Check the FAQ. They have to come on from the same board edge as the scribe in recon.
Page 189 – Profiles, Evil Heroes, The Goblin Scribe,
Always More Where They Came From.
Add a third paragraph to this section that reads as follows:
ʻIn the Reconnoitre scenario, any additional Goblins
summoned in this way must move on from the same board
edge as the Goblin Scribe.
Two ways to interpret this.
1.) The same board edge means where the scribe is currently positioned. So if you moved him to one of the side edges they could spawn along that edge.
2.) The same board edge means your deployment board edge. So they could only spawn along your back edge.
This is what I think GW had in mind to stop the scribe being auto win in recon. If I was playing with or against the scribe, I'd use the second interpretation.