Bronf wrote:
im planning to making a mordor army and thinking of including one of these in my average 500-750 pt games over a mordor troll. i like how it can shoot 9 bows even and still counting as 1 model when calculating bow limits its should be there any reasons i should take a mordor troll over one of these beasts and how to use them (i'm assuming like a troll but shoot at all the squishy targets). also how many would u add to a army for a 750 pts. i also have a few rules with this as well with shooting if the beast moves do the orcs get the -1 to shoot (reason as to why plz) and the most important question are they fun to use.
Id say in 500 put 1. In 750 it depends on what you use in the rest of the army.
If you go cheap with like Gorbag, Grisknakh, captains, etc and massive of orcs, sure....take two. If you go with even one hero thats like 100+ points and elite units then take 1.
Trolls are fun, but all of my luck with Mordor trolls has been poor.
And the shooting and moving value doesnt matter because the profile shows its 6+ to hit with ranged attacks and the rule states this profile is all counted as one model, including the archers....
KM1301 wrote:
I played against one in an army of 750 points 2 weeks ago. They are atleast fun to play against! I think 1 is enough. In the rules stays that the archers on a Great beast of Gorgoroth always hit on a 6, even if the beast didn't moved that turn. Because of the 6+ to hit and orc bows, they won't do much damage, in the whole battle they only killed 2 of my minis, they had D5. There is no really reason to take a troll as far as think, because these beast are perfect to break a shieldwall, one of the main goals for trolls, as long as you have priorety...
Yeah I never saw their rule about continuing to walk through and kill troops with strength 6 hits. Thats brutal with anything with 5 or less D. Even with 6 you only need 4s to kill.
And yeah....Never really studied this things profile till tonight. It looks super fun and probably worth the points. Mathematically your archers alone should get 30-50 pts worth of kills as long as you use your army properly.
JamesR wrote:
I can tell you one massive reason to go with trolls over the great beast. Fight Value
Thats def the one big advantage I see. Otherwise, Id say they both have their cool uses. Thing is I believe more people are bound to know how to deal with a troll and his abilities though. So yeah, hopefully you roll high. But if you get the charge and kill a few guys throughout the game, then get some bow kills, I think he'll be worth his points.
GrashnarTheSecond wrote:
KM1301 wrote:
In the rules stays that the archers on a Great beast of Gorgoroth always hit on a 6, even if the beast didn't moved that turn.
This is not true. There is no such rule, neither in the profile in the sourcebook, nor in the FAQ.
Yeah technically,
that is not written, but the profile says 6+ to hit, so he is indeed correct.