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 Post subject: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Sat May 04, 2019 6:45 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
Posts: 35
Hi all

I'm going to enter a tournament that has an 800 point limit. Here is the list I'd like to take. I'd appreciate any input - good or bad. Thanks!!

Note - I used Army Builder to make this list. I took out the points so I don't upset anyone. This list is 799 points.

1 Warband,
1 Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron (Bonus for Mordor; Hero of Valour; Armies of LotRp141; Army Leader; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Hero; Heroic Defence; Heroic March; Heroic Strike; Sword; Heavy Armour; Master of Battle; The Age of Men is Over; The Time of the Orc has Come)
1 Morannon Orc (Armies of LotRp147; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Warrior; Sword; Heavy Armour; Banner; Shield)
7 Morannon Orc (Armies of LotRp147; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Warrior; Sword; Heavy Armour; Shield)
7 Morannon Orc (Armies of LotRp147; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Warrior; Sword; Spear; Heavy Armour; Shield)

1 Warband,
1 Mordor Troll Chieftain (Bonus for Mordor; Hero of Fortitude; Armies of LotRp119; Monster; Troll; Infantry; Hero; Heroic Strength; Heroic Strike; Sword; Heavy Armour; Terror; Throw Stones; Rend; Hurl; Barge)
6 Morannon Orc (Armies of LotRp147; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Warrior; Sword; Heavy Armour; Shield)
6 Morannon Orc (Armies of LotRp147; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Warrior; Sword; Spear; Heavy Armour)

1 Warband
1 Gothmog's Enforcer (Bonus for Mordor; Hero of Fortitude; Gondor at Warp90; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Hero; Heroic Defence; Sword; Heavy Armour; Gothmog's Right Hand)
12 Morannon Orc (Armies of LotRp147; Orc; Mordor; Infantry; Warrior; Sword; Heavy Armour; Shield)

1 Warband,
1 Mordor Orc Shaman (Bonus for Mordor; Minor Hero; Armies of LotRp117; Orc; Mordor; Cavalry; Hero; Heroic Channelling; Dagger; Spear; Heavy Armour; Fury 3+ (Mordor Orc); Transfix (5+))
1 Warg
5 Warg Rider (Armies of LotRp120; Orc; Mordor; Cavalry; Warrior; Sword; Orc Bow; Armour; Shield)
5 Warg
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 12:37 am 
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Joined: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:09 am
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Whats that, 49 mostly Str4, D6 troops, with both Gothmog on Warg and the Troll chief? Yikes, pretty gnarly. I actually really like the 10 wargs and riders, might be worth crunching down numbers a bit to just take a few more riders instead of wargs. It seems super solid. The troll chief in particular I really like in here. You've got a massive horde of tough orcs that with take even big heroes a while to chew through but you've also got your own big baddie to take Aragorns and a like and smash his way through even tough high D troops like dwarves.

Is this the Gothmogs legion list? Or just Morder? if it's Morder maybe even a cheap wraith in there? I dunno.


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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 11:29 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
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Well.. Gothmog isn't on a Warg. I was only able to fit 5 Wargs into the list. I don't like the fact that I have no shooting - but we'll see how that goes.

Most of the figures I have came from the Pelenor Fields box set. Now I just have to buy Gothmog.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 6:32 pm 
Elven Warrior
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The lack of archers can be a problem but you've got a lot of troops and might to throw some marches if you've got a hero that can do that so I think you can close up with something quick enough to shut down the range. The troll chief can hold up stuff like Aragorn and Boromir but I think it will have trouble consistently winning against them without help. Even with rending you've got a low chance of one shoting something with 3 wounds and 3 fate. I think it is worth a try though.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2019 10:11 pm 

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Now that I look at the list - I did give the Warg riders bows and the Wizard. If I hold them back, then rush them up I should be able to do some damage. Almost wondering if I should drop something and include artillery??
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:03 am 
Elven Warrior
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Hmm. If you want to use the wargs for shooting I would just proxy them as trackers on wargs for the better shoot value. But if you want artillery I would think the first thing to cut into would be the wargs and shaman for a catapult. I have only faced off against one a few times but I can be useful for breaking up enemy formations and driving models off of back-line objectives if nothing else. Have you played much with artillery before?

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2019 12:08 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
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Hmmm.... I haven't played much LoTR at all! I've played allot of WAB and WFB. Why I'm entering a tournament? Well, I'll be fresh meat for the grinder and my opponent will get easy points.

I like the Wargs and I also like the artillery. I think I night keep the Wargs - see how that goes. If it goes badly - I'll get artillery for the next tournament and try that.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2019 6:07 am 
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I wouldn't bother with the archers. Orc archers cant hit anything and even if they do they're str 2 bows so youre gonna need 6 or 5 to wounds on youre maybe 1-2 hits all game :/

I would definitely put Gothmog on a warg though, didnt notice he wasnt. The knock down for heroes when they charge is huge. The extra mobility is also pretty important sometimes.
If youre really worried about shooting I would take the The Shadow Lord or try to heroic march your way into close combat.


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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Wed May 08, 2019 11:10 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
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Oh wow. I didn't think of that. Can Gothmog be on a Warg if the unit he's commanding is foot slogging it?

I would definitely put Gothmog on a warg though, didnt notice he wasnt. The knock down for heroes when they charge is huge. The extra mobility is also pretty important sometimes.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Thu May 09, 2019 8:08 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:12 pm
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Gothmog on warg leading foot warriors is no problem. If you want him to stay near his warriors you just dont move him the full possible distance. But on the other hand, you can send him, if necessary, to some distant point where his army is in danger. And, as Polywags wrote, he is stronger on warg in combat than on foot.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Fri May 10, 2019 8:14 am 
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Yeah! You dont want to dive him to the thick of it without his troops unless you can for sure get a big hero kill or something but it also prevents him from getting knocked down by other mounted heroes or troops so its defensive in that way too.


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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2019 7:36 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
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Thanks for the advice. I put Gothmog on a Warg. I'll let everyone know how I make out with this list.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2019 8:28 pm 
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Mordor can't bring wild wargs, and the Shaman can only lead 6 warriors, so you'll need to change the list a bit.

I'd give Gothmog a warg, add another warg rider or two, and use the rest of the points for more spears on the Morannon orcs.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 2:44 am 

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The Shaman is on a Warg, leading 5 Warg riders. That should be legal - no?
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 6:50 pm 
Elven Warrior
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It is. I the way your list is formatted thought it could be read as thought the shaman is leading the five riders plus five wargs rather than the wargs being wargear/mounts for the riders.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2019 10:15 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
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It is. I the way your list is formatted thought it could be read as thought the shaman is leading the five riders plus five wargs rather than the wargs being wargear/mounts for the riders.

Ahhh - I should have been clearer. I copied it from Army Builder. Sorry for the confusion.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 11:56 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
Posts: 35
Well, I went to the tournament and I got my butt handed to me. This list really suffered when facing Elves that turtled up in the back, shot me as I was coming in then unleashed their heroes on me when I got up to them.

Here is a list I'd like to try. Let me know what you think...

1 The Dark Marshall = (base cost + Armoured Horse)
5 Morgul Knight,

1 Mordor Troll Chieftain,
6 Morannon Orc, base cost + Spear + Shield
6 Morannon Orc, base cost + Shield

1 Morannon Orc Captain,
6 Morannon Orc, base cost + Shield
6 Morannon Orc, base cost + Spear + Shield

1 Mordor War Catapult = (base cost + Flaming Ammunition)
2 Orc Warrior
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:17 am 

Joined: Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:10 am
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Congratulations with your first tournament, I have yet to do it :) Thanks for letting us know how it went. That elven re-roll bonus is brutal!

I'm certainly no expert, so take my tips with a grain of salt. Swapping Marshal for the Shadow Lord will negate enemy shooting. Changing catapult for siege bow saves you 125p, while still posing a ranged threat. Although unreliable, it is still scary.

The list only has 6 might - 7 with the siege veteran, which I personally would not be comfortable with. Gothmog would change that. (3M, Master of battle, buffs your orcs)

If you downgrade the Chieftan for a troll, catapult for siege bow and one less Morgul Knight you save 183p (if my hastily performed math is correct) Dropping the siege bow too give you 233p, although no ranged. This gives you options, including Banners, fell beast, Gothmog, more troops (which is good for Fight 3 orc armies) banners for rerolls and VP's in some scenarios.

Again, I'm not experienced. My suggestions might not work in practice. Curious to know how the Morgul Knights fared?
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:36 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
Posts: 35
Drizhanor wrote:
Congratulations with your first tournament, I have yet to do it :) Thanks for letting us know how it went. That elven re-roll bonus is brutal!

Thank you! You're not kidding about the Elven re-roll. Made quick work of my army.

The list only has 6 might - 7 with the siege veteran, which I personally would not be comfortable with. Gothmog would change that. (3M, Master of battle, buffs your orcs)

Hmmm... How does Goth raise the might of the Orcs? Especially against Elves? I'm starting to think there is a rule that I'm missing...

If you downgrade the Chieftan for a troll, catapult for siege bow and one less Morgul Knight you save 183p (if my hastily performed math is correct) Dropping the siege bow too give you 233p, although no ranged. This gives you options, including Banners, fell beast, Gothmog, more troops (which is good for Fight 3 orc armies) banners for rerolls and VP's in some scenarios.

I'm going to stick with the catapult. When the Elf player huddles (turtles) in the corner or the back, the catapult will help break that formation. Or might even scare them enough not to try that tactic.

Again, I'm not experienced. My suggestions might not work in practice. Curious to know how the Morgul Knights fared?

I'll gladly let you know. I've spoken with my regular gaming buddy and asked him to come up with a few tough lists for me to play against.
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 Post subject: Re: Help with Orcs - 800 PTS
PostPosted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 11:58 am 

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 5:47 pm
Posts: 35
Actually, after thinking about what you said, here is my new list for 800 points. Comes in at 796 points.

1 Warband, 0 pts
1 Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron, + Shield + Warg
6 Morannon Orc, (+ Shield)
7 Morannon Orc, (+ Spear + Shield)

1 Warband, 0 pts
1 Gothmog's Enforcer,
6 Morannon Orc, (Spear + Shield)
6 Morannon Orc, (Shield)

1 Warband, 0 pts
1 The Shadow Lord (Horse)
5 Morgul Knight

1 Warband, 0 pts
1 Mordor War Catapult,
2 Orc Warrior,
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