- I am way out of practice. Painting Reaper or D+D figures uses a different skillset than painting LOTR figures.
- This apartment is very dry. Paints just dry sooo fast.
- This apartment is verrrry dark. This is not surprising, but its worth mentioning.
- I need new brushes. The bunch I bought last year are all dead, and the three year old W+N Series 7 is still trucking, but showing its age.
- I need new paints. I am out a lot of base paints such as a Codex Grey and Scorched Brown variant.
- I really need to check out that Army Painter wash series, the one which is remarkably like Babdab Black and Devlan Mud. The dodgy Adiken ink and the ancient Citadel black ink are not-terrible for doing some Gondorian soldiers, but would be bad news indeed for other armies.
Real life got in the way a bunch (exams! essays! stuff!), and most of the work was done this final weekend. I actually hoped to have 24 soldiers done by now, but I realised that today is the 1st, not tomorrow.
Anyway, back to cleaning up the apartment after my painting marathon. Congrats to those who finished: you did brilliantly.