kinematik wrote:
Most often he has Glorfindel + Erestor or Elrond + Arwena, about 6-10 horses and normal elf warriors. The thing which make me annoying is that, i do not need to roll on fight, because 8/10 times he win. I dont even need to roll

His list has a pretty low model count. Once you get into combat with it, you should be able to take down the warriors pretty quickly with your heroes/monsters. The hard part will be getting there vs so many mounted models. Nature's wrath shouldn't be too much of a problem if you bring a wraith and cast sap will on Arwen and Elrond.
If you had a catapult, I'd suggest trying it out and fielding as many bodies in front of it as you can get with a budget wraith or the shadow lord on foot/horse; you'd only need a few hits for the catapult to pay for itself killing/dismounting knights and heroes.
With your models, I'd run:
The Witch King w/ crown 3/15/2 on Fell beast, the Shadow Lord on Fell beast (protects priority targets from shooting), or Khamul on Fell beast (can be bumped to F6 with a point of will to do better vs the regular elves) - avoid Glorfindel. Hunt down the other heroes with transfix/compel; don't channel it. Just call a strike in the fight phase, unless you really want to heroic combat, but then you're burning 2 might on the same turn. This way, even if the spell is resisted, you can just go into something else.
16 Morannon Orcs. 8 w/ shield, 7 w/ spear and shield, 1 w/ spear, shield, and Banner
A Mordor Troll Chieftain (if he lets you run your Mordor Troll as one; otherwise, Gorbag w/shield with the troll is probably your best option)
12 Morannon Orcs. 6 w/ shield, 6 w/ spear and shield.
This comes out to 598 points. At 700, things should actually get a bit easier for you; add in a few knights and keep them in reserve to counter-charge his knights and deny the charge bonus, and bring a mounted hero or Shelob to do the same.
Sap Will on Arwen early if you can so he can't cast nature's wrath.
Assuming 3 dice are rolled, he has a ~72% chance of winning fights where you only roll 2 dice, or 65% when you also roll 3 dice; it's a similar case when he's rolling 2 dice vs your 2, so losing most of the fights is to be expected; Glorfindel and Elrond get to roll 4 dice to win fights, or 5 if in range of a banner, so are expected to win 65-85% of their fights. The extra strength/defense of Morannons makes up for it if you're fighting with equal numbers against the regular elves; there's not a whole lot you can do vs Glorfindel with his free 2 dice to resist magic and 3 will, but you can transfix/compel any other heroes to shut them down when you need to.
Monsters can and barge to disrupt spear support; it's sometimes worth calling heroic combats just for that. You get to pick the directions his models back away, so force his models to back away their 3" through the spear supports and banners (which also forces the spear supports/banners to back away 3" in a direction of your choice), so you can make more use of your numbers advantage. Elves only rolling 1 dice to win the fight/wound aren't scary; it's a problem when they are rolling 3. Both monsters can be potentially used to dismount/kill his cavalry with hurls/barges/heroic combats as well.
You can screen the troll behind your orcs to force in the way checks and mostly protect it from getting shot or charged early.