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 Post subject: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:45 pm 
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I am in LOTR sbg hobby from the first day of release, but never had opportunity to play (no fellow enthusiasts in Montenegro).

I found some friends that are willing to play and I would like to prepare some 300pts armies for start (or similar, something easy to catch up with rules).

When I make few army lists I will start painting them.

Can you tell me some of your 300pts lists? :-D

I have 1400+ minis but would try to make 3-4 armies with this:

Boromir ft and mnt
Faramir ft and mnt
3x Captains
4x Banners
1x Hornblower
11x Knights of MT
100x WOMT
3x Osgiliath Veterans
3x Citadel Bowman
5x Rangers of Ithilien (+24 Rangers of ME)

Theoden Ft and Mnt
Eowying Ft and Mnt
Eomer Ft and Mnt
Theodred Ft and Mnt
Erkenbrand Ft and Mnt
Gamling Ft and Mnt
6x Rohan Royal Guard Mnt
6x Rohan Royal Guard Ft
1x Captain
2x Banners
2x Hornblowers
30x Riders
100x Warriors

4x UH Captains
4x UH Banners
1x Mauhurs drummer
3x Shamans
1x Sharku Mounted
20+ Warg Raiders
6x UH Crossbow
9x UH Berserker
24x UH Scouts
100x UH Warriors
Battering Ram
1x Troll

Gothmog Ft and Mnt
Ringwraiths Ft and Mnt
3x Mordor Orc Captain
2x Banner
2x Drummer
3x Shaman
9x Orc trackers
100x Orc Warriors
62x Morranor Orc Warriors
6x Mordor Uruk Hai
1x Troll Cheiftain
3x Trolls

2x Drum sets
2x Shamans
9x Prowlers
11x Armored Goblin Bowmen
70x Goblin warriors
3x Cave Trolls

Maybe this is to much information, sorry :roll:

Looking for fellows from Montenegro :)
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 Post subject: Re: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 5:48 pm 

Joined: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 pm
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All I can say is Wow. With all that, why would you want to play at 300 pts?
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 Post subject: Re: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 6:25 pm 
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I would like to play with painted models, so 300pts probably I will paint them faster. And I hope in 300pts there are no strong heroes and special rules, so I could start learning with basic forces :-)

Looking for fellows from Montenegro :)
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 Post subject: Re: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 9:00 pm 
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DoctorW wrote:
I would like to play with painted models, so 300pts probably I will paint them faster. And I hope in 300pts there are no strong heroes and special rules, so I could start learning with basic forces :-)
I'd do something like this:

Faramir on Horse w/ lance and shield
3 Knights of Minas Tirith w/ shield
9 WoMT, 5 shield, 4 spear + shield

6 Rangers, 4 w/ spear
Or you can swap out Faramir and Damrod for Denethor and Cirion and get ~5 more WoMT/Rangers into the army.

Theoden on horse w/ shield and heavy armour
6 royal guard on horse
8 Riders of Rohan (can drop 1 rider for 2 infantry per rider dropped)
can drop 2 royal guard to riders to get armour for Theoden's horse.

Ugluk (or bring Mauhur and save 5 points)
6 Uruk scouts w/ shield and 5 Uruk Warriors w/ pike or shield
OR 5 Uruk warriors and 5 orc warriors w/ spear and 2 warg riders w/ shield
OR 4 Berserkers supported by 4 spear orcs and 2 Uruk warriors w/ shield

6 Uruk warriors w/ Crossbows

Gorbag w/ shield
6 Morannon Orcs w/ shield, 1x banner
6 Orc warriors w/ spear

Grishnakh w/ shield
5 Morannon orcs w/ shield
6 Orc warriors w/ spear

Or drop the banner to upgrade spear orcs to morannons, or downgrade the Morannons to regular orcs and bring warg riders. Either way, just max out 2 warbands. Maybe swap out some models for trackers regardless.

Moria: - a bit lacking in heroes. You could convert some captains from regular goblins though.
12 Moria Goblins w/ equipment
2 Prowlers
1 Cave troll w/ hammer

6 Moria Goblins w/ bow

You could drop the troll to get a captain w/ shield and 8 more goblins; maybe drop the shaman as well and run some additional prowlers with the points you save.

Or you can run 3x captain w/ shield and 36x goblins, which is 300 points. Maybe drop shields from 2 of the captains to upgrade 5 goblins to prowlers.

Last edited by Asamu on Mon Oct 22, 2018 4:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:00 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:51 am
Posts: 489
Location: Arda, somewhere between Rivendell and the void.
Images: 2
Boromir ft and mnt
Faramir ft and mnt
3x Captains
4x Banners
1x Hornblower
11x Knights of MT
100x WOMT
3x Osgiliath Veterans
3x Citadel Bowman
5x Rangers of Ithilien (+24 Rangers of ME) These are the same unit now, Ranger of Ithilien was scrapped.

I use this infantry block for my army:
1:WOMT shield spear
2:WOMT shield
3:Ranger spear


You are still able to gain shield-wall bonuses, plus accurate archery and fight 4. You can even link the blocks like this:
So it is a versatile infantry block. As for heroes, I would use Damrod, he is cheap allowing for more expensive heroes, and Faramir. I do not have my book with me, so these will all be rough lists. But give faramir heavy armour and a bow for protection.

Theoden Ft and Mnt
Eowying Ft and Mnt
Eomer Ft and Mnt
Theodred Ft and Mnt
Erkenbrand Ft and Mnt
Gamling Ft and Mnt
6x Rohan Royal Guard Mnt
6x Rohan Royal Guard Ft
1x Captain
2x Banners
2x Hornblowers
30x Riders
100x Warriors
Never played Rohan, but Theoden yields nice benefits on paper. Go riders, as you get unlimited bows and a cavalry army.

4x UH Captains
4x UH Banners
1x Mauhurs drummer
3x Shamans
1x Sharku Mounted
20+ Warg Raiders
6x UH Crossbow
9x UH Berserker
24x UH Scouts
100x UH Warriors
Battering Ram
1x Troll
Battering ram, does that cost any points? Anyways, warg riders are a nice unit.
Gothmog Ft and Mnt
Ringwraiths Ft and Mnt
3x Mordor Orc Captain
2x Banner
2x Drummer
3x Shaman
9x Orc trackers
100x Orc Warriors
62x Morranor Orc Warriors
6x Mordor Uruk Hai
1x Troll Cheiftain
3x Trolls
I like spam, so I take 2 2 handed weapons on the sides of each block, positioned with 5 shields and 5 spears in the middle, hero behind. The hero supports weak-points. Add on a warg rider or two to help negate enemy charge bonuses.
2x Drum sets
2x Shamans
9x Prowlers
11x Armored Goblin Bowmen
70x Goblin warriors
3x Cave Trolls

Never played them, but cave trolls with two handed hammers. Might I recommend that, since 70/12 is not an integer, make a couple captain conversions for Moria gobs. Two towers book detailed conversions.
Good luck!

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, men of the West!
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 Post subject: Re: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:06 pm 
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Asamu wrote:
DoctorW wrote:
I would like to play with painted models, so 300pts probably I will paint them faster. And I hope in 300pts there are no strong heroes and special rules, so I could start learning with basic forces :-)
I'd do something like this:

Faramir on Horse w/ lance and shield
3 Knights of Minas Tirith w/ shield
9 WoMT, 5 shield, 4 spear + shield

6 Rangers, 4 w/ spear
Or you can swap out Faramir and Damrod for Denethor and Cirion and get ~5 more WoMT/Rangers into the army.

Theoden on horse w/ shield and heavy armour
6 royal guard on horse
8 Riders of Rohan (can drop 1 rider for 2 infantry per rider dropped)
can drop 2 royal guard to riders to get armour for Theoden's horse.

Ugluk (or bring Mauhur and save 5 points)
6 Uruk scouts w/ shield and 5 Uruk Warriors w/ pike or shield
OR 5 Uruk warriors and 5 orc warriors w/ spear and 2 warg riders w/ shield
OR 4 Berserkers supported by 4 spear orcs and 2 Uruk warriors w/ shield

6 Uruk warriors w/ Crossbows

Gorbag w/ shield
6 Morannon Orcs w/ shield, 1x banner
6 Orc warriors w/ spear

Grishnakh w/ shield
5 Morannon orcs w/ shield
6 Orc warriors w/ spear

Or drop the banner to upgrade spear orcs to morannons, or downgrade the Morannons to regular orcs and bring warg riders. Either way, just max out 2 warbands. Maybe swap out some models for trackers regardless.

Moria: - a bit lacking in heroes. You could convert some captains from regular goblins though.
12 Moria Goblins w/ equipment
2 Prowlers
1 Cave troll w/ hammer

6 Moria Goblins w/ bow

You could drop the troll to get a captain w/ shield and 8 more goblins; maybe drop the shaman as well and run some additional prowlers with the points you save.

Or you can run 3x captain w/ shield and 36x goblins, which is 300 points. Maybe drop shields from 2 of the captains to upgrade 5 goblins to prowlers.

Thank you very much for your time. I will definetly follow your suggestions and when I start painting I will make WIP thread to keep you informed :-)

Looking for fellows from Montenegro :)
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 Post subject: Re: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:08 pm 
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Cave Dragon wrote:
Never played them, but cave trolls with two handed hammers. Might I recommend that, since 70/12 is not an integer, make a couple captain conversions for Moria gobs. Two towers book detailed conversions.
Good luck!

Thank you very much, will try tactics amd conversion for sure. I have Two Towers rule book :-)

Looking for fellows from Montenegro :)
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 Post subject: Re: Army Help - 300pts
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 4:08 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:51 am
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DoctorW wrote:
Cave Dragon wrote:
Never played them, but cave trolls with two handed hammers. Might I recommend that, since 70/12 is not an integer, make a couple captain conversions for Moria gobs. Two towers book detailed conversions.
Good luck!

Thank you very much, will try tactics amd conversion for sure. I have Two Towers rule book :-)

Good luck!

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, men of the West!
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