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Should I attempt this project?
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 Post subject: The Children of Hurin Supplement idea
PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 1:51 am 
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Hey everyone,

It has been a while since I posted here so I’ll post a long winded item here; forgive me ;)! I have recently re-read Narn i Chîn Húrin from the unfinished tales book and it awoke a sudden stroke of creativity in me once more :) After the success of The Fall of Gondolin I feel it is only right to follow it with yet another project, The Children of Hurin! I believe this will be more successful since a lot more gamers may have heard of this story after the book was recently published.

I haven’t many written any ideas, a lot of it is still floating around in my head! I simply wanted to approach you, the one ring community, for your response to the idea. I would also like to ask the community for their input to such a project. If I were to go ahead I would need support in the form of writers, proofreaders, play testing and possibly terrain features and sculpting of miniatures (although that may be asking quite a lot :?)

The ideas I had so far, in terms of scenario layouts and profiles to be presented are as follows. Note it is only a preliminary thought, but I have tried to keep as close to the story as possible. The idea is to have the story split into acts. Each act would describe the story and present the participants in that section of the story:



    Men of Hador

    Brodda the Easterling

    Scenario; Hurins Last Battle

    Act 1: Turins arrival to Doriath


    Beleg Strongbow

    Scenario 1; Turins Escape
    Scenario 2; Dragon-helm Hunts

    Act 2: Outlawed


    Mim the Petty Dwarf
    Ibûn and Khîm

    Scenario 1; A New Master
    Scenario 2; Hunting in the Wild
    Scenario 3; An Unexpected Capture
    Scenario 4; Never Trust a Dwarf

    Act 3: Escaping the Shadow


    Elves of Nargothrond

    Glaurung, the First Dragon

    Scenario: Escape from Anfauglith
    Scenario: Battle of Tumhalad

    Epilogue: The Curse of Morgoth


    Folk of Haleth
    Brandir the Lame

    Scenario: The Shadows of Brethil
    Scenario: The Fate of the Children of Hurin

Of course this will be a massive task, but do you think its worth doing? Do you think with the right help I could make a successful stab at this? I’m doing this simply for my joy in the hobby but also to translate this story into a game that works and to have fun along the way! :D

Any thoughts?

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:10 am 
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Sure, I think you should give it a try.
Might be worth a shot, but get some help from other members as trying to do everything yourself is very me I know this first hand. ;)

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:27 am 
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That's a nice solid outline you have there. As I was reading CoH I kept thinking how cool it would be if someone could (ok, I was thinking GW if they had had the rights) adapt the story and characters to the game. There's so much great stuff to draw from. The baddies would need a little creative thinking though. Other than Brodda and Glaurung I don't think there's any other 'named' evil guys.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 3:32 am 
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BilboOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
Sure, I think you should give it a try.
Might be worth a shot, but get some help from other members as trying to do everything yourself is very me I know this first hand. ;)

I think he knows. He wrote the Fall of Gondolin, you can find it in these forums.

Andy, as a fan of FoG, I look forward to seeing this. If you want some help, here's a suggestion: write up a draft of one section with the structure and tone you want. If you care to parcel out other sections I'll volunteer and try to tailor the writing to your guidelines.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:04 pm 
Elven Warrior
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whafrog wrote:
BilboOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
Sure, I think you should give it a try.
Might be worth a shot, but get some help from other members as trying to do everything yourself is very me I know this first hand. ;)

I think he knows. He wrote the Fall of Gondolin, you can find it in these forums.

I think he knows.

Sounds like a very good Idea ! If you could get a layout on thinks you need I think I could help you. :)
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:08 pm 
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I would be more than happy to help with stats and models for the supplement!

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:10 pm 
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A huge undertaking - the writing and play-testing alone are a challenge but add in conversions, painting, terrain... but then something this good probably deserves only to be done well, so if it takes a bit longer, then so be it. Good luck!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 2:58 pm 
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Thanks for your responses so far, and thank you whafrog, Joansean and Lord Hurin in expressing your offers to help. Basically I am looking for a group of dedicated individuals who are willing to pledge their skills to the project in order make it as, if not more, successful than the Fall of Gondolin (the project for those of you who don’t know can be found here ;))

Before replying to this thread straight away, please consider;

- What skills can I offer?
- Can I lend the time?
- Will I remain interested throughout the project?
- Am I open to suggestions?
- Do I know the story ‘The Children of Hurin’?

If you answered yes to all of those questions then you’ll be more than welcome to join the development group for the project.

At this stage I do not want to distinguish roles within a group. I’m simply looking for a suitably sized group to bounce ideas off and to participate by bringing in their own ideas for the format and content of the supplement.

In the later stages I will then go on to hunt down people for other roles, such as conversions, painting, terrain and artwork etc. but for the moment I simply wish to cover the supplements content.

Still interested? If you are please reply to this post or PM me. Once I have a group established I’ll ask the admin, the nice people that they are :), if we could have a section of the forums dedicated to the supplements development!

I look forward to you responses !!

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website

Last edited by andy_son_of_richard on Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 3:15 pm 
Elven Warrior
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andy_son_of_richard wrote:

- What skills can I offer?
- Can I lend the time?
- Will I remain interested throughout the project?
- Am I open to suggestions?
- Do I know the story ‘The Children of Hurin’?

1 I can do Converting and Scenarios and Rules , I'm not the best painter but I can give it a shot if you Want me to.
2 Yes.
3 Yes.
4 Yes.
5 Any minute now .. :wink:
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:37 pm 
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Sorry for imitating you Joansean;)

andy_son_of_richard wrote:
Before replying to this thread straight away, please consider;

- What skills can I offer?
- Can I lend the time?
- Will I remain interested throughout the project?
- Am I open to suggestions?
- Do I know the story ‘The Children of Hurin’?

1 Painting, I am not the best painter in the world but I do have some skills ;)
2 yes
3 yes
4 yes
5 I haven't read it as of yet, planning too in a near future though


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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 4:58 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Just a quick reply to say that I have just bought the Children of Hurin off Ebay.

Andre wrote:
Sorry for imitating you Joansean;)

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:30 pm 
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Why break a good thing? :)

andy_son_of_richard wrote:
- What skills can I offer?
- Can I lend the time?
- Will I remain interested throughout the project?
- Am I open to suggestions?
- Do I know the story ‘The Children of Hurin’?

- Writing and playtesting. My painting and modelling skills are fledgling...
- Yes
- Yes, always love First Age stuff. I once started a First Age conversion for MERP by Iron Crown (Rolemaster), but they went out of business before I got far enough.
- Yes
- Yes, in its older incarnation. I used to flip between the Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales to read the story in its natural chronology
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:22 pm 
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Thanks everyone who has shown interest so far, i've sent PMs to all. Just to clarify, it's not essential you have read all three versions of the story ;) (the Silmarillion, Unfinished Tales and The Children of Hurin) but knowledge of one version is desirable (just so we know we're all on the same wavelength!)

I am still recruiting, see my second thread. You dont have to answer in the way the others have :roll: but as you say whafrog, why break a good thing :lol:

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:26 pm 
Elven Warrior
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A suggestion , wouldn't it be useful to ask the admins to change the Fall of Gondolin forum to the Children of Hurin (working title :wink:) as to be efficient with webspace ?
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:30 pm 
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We'll cross that bridge when we come to it i.e. once we have a team established :lol: good idea though!

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 10:12 pm 
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Joansean wrote:
A suggestion , wouldn't it be useful to ask the admins to change the Fall of Gondolin forum to the Children of Hurin (working title :wink:) as to be efficient with webspace ?

Doesn't make a difference, efficiency-wise. Like having one fat book on a shelf instead of two skinny ones.

Unless you meant, there will be one more row on the forums page?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 1:58 pm 
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andy_son_of_richard wrote:

- What skills can I offer?
- Can I lend the time?
- Will I remain interested throughout the project?
- Am I open to suggestions?
- Do I know the story ‘The Children of Hurin’?

Lemme think :roll:

- Translating & partly writing (I would probably need corrections)
- Why not? :D
- Unless it stops :P
- Of course :)
- Of course again ;)

Maybe I won't be very helpful with modelling sections, but I think my help might be useful when it comes to writing anything :)

And I could do the translations to Polish at the time, so we could release both language versions at one time <dreams> :D

Ulkatur :)

P.S. If you command in this, Andy, I'm more than sure it would turn out to great thing ;) Polish people where amazed with your previous suplement, so I think this, as something new, should be even better for them :D

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 2:32 pm 
Elven Warrior
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whafrog wrote:
Joansean wrote:
A suggestion , wouldn't it be useful to ask the admins to change the Fall of Gondolin forum to the Children of Hurin (working title :wink:) as to be efficient with webspace ?

Doesn't make a difference, efficiency-wise. Like having one fat book on a shelf instead of two skinny ones.

Unless you meant, there will be one more row on the forums page?

I meant changing the Fall of Gondolin feedback forum to the Children of Hurin forum (deleting all the posts etc) , so there is no need for setting up a whole new forum.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:03 pm 
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I meant changing the Fall of Gondolin feedback forum to the Children of Hurin forum (deleting all the posts etc) , so there is no need for setting up a whole new forum.

Well, I hope they don't take FoG away, you never know when someone might come along and want to discuss something.

And disk space is cheap these days.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 4:10 pm 
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Sorry to be a bit behind the times, but I think this sounds like a fine idea andy, and it looks like you've already got some interest. Great!

Good luck and I'm sure you'll do some great work.


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