Just coming out of a hobby dry spell at the moment... I've decided to work on some of the Thorins Company from Escape from Goblin town.
As usual I find the plastics a bit bland as they are, for characters, so I'm doing minor bits of sculpting and conversions to add some detail.
I'm also mining the three Hobbit Chronicles art and design books for ideas, in addition to my own reading of the Hobbit novel.
Frodo is getting a dark green cloak to wear - Dwalin gave him it a the Green Dragon as they were setting out on their quest. I've intentionally sculpted it a bit stylised to suggest it's not hobbit size and bilbo is modifying it as they go along. I also sculpted stings sheath, and widened the trousers a bit.
Balin just has a hood sculpted, more importantly I've called out his signature forked beard, and also added a little upward pointing tuft of hair to bring out the characterisation a bit more.
Gloin's hands/axes have been repositioned slightly, a cloak sculpted furled up attached to his belt and some minor hair alterations sculpted in. Like a few of the other dwarves I'm shortening their legs to make them more in line with the LOTR dwarf range. He'll wear grey/white clothing based on his novel description (he does come across as a bit of a ladies man with his outfit being white, and being one of the few dwarves mentioned with a wife!)
Thorin will naturally be getting the most work. So far the gem encrusted belt and the erebor key have been sculpted in. He'll have a large cloak, potentially with fur, and will definitely have a long beard! Both arms are being replaced, I'll retain the hollowed oak branch from the film for the left arm, and the right will probably have a dwarven sword (in the novel his use of Orcrist was quite limited). His legs were shortened and I've added in some fur to the boots.
Photos are a bit iffy, still experimenting with a new light tent and getting to grips with an iMac...
