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Shall I do a battle report for the entire Fall of Gondolin campaign?
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 Post subject: update; Fall of Gondolin battle report
PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 5:49 pm 
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In celebration of my supplement, The Fall of Gondolin, being released I decided to write a battle report on a single scenario from the 12- my favorite and most famous in the tales of Gondolin, the Duel on the Peak. This is where the Lord Glorfindel famously slays a balrog on the mountainside at the cost of his own life! The scenario featured is in Act 4 of the supplement on pages 48 and 49.

The story in a nutshell;
The elven city of Gondolin has fallen to the dark enemy Morgoth despite a long and desperate battle. The people of Gondolin, the Gondolindrim, flee into the mountains with the burning city behind their backs. On the perilous road of Cirith Thoronath a small band of orcs and a balrog block the advance. Glorfindel of the Golden Haired steps forward and prepares for the battle that could ultimately be his last- in this age anyway…

Andy (me): I originally wrote the rules for the Elves of the Golden Flower with this scenario in mind! They’re hardy courageous folk only failing a courage test on a roll of two 1’s, and Glorfindel is effectively fearless. This will make charging the balrog a breeze- but one concern remains, how to win a fight against him. Provided I chuck everything at him and hope he doesn’t roll a 6 in combat and as long as I keep him near the unstable cliff edge I should win this day. But what for those goblin pests? I suppose I’ll give it my best shot with my archers

Dave: even with toned down stats I reckon I can mop the floor of these pointy-eared freaks with the balrog alone. However tempting this may sound, I intend to stick to the objective to try and force my balrog through the enemy lines using the goblins to what they do best and get in the way of the elves delaying them as long as possible. I’ll rewrite this famous tale yet!


The set up on our mountainside board.

The Forces;

4 Elves of the Heavenly Arch, 4 Elves of the Golden Flower and Glorfindel

6 goblins with spears, 6 goblins with orc bows and a balrog!

The Battle;

Turn 1; Glorfindel and his elves march towards the goblins whilst the archers of the Heavenly Arch huddle together inching forward in the hope to dwindle the goblin numbers with bow fire. The goblins themselves also inch forward and are peppered with arrows but none fall. Exchanging fire the goblins manage to take out two elves from the two hits scored from the deadly volley!
Despite the odds, the fate looked grim for the elves of Gondolin.

Turn 2; the evil side wins priority and Dave rubs his hands with glee as he places the balrog on the end of the table.
Andy ; “ If two orc arrows can take out about an 10th of my force I dread to see what the balrog is capable of!” The two sides inch closer still. This time the orc volley claims no lives, nor does the exchange in elven fire, much to the annoyance of Andy.

Turn 3;
for the second turn the evil player gains priority and moves all warriors at full pace. Andy charges his three remaining elves of the Golden Flower into the line of spears with Glorfindel to support. Dave remembers at a crucial moment the special rule for whips- (as he invented them) forcing the remaining goblins to surround the oncoming elves with the sacrifice of a goblin warrior! Two shots from the remaining three archers manage to slay two goblins in combat, reducing the suffocating impact that the goblins have outnumbering the elves.

Despite being hopelessly overwhelmed, an elf manages to shield away 5 attacks forcing several goblins dangerously close the cliff edge. The ‘almighty’ Glorfindel looses a fight to two goblins and looses a single wound! They didn’t sing about that years after…

Turn 4; Good win priority for a change, Glorfindel charges into the goblins using a might point for some heroic fighting in the hope of cutting a path to the balrog. Despite this act of bravery only one goblin fell. In response the goblins swarm around one elf and just to take the biscuit Dave charges the balrog into the same combat. Managing to shield away all other attacks from the goblins the heat of the balrog, it seems, proved too much for that warrior.

Turn 5; Good win priority again. Unable to reach the balrog Glorfindel and his two remaining men attack the goblins once more. Dave sneakily moves the balrog around the combat that takes place, moving ever so close to the cliff edge. The elven archers manage to claim two more lives which is more than can be said for Glorfindel who again struggles to win a fight against a single goblin! This time, however, no wounds are inflicted.

Turn 6; For the 3rd time the good side win priority. Andy manages to delay the remaining goblins with his surviving two warriors- (Daves plan backfired!) Glorfindel charges into the balrog without a hint of fear. He is accompanied by two archers of the remaining three, the third stood frozen on the spot in fear of the almighty beast. Rolling for the balrog first (preying for a 6) Dave rolls a 4, 3 and two 1’s. In desperation Andy rolls his dice only to find that he looses- but adjusting Glorfindels 3 to a 5 sees the balrog forced backwards. The cliff face crushes beneath his weight sending the Balrog screaming into the chasm below…



Dave; Although it lasted 6 turns this was a tense and exciting game! I was unlucky no to receive priority for turn 6, but I suppose I used up my luck in the first turn by slaying those two elves with arrows! I think I lost the battle because I got too cocky- having charged my balrog into a fight where the elf was surrounded by goblins. Had I not done this I may have been able to hold back and pick off the elves one by one keeping closer to the center of the board rather than sneaking round the combats edging towards certain death! Ah well- I’m sure he would have dragged Glorfindel down with him as he fell!


Andy; What a game! It took abit of thinking (boy did that hurt!) and some tactical maneuvers along with some risky decisions but I suppose that sums up the risk of fighting on the edge of a mountain side! An enjoyable game that lasted about forty minutes, it was tense throughout once the combat had started. It could have easily gone either way if luck went Daves way. I deserve some luck though having lost a city, a king but more importantly having been wounded by a single goblin- that doesn’t happen every day!

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website

Last edited by andy_son_of_richard on Thu Jun 22, 2006 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2006 7:49 pm 
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Joined: Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:19 pm
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Very nice Battle Report Andy, thank you for sharing this. I do think that you should do more reports from the Fall of Gondolin. It is a very unique supplement and I look forward to seeing more of the scenarios in action.


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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 8:54 pm 
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thanks Curunír, i will be writing more but i doubt many people will be interested due to the lack of feedback :cry: i'm sure i'll get over it

for the time being exams are looming...... :?

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Tue May 23, 2006 10:54 pm 
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andy_son_of_richard wrote:
thanks Curunír, i will be writing more but i doubt many people will be interested due to the lack of feedback :cry: i'm sure i'll get over it

Ahhh, but don't let the feedback fool you. As of this reply, you've had 28 views (3 were mine) and so someone out there is interested... unless of course you've viewed your own post 25 times. :lol:

I think that Battle Reports are important; they help to interest me in a scenario that I may have not seen or considered and it is an interesting way to view the tactics of others at work. And if they are well written (like yours) then they are entertaining as well. :)


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 4:58 am 
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WHOAH!!! You guys absolutely rock. That was an awesome Battle Report, all the more because I have always looked upon Balrogs as somewhat invincible. Thanks so much guys, keep them coming!!!

"You draw far too much attention to yourself, Mr. Baggins!"
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:39 pm 
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Hey Andy, what's up? I'm still waiting for the next installment. Since WD has taken such a dump, I look to you- help me get my fill of Battle Reports! :) Seriously, I'd enjoy seeing the next scenario played.


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Last edited by Curuní­r on Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:06 am 
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rofl, Curunir. But WD in Australia is also horrible, so I will look to our higher master, andy_son_of_richard.

"You draw far too much attention to yourself, Mr. Baggins!"
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 Post subject: Appendix; Escaping Slavery
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 10:33 pm 
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Ok, as Sweden played well last night here goes...

Escaping Slavery

In the early years when the elves first awoke they were free to wander the lands of Middle Earth. Morgoth captured many of these elves and set them to torture, disfiguring their fair looks creating a race of foul creatures called the yrch or more commonly; orcs. Yet some were not put through such pain, instead it was prolonged through years of slavery, working deep within the mines of the north. There are few tales, however, which tell of those who manage to escape the slavery of Morgoth; one of those tales is of Rog, later a lord of the Gondolindrim. For years he had toiled for Morgoth, but not for much longer, for he studied the movements of the guards and the lay of the land in which he worked- and one day he planned an uprising with a few fellow kinsmen in order to escape slavery; be it by death or freedom…

Tolkiens works are full of small gems of history and rich background and such an example of this is the tale of the Hammers of Wrath! In this scenario, found on pages 60 and 61, Rog, Lord of the Hammers of Wrath, must attempt to escape the mines of Morgoth along with at least four other captives- quite a challenge as they are heavily guarded and armed with nothing more than the crude tools they are forced to work with.

Andy (me): As the introduction suggests the elves of the Hammers of Wrath have a horrific past which is portrayed on the battle field in the ‘Fearful Wrath’ special rule. This potentially increases their chance to win fights even whilst wielding huge hammers into combat, yet the disadvantages still remain (i.e. they still receive –1 or –2 to the fight dice) In this situation however, Rog is the only one armed with a hammer- the others are armed with pick axes and other mining tools etc. My plan is to rescue the four elves nearest my objective, the others can fight their own battles!

Dave: This scenario promises to be an interesting one, more than your average head to head battle- which with the forces as they are I’m sure I’d loose hands down. This scenario will require a lot of tactical maneuvers with a pinch of luck

The Forces;

1 Orc captain, 8 Orcs with spears, 5 Orcs with swords and shields, 2 slave drivers
Rog, Lord of the Hammers of Wrath heavy armour and a hammer, 8 Elves of the Hammers of Wrath


The playing area is a small four by two foot board with arches on the shorter sides; the eastern and western table edges as stated in the objectives (not the northern and southern table edges as it says in the set up and layout!)

The layout

Deployment is quite complex- each elf is facing the wall representing the fact they are mining etc. A single orc is placed in base contact with each elf whilst another is placed nearby- acting as sentries at the beginning of the game. Each group is set up like this as shown below, each being at least 6” away from the next.

Rog is placed in the middle of the board next to a weapon wrack, or a pile of tools (hammers) and useful stuff the escapees may use to their advantage once free.

The special rules for this scenario are quite complex so I won’t go into details here, however to summarise (so this battle report makes sense)

* The elves and orcs in base contact can’t move or fight etc. until alerted about the uprising. The other orcs act as sentries.

* Once Rog or an unguarded elf is within 6” of a sentry the evil player can control him as normal moving towards the enemy or to alert more orcs of the uprising.

* If an alerted orc manages to escape off the eastern board edge they can roll every turn for reinforcements (4+ for every slain model)

* The elves start armed with tools (normal hand weapons with –1 fight dice penalty. They are able to pick up weapons from dead warriors or armour, shields and hammers from the pile in the middle of the board. Finaly, visibility is reduced to 6”.

The Game;

Turn 1; Rog starts by moving towards the western archway (through which he and four others must escape to win). Unfortunately for Andy an orc sentry spots him ready to tell his friends in the next turn, unless Andy is lucky enough to win a priority roll…

Turn 2; alas it was not to be…the evil side wins priority, moving the alerted orc to alert more orcs. The alerted orcs turn on their slave but step back in fear of their wrath. Unfortunately his tools aren’t sufficient to cause any lasting damage. Andy charges Rog towards another sentry that has moved within his path, killing him with a mighty blow with his hammer. The uprising is now apparent for two more guards who are in range to hear the orc squeal as he falls.

Turn 3; having won priority for the second turn, Daves tactical movement of alerted orcs gains him control of more guards and sentries. Now all but two of the guards have been alerted (unaware of the battle that flares on behind them they force their slaves to work on in the darkness). Rog is delayed by another orcs whilst the slaves fight desperate battles to overcome their alerted guards. Whilst one slave manages to kill his guard on the other side of the room a slave falls…only 7 elves and Rog remain.
As one orc falls ...
Image elf is also slain

Turn 4; Good win priority, and an elf manages to pick up a spear and charge towards his friend who is hopelessly overwhelmed by his former masters. Meanwhile a lone orc rushes to the eastern archway inorder to try and alert more orcs into the fray! The spear armed elf manages to kill a guard but is unable to save his companion who is overwhelmed by a slave driver and two more warriors! Rog looses his fight on the other side of the table but manages to come out unscathed.
An elf manages to pick up a spear...
A lone orc rushes to alert the others

Turn 5; Good win priority again. A slave manages to break away in order to assist Rog who becomes overwhelmed by a captain and two more orcs. Around the mine, the other slaves fight in order to free themselves- the elf armed with a spear runs as fast as he can to the western board edge to escape- only another 30” or so to go! Rogs one-on-one with the captain manages to force a mighty hit with his hammer which not even a fate point and two might points could avoid. Elsewhere in the combat adjacent the elf originally trying to assist Rog is slain…5 elves left!

Turn 6; evil win priority. Dave continues to swarm the slaves near the western board edge and manages to move off his one orc to alert more to enter the fray! As if Andy didn’t have enough trouble already! As for the elf armed with as spear, he is perused by two wrathful orcs who fail to make base contact until the slave driver forces and extra inch movement- and what a difference it made as the orc manages to overwhelm him…4 elves left. The orcs also surround Rog but in a mighty fit of rage Rog manages to win the fight and slay the captain outright! Alas for Andy, another elf falls near the eastern board edge making the numbers as low as 3 elves thus failing the objective…

The slave driver forces an extra 1" movement, completing the move into touch!

At this point we decided to continue to see how close to the objective Andy could get…( still had 20mins to kill before the England game!) The game ended with Andy managed to escape Rog and two others off the board, a tough call mind as it cost Rog two might points for heroic movements whilst Dave’s jammy rolls kept resulting in subsequent evil priority!


Dave; Yes! I did it, I beat him! Not without a fight though, those Hammers of Wrath are worthy opponents and I can see why evil players should fear them. Rog is also amazingly mighty, I don’t think I managed to wound him once! He was fairly close to killing my captain outright too- without him having the chance to roll a single fight dice! This was an interesting game and there were some characterful fights and acts of heroism- but its quite hard to get everything in perspective as it was like having eight little skirmish games going on at the same time. Challenging but fun.

Andy; Dear me! How could I let him beat me. I like this scenario, it is very different to the normal army vs army battle and takes a lot more concentration. Maybe that’s where I fell down- I don’t think I planned ahead for the moves to come. I suppose a lot of this game is also dependant on luck- but again a good player should be able to overcome such circumstances! Ah well, maybe next time.

Rog and his surviving men rush to the exit

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:22 pm 
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Thank you andy, another brilliant Battle Report. A very entertaining read. I really like this scenario, and may have to borrow the idea (The Revolt of Rhivonian) :)

So if Sweden beats Germany does that mean you'll do another Battle Report? ;)


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:11 pm 
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COOL!!! Another brilliant battle report. Nice one andy.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:38 am 
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very nice battle report, clean and clear with a great background story and details. i look forward to seeing more in the future.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:54 am 
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Good work. A very nice variant on the standard battles you normally play.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:20 pm 
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andy please do not stop here as people want to see the whole shiscabob

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

Gandalf,The Two Towers
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:46 am 
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Shiscabob? What is this new devilry...

"You draw far too much attention to yourself, Mr. Baggins!"
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 3:57 pm 
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its a metifor that i want to eat soon

shiscabobs are good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

Gandalf,The Two Towers
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