The Elves regrouped and backtracked to the previous battlefield to find the Dwarves interrogating one of the elven company.
The objective was to have control over the objective (the elf) when one of the companies reached 25%.
Set Up:
End of Turn TwoAll the reinforcements moved on at the end of turn one, Nar managing to sneak up the flank a bit more than his brothers who had a long walk.

End of Turn ThreeElwing gets wounded from diving in front of an arrow meant for Faenor, Fror once again proving his accuracy with a bow.
End of Turn FourFaenor takes vengeance and wound Nar who was sneaking through the ruins of the statues.

End of Turn FiveElranhir manages to wound Fror, who crawls away to the safety of the wood.
End of Turn six/sevenThe Dwarven company charges forward, realising that the elves will just sit and shoot them all day otherwise. They leave Vidar and Frar to look after the elven prisoner until a hail of harrows sees them duck and flee.

End of Turn EightThe Elves see their chance to rescue their sister and advance forward while pouring shots into the Dwarves.
End of Turn NineThe Dwarves courage now broken start to dash back and forth as the elves dance around them, unsure of where the arrows are coming from
End of Turn TenVidar decided this was all too much and ran off the board, meaning the game would end this turn.. all the dwarves had to do was hold the objective. But Blain decided that enough blood had been spilt and decided to fail his courage check... and leave the objective, leaving the Elven leader to rescue his comrade.
End of Battle StuffThe Elves managed to rescue their missing sister, with only Elwing missing the next game. Faenor managed to increase his shoot value to 2+, and Elranheir gained a pt of Might.
For the Dwarves, Nar was wounded pretty bad and has to mix the next game and Fror now has an Old Battle Wound along with his baldness.
Blain gained Furious charge (+1 attack on charge).