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 Post subject: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:52 pm 

Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:06 pm
Posts: 19
Hey all ,

I'm just starting out and am wondering if i bought The hobbit hardback rules manual would i still need to buy the previous rule books for the older version of the game ???

PS the anticipation is killing me !!! cannot wait to start collecting , painting and creating an army !!!!

thank you all for you help and advice !!!!
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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:05 am 
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I know the feeling :)

There is only one rule book, that is the Hobbit book, it contains everything you need as far as rules go. The other books I'm assuming you're referring to are the sourcebooks for the various armies (Kings of Men, Free Peoples, etc). You do not need the old One Ring blue book.
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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:09 am 

Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2013 5:06 pm
Posts: 19
Hey ringwraiths,

thanks for your help !!! there seems like alot you need to get to grips with daunting but i cant wait !!!!
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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 12:34 am 
Elven Elder
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It is a fair amount to play a faction, but it's really comparable to any other miniature games. A core rulebook and an army specific one. There's too much to fit into a single volume without it being near unpurchaseable due to high costs.

That aside welcome to the hobby! Hope you enjoy it as much as I know many of us have :)

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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:27 am 
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I would recommend getting the Escape From Goblin Town rulebook as it is smaller, cheaper and contains all the rules. The points values from the big rulebook are now available on the GW website, leaving you very little reason to buy the big rulebook for £50.


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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:05 pm 
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VictoryGin wrote:
I would recommend getting the Escape From Goblin Town rulebook as it is smaller, cheaper and contains all the rules. The points values from the big rulebook are now available on the GW website, leaving you very little reason to buy the big rulebook for £50.


What about the new expansion? And are really all the new rules in the escape from goblin town rulebook? (I have that one and I was curious.)

Also to add to the question I have all the "old" sourcebooks, but the new army sourcebooks do they contain more info? For example Kingdoms of men are their updated rules and units beyond what is in the One Rulebook to rule them all?
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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 2:04 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder
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Yes, there are some extra profiles and rules changes. And yeah, get the DoS book. It's sweet!

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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 2:13 pm 
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All the rules are the goblin town book. The new expansion just has new scenarios and profiles.

There aren't very many profiles in the One Ring book. The Kingdoms of Men book pulls everything from the old Gondor book, the Two Towers and Shadows of the East (for Rohan), and Ruins of Arnor, plus everything that was released in issues of WD since then (Sons of Eorl, Blackroot Vale, etc).
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 Post subject: Re: Rule books and manuals
PostPosted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 9:45 pm 
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Toke wrote:
Hey all ,

I'm just starting out and am wondering if i bought The hobbit hardback rules manual would i still need to buy the previous rule books for the older version of the game ???

PS the anticipation is killing me !!! cannot wait to start collecting , painting and creating an army !!!!

thank you all for you help and advice !!!!

You can do this two ways man.

1- Buy Goblin town because you get the new updated rules. Also, you get Thorins whole company(13 heros!) You get the Goblin King(very good) and Grinnah a goblin captain and 36 Goblins. If you bought those all seperate huge money! Plus, some dice, rulers and awesome scenery from Goblin Town.

Then you can download the point values and character profiles for free from the book if you wanna save money. The link is either on this site or another one I go to. Not sure at the moment. You wont need to buy an $85 book if youre short on cash or dont feel like buying a 90 dollar book when you want 3 profiles like me.


You can buy that book but its only good for the Hobbit characters....hardly enough to make more than 2 or 3 armies if youre lucky.
Then, you have to buy the sourcebooks for the LOTR stuff.

If you have more money, you can do that, or pick and choose.

Personally, I bought Goblin Town, ten I downloaded the Hobbit profiles, then I bought 4 sourcebooks(I didnt buy moria because I wont have an army from it for a while).
I bought free peoples, kingdoms of men, mordor, and the fallen realms.

From this you can make elves, dwarves, gondor, rohan, numenor, fiedfoms, mordor duh but like all of it, easterlings, harad, umbar...a ton of stuff.

Depending on what you buy first is what youre gonna want.
What are your first armies going to be and consist of?

Let me know what you intend on buying or are thinking about making for army/armies to start and Ill help decide.

Are you trying to keep the budget decent or do you not care?

Anyway it was on this site. I found it for ya: ... points.pdf

Now you can know EXACTLY what youre buying before you do so you have a better chance of knowing and a better choice!

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