___________________Durin´s Tower_________________
*adding this music background soundtrack for more in depth reading ;) *
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBoGSMuuHf4" The Kingdom of Khazad-Dûm is at its peak; the wonder of the Northern World. King Durin sits on the throne and reigns justly and wisely. In the depths of the minas below Barazinbar Dwarves toil ceaselessly, while in the great forges and workshops skilled artisans produce wondrous treasures. Word of the splendour of Dwarrowdelf has spread far and wide and many are in awe of the acheivements of the Dwarves. Others are resentfull, covering their riches and the fruits of their industry....
One that is envious of the labours of the Dwarves is Gathamaur.... a Dragon that has plagues the Misty Mountains for years.
Several times the Dwarves have driven Gathamaur away from the East or West gates and many are the travellers and traders that the Dragon has devoured in an efford to sate his appetites.
Now Gathamaur seeks to gain acess to Khazad-Dûm by a diferent route - Durin´s Tower, high on the peak of Zirak-zigil. Built centuries before, when the father of the Dwarves still walked among his children, Durin´s Tower stands as a sentinel looking across the Misty Mountains. On a clear day the watchers there can see for miles in all directions and keep a lookout for enemies.
From the tower an intruder, even one as large as a Dragon, would gain acess to the Endless Stair that leads down into the heart of Khazad-Dûmand beyound to the bowels of the earth and long-forgotten places. As Gathamaur attacks, the sentries stationed on the near Durin´s Tower rush to defend their Kingdom."
So this scenario its the Book of khazad -Dûm where Gathamaur the dragon, wants to get acess to Khazad-Dûm through Durin´s Tower and down the endless stair, while the dwarves must prevent this from happening.
**Sorry for the low quality pics**
My friend played with the Dragon and I played with the dwarves (had to use proxies of those dwarves mainly Grimhammers as Iron guards, Ironhills as Vault warden team shieldbearers while erebor with spears as foe spear for the teams). The scenario was as well proxy. The middle rock represents the stairs.
The dwarf deploy was initially aggressive as they tried to surround the Dragon as it landed.
The Dragon didn´t liked the outcome, so he went in flying directly right into the Garrison inside of the tower to avoid being caught in the trap.
The Dwarf Captain charged the Dragon to help his kinfolk, but due to bad rolling heroic strikes and duel rolls, he almost got killed by the Dragon while his 5 comrades were getting torn apart.
The Dwarf Rangers that initially decided to pull a trap on the dragon started to run inside the tower to help their kin, while throwing axes at the beast. Dwarven axes were sharp but none could pierce the Dragon´s hide and only managed to drive Gathamaur off the tower as he started to get ready to fly by and rain fire upon the garrison.
Fate was kind for the Dwarves as in the shooting phase, 2 Rangers along with 2 Iron guards managed to throw axes into the incoming dragon fire rampage and dealing 2 wounds on the beast. Although the wounds weren´t severe, it was painful enough for the dragon to miss his fire breathe initial target and only killing 1 dwarf with it as well as giving him a reluctant state to continue the attack on the tower.
Decided to make final charge into the garrison as he started to hear incoming dwarven reinforcements, Gathamaur sweep down yet again forth at the tower´s garrison in the hope to kill the Dwarves quickly enough so he could get inside the stairs and escape.
The incoming fight rounds were fierce and Dragon killed most of the dwarves along with their Captain. However despite his close pull towards victory, an axe blow from losing 1 combat with a few rangers, combined with his exhaustion, wounded and reluctant state of risking his life while seeing the incoming reinforcements, Gathamaur lost the stomach to fight and fled, leaving a close victory to the Dwarves of Khazad-Dûm at the cost of several dwarves and a valuable life of their Captain.