Thanks Kuribo, I had been looking for something to make the White Tree design with and thought that pin would work. It actually worked out better than I thought it would, took me trying too many press molds before I just made a mold of it.
Some progress on the wall; statues put on, wash applied, and whitened the tower.
For the tower, I did a dry brush of white and then did a light spray of white paint to finish it off.

For the statues, I ended up making molds of them and used plaster of paris so the painting surface would be all the same between statues and walls. Don't really know if it makes a difference but in my mind it does. Also don't feel bad if I 'm cutting the statues down to fit better if I make a mistake.
Redid the compass rose design in front of the tower - Stewhr had mixed smooth blocks in his design of one of his buildings - I liked it so much I tore out mine and made some smooth. Had an internal debate if I want to add the floor design in front of the other battlements also but common sense ruled out and am leaving it as it is. Of course looking at the picture I'm tempted to tear out the whole floor and redo it - design blocks need to be one block further out from the star, design blocks and compass roses added in front of other battlements, etc. Do I want to cast some more blocks or just paint it and be finished. Am I being crazy?

Will probably never make something this big again unless I make it more modular - right now the only thing to come off is the tower. While relatively light, it is a pain to hold to get the pain in around the statues, etc.
Hope to finish making the whole wall white soon.
EDIT: I am crazy. At least according to my wife. She feels that it would make the floor too busy. The floor should be covered with figures anyway.