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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:05 pm 
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Just wanted to thank you once again for creating this site. It is such a huge convenience and really helps in planning and buying!

For scenario and campaign playthroughs, visit
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:34 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Thanks, Voyager360! I use it all the time myself.

Can't wait to add those new Rohan at War scenarios!
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Thu Dec 05, 2019 1:28 am 
Elven Warrior
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A couple of news items regarding

  1. Ever wonder exactly which figure is which, especially for the Fellowship with their numerous poses? Me too. So I added silhouettes for the various Gandalf the Grey (Fellowship) and White (Minas Tirith) figures to help distinguish them better.

    I didn't bother with Gandalf on Cart and Gandalf the Grey on horse because there's only one pose. Obviously it'd be pretty easy to add, though.

    Is this useful? If so, I can certainly add more. The various Aragorns, Gimlis, Legolai, and hobbits would be up next.

  2. If there any other programmers out there, you may possibly be interested in the source code. It's available in two parts at: (Back end) (Front end)

    Since the front and and back end are separate, if you don't like my web design, you can theoretically make your own. :)
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 2:20 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:38 pm
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I really like the addition of a silhouette for minis that have a lot of variations and would love to see you add more as you have time. I'm not a programmer but I am a technical writer and work closely with a number of them at my job so I feel qualified to say that I really appreciate the work you do and any programmer willing to share their work is most definitely the best kind. Keep up the awesome work! :yay:

You can find me at: and on Instagram @kuribospainting.
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 10:49 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Thanks for the feedback Kuribo! I'll try to get more silhouettes in.

It's probably not a bad time to remind folks that I'm open to suggestions for improvement and (especially!) bug reports.
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2019 11:03 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Bonus Trivia question, based on the information in the database:

The figures appearing in the most scenarios are the various Orcs and Orc Captains, which I suspect will come as a surprise to no one.

But which non-Orc figure appears in the most scenarios?
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 4:02 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I've added silhouettes for the remaining Fellowship members. I omitted a few of the weirder sculpts (from Fog on the Barrow Downs) as they seemed less important.

War for Rohan info will be entered when I receive the book, which is on the way

I thought the bonus trivia question answer would be Frodo (with all the FotR scenarios plus the travel through Mordor) or Aragorn (appearing in scenarios of all three movies/books plus extra background scenarios). But checking the database, the answer is Legolas. Which in retrospect makes sense, since he's in most of the scenarios Aragorn is in, plus a number of Hobbit-era scenarios, plus his solo appearance in the Gondor at War "That Still Counts as One!".

Speaking of Legolas, I've got an error in the Figures database in the Fellowship list. I have both "Legolas" and "Legolas (Fellowship)" as two separate figures, but they are really the same. I figured maybe I could just silently remove the former and switch over folks owning them to the latter. But in the db, there are several users that own (or have painted) both.

Which complicates matters. Anyone have any thoughts on what an acceptable solution would be?
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 18, 2019 11:45 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Rohan at War figures and scenarios have been added to the site. Remember: the "%" column showing how far along your collection is in terms of being able to play the scenarios won't be updated for the new scenarios until you paint, buy, or sell something.

I hope Quickbeam and Beechbone will be as good as the Shadow and Flame ents!
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 8:42 am 
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Thanks Dave for the updates. Yeah, I really hope Quickbeam and Beechbone get their own model, the Ents really need some more official sculpts. I like the current one but there's not enough variety to build 5 different Ents with it, especially not including two unique heroes.

By the way, on the matter of Legolas, it seems Goroth, Captain of the Morannon is now somehow tied to him? He's listed in all the scenarios Legolas is in.

For scenario and campaign playthroughs, visit
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:50 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Thanks for the Goroth catch, Voyager360. It's been fixed now.

Unfortunately for me, I don't think much of the GW Ent kit at all. Didn't stop me from buying two of them anyway. But the Shadow and Flame models are so much better; I hope that if we get new Ents, GW will try a little harder.

I'm hopeful because the attention to detail on the recent releases have just been spectacular.
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 9:36 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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With the end of the year approaching, I got curious as to my painted:bought ratio for the year. You can see a yearly summary on your account page (just click your name -- folks know about this, right?) but there was no easy way to pick out the "bought"s from the "paints".

Until now, that is. There's a new filter above the date range that lets you limit the results to All/Bought/Painted/Sold. And if you choose any option other than "All", you'll get the totals at the bottom of the list.

(It doesn't make sense to show totals for "All". Suppose you Bought 3 WoMT, Painted 2 WoMT, and sold 1 WoMT, and that's it for the year. What should the total then be? You can make a case for various values, but I'd argue the choice wouldn't be very intuitive, so it seems easier just to omit totals in this case.)

And the answer to my question is 136 models bought, and 69 models painted. I might possibly finish a half dozen more by the end of the year, but even if so I'm clearly not painting quickly enough.
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 4:19 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Happy New Year!

I don't want to associate any data with names, but I think anonymous numbers should
ok and might be interesting. So some end of year stats:

120 folks have signed up for the site. A dozen and a half have less than ten models in their collection (only one has zero) but that still leaves more than a hundred folks appearing to actually use the site.

Top 5 collection sizes: 3128, 2721, 2579, 2531, 2003 models

I'm the 5th place guy (2003 models). I thought that, having created the site, I'd probably be the most dedicated to using it, but clearly I'm not the only one. Those are some pretty big collections!

Top 5 painted model collections: 2213, 2132, 1865, 1288, 1144

I would be 7th on the list with 1100 painted models, less than half the top collection. Hats off to you dedicated painters!
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:17 pm 
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Interesting reading DaveT, i missed the survey sorry.
I have never added up my collection, i know i have 1 of every release ever from the films to date and most of the 1980's releases. i guess about half are painted.

Harfoots-The first of the Hobbit people to cross over the Misty Mountains and enter Eriador.
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:28 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Well, the advantage of having access to the database is that I don't have to send out a survey, I can just write some queries.

But that's why I kept thing anonymous -- to avoid violating anyone's privacy. I'm free to discuss my own collection, though, of course. Because I asked me and I gave my ok. :)
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:28 pm 
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Interesting statistics indeed. Those are some impressive collections and even more impressive amounts of models painted!

I now have 404 models painted. I stripped most of my collection a number of years ago since I never painted with the right paints and didn't do a good job either. I estimate I painted about 300 models in 2019, so hopefully 2020 will be as productive. :)

For scenario and campaign playthroughs, visit
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:54 am 

Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:39 pm
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Thanks for a wonderful tool for our hobby.

I thought I had sent you an email asking if you wanted the White Dwarf scenarios, but apparently not. Would you be interested?

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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 9:01 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Hi HerkNav, I'm glad you're finding the site useful.

Re: White Dwarf scenarios, I'm torn, to be honest. While it would be theoretically cool to have All The Scenarios Ever(tm), I have concerns:

* The UI will probably need an overhaul. I suspect the site is going to be awkward with the default start page showing all the scenarios when another hundred(?) are added from White Dwarf.

* The data entry time is not inconsiderable.

* Which issue #s do we use, since GW in its wisdom uses different numbers for the US, where I am, and Britain (and elsewhere?) where probably-but-maybe-not the majority of site users are.

* The WD scenarios tend to be more theoretical or what if; whereas a conscious aim of the site is to promote "historical" scenario play.

That said, if you've got the complete data (scenario name, some blurb telling me what it's about, and the list of forces) in some format that I can understand (text, spreadsheet, Google doc) then anything's possible. I had much of the same objections to the BGiME scenarios, where the early ones in particular seem devoid of both balance (has Aragorn ever beaten the Goblins in the BGiME #1 scenario?) and interest. But there they are....

So I'm open to further opinion.
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:42 pm 

Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:39 pm
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Sorry for taking so long to reply. Real life...

I thought my list included everything but I see now that it does NOT include the required models. I might slowly start adding them for myself even if it’s a step too far for your site.

As to what number, I would suggest using the month. They were almost always in the same month around the world. I’m on the US as well, so my list has US numbers.

Thanks for the reply and the great site.

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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2020 1:13 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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Thread Necromancy!

There were some (fair) complaints about the UI over on the subreddit. To make things a bit less clicksome, I've added the ability now to edit your inventory from the figure list page, so you no longer have to click individually on each figure to record your numbers. I'm sure it's still not perfect, but it will I hope help a bit.

While I'm here, it's probably worth pointing out that checking the About page for news every now and again is probably worthwhile to keep up with new features, as I don't post every update here. But this seemed like maybe a good one to point out here also, since there's not a huge obvious difference in the UI.

As a matter of fact, I'm adding links to playthroughs pretty much weekly (thanks, STF Wargaming Studio!) and I don't bother putting that in the news. Should I?

Quest of the Ringbearer scenarios will be coming soon, I hope!
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 Post subject: Re: New Site:
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 5:39 pm 
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Thanks Dave! I'll check the about page now and then. :)

By the way, I was thinking of a possible extra feature you could maybe implement. In addition to rating a scenario (which I love by the way!), would it be possible to record Good / Evil wins (or Draws)? And make this public so it adds together. If multiple people record their wins/losses in this way I think it would be interesting to see if certain scenarios are skewed to one side or the other.

For scenario and campaign playthroughs, visit
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