DoctorW wrote:
I would like to play with painted models, so 300pts probably I will paint them faster. And I hope in 300pts there are no strong heroes and special rules, so I could start learning with basic forces

I'd do something like this:
Faramir on Horse w/ lance and shield
3 Knights of Minas Tirith w/ shield
9 WoMT, 5 shield, 4 spear + shield
6 Rangers, 4 w/ spear
Or you can swap out Faramir and Damrod for Denethor and Cirion and get ~5 more WoMT/Rangers into the army.
Theoden on horse w/ shield and heavy armour
6 royal guard on horse
8 Riders of Rohan (can drop 1 rider for 2 infantry per rider dropped)
can drop 2 royal guard to riders to get armour for Theoden's horse.
Ugluk (or bring Mauhur and save 5 points)
6 Uruk scouts w/ shield and 5 Uruk Warriors w/ pike or shield
OR 5 Uruk warriors and 5 orc warriors w/ spear and 2 warg riders w/ shield
OR 4 Berserkers supported by 4 spear orcs and 2 Uruk warriors w/ shield
6 Uruk warriors w/ Crossbows
Gorbag w/ shield
6 Morannon Orcs w/ shield, 1x banner
6 Orc warriors w/ spear
Grishnakh w/ shield
5 Morannon orcs w/ shield
6 Orc warriors w/ spear
Or drop the banner to upgrade spear orcs to morannons, or downgrade the Morannons to regular orcs and bring warg riders. Either way, just max out 2 warbands. Maybe swap out some models for trackers regardless.
Moria: - a bit lacking in heroes. You could convert some captains from regular goblins though.
12 Moria Goblins w/ equipment
2 Prowlers
1 Cave troll w/ hammer
6 Moria Goblins w/ bow
You could drop the troll to get a captain w/ shield and 8 more goblins; maybe drop the shaman as well and run some additional prowlers with the points you save.
Or you can run 3x captain w/ shield and 36x goblins, which is 300 points. Maybe drop shields from 2 of the captains to upgrade 5 goblins to prowlers.