Just placed some victoria miniatures cloaks on my Knights of Minas Tirith - they would need some trimming to fit right, maybe some other time.

As you can see, it depends on which cloak and what the horses tail is doing, but with a little bit of work should work.
Several others have suggested Fireforge Templars and their cloaks -
http://hoardobits.com/cgi/hob/shop.pl?c ... 52013-1-19 for example.
Bringing over another picture from another post:

I have found Victoria Miniatures in Australia quite useful for backpacks, etc. Besides the backpacks; look under her weapons and gear at victorian ammo pouches, bread bags, small ammo pouches and even the chem tank backpacks - I modified those for bedrolls. I had bought the shovels and picks thinking I could use them for my dwarves, but they were too large for the figures but worked well as terrain debris.
The bits stores on Ebay are useful, or maybe your local hobby store or gaming club has a bits bin that might have something to add to your figures. The coiled ropes from the Frostgrave Soldiers set works well as also.