The name is Cheeseweb Monthlz, as it is made bz people from forum known as Cheeseweb and it comes out ones a month...
I want to say (and I think I have to say), that you make great job. As the interpreter of CWM for Polish, I more than read every article and I really admire your work (especially Tomdidiot's Silmarillion Supplement preview - when would it be out? I can't wait), including all this army building articles, tactics and other stuff. The translating's taking nearly hole my computer time, but it doesn't matter for I feel I do something great.
For Polishmen (or other people who know Polish), I invite to - there CWM Polish edition is publicated and can be downloaded or commented.
Greetings for authors and readers of both CWM,
P.S. On my name's Wladca_zla -> just if you would be looking for me