Grimhelm of Snowbourn wrote:
What a question - I wondered if a thread like this would ever come up!

<<edited for length>>
During Games Workshop's
War of the Ring Online Campaign, a lot of the forum activity was devoted to battle reports and roleplay, and the new character "Grimhelm" evolved into the "lord of Snowbourn" (which was my favourite region of Rohan). Later, I came to the One Ring to work on IGOTMEABOLTER's unfinished Silmarillion supplement (I was
to convert Elnaith, as a look at my early
gallery pictures suggests). The username "Grimhelm" had already been registered a few months previously (although oddly
that account was never used), so I went with the "Grimhelm of Snowbourn" profile.
Funnily, the project forum closed about a week or two later to move to another site, so that's how I ended up with a member of the One Ring!

Following the closure of the GW forum, the name also carried over onto TLA.
Since all that, I have been called "Grim", "Grimmy", "Snowy", "GoS", "Mr. GoS", and I seem to recall "Mr. Snowbourn" at some point. My favourite one, though, has to be PaulF's "By the Grim!"

Your profile is actually one that I was wondering about...
You chose "Rohirrim" as a race, but then chose Gondor as your "nation"...
Why not choose Rohan?
Also, about those Elnaith.
I am waiting on the figures to do the conversions, but I have wondered why so many people used the mounted Minas Tirith Knights to do their conversions rather than one of the Mounted/Armored Elledan or Elrohir figures. That way, you have very little in the way of re-sculpting and have just to seal the seam between the two halves...
At least, that is what I will be doing.
I am also doing some mounted Lorien Sylvan Elves, and mounted Sylvan Elves of Mirkwood.
The Mounted Elves of Lorien will be a sort of combination Light Horse and Full on regular Heavy Cavalry (The "real world couterparts" are cavalry such as the early Italian Cavalry and many of the Asiatic Steppe Cavalry, who could fight as skirmshing cavalry and form up to charge or fence with an opponent. They were tremendously skilled horsemen). The Mounted of Mirkwood will be simply Light Horse with Bows and Swords; no more than scouts... However... I have not run into too many people in the GW scene who are aware that it was really the LH who were the kings of the battlefield.
There is a certain fixation upon the Heavy cavalry and "Knights" as being the centerpeice of an army. And, they usually were pretty nasty when they came up against the proper situation.... But, much like the Pike phalanx... Their use was terribly limited, and could easily be countered. LH on the other hand, were terribly hard to catch. Basically dictated when and where they would fight, and were generally ferocious fighters when they finally did close...
In any event... Those figures are still a ways away from being done. I will probably just use some of the Thunderbolt Mountain Mounted Elves in the meantime. They are gorgeous, match the size of the GW figures (only the horses are a bit better looking), and are less expensive to boot...
Thanks for the history of the name though...