Wow, did you do that conversion? Nice work!
I like those special rules and equipment, simple but effective. Nicely done!
I'd like to suggest an alternate for the Curse though. Turin never had trouble in combat, but was fated to make wrong decisions at the critical time. This didn't just affect him, it affected others as well.
So maybe when he uses a heroic movement to charge, or heroic fight to fight and charge again, he has to make a courage test, or he ends up charging the nearest enemy model (which may or may not be his intended target). Any other troops he's called to follow may also be affected...
With that in mind, maybe his courage is a 4 or 5, but he has an "Indomitable" bonus (like Boldest of the Bold) which is +2 when facing terrifying enemies and never roll for the force being broken.
As for stats...ah stats!

FWIW, here's my thoughts on a general framework for first age heroes:
Those heroes of the first age would have been the match and more for the heroes of the second age and beyond. Gil-galad has a fight of 9, and great as he was, he was a lesser son of greater sires. So Fingolfin and some other elf lords would have a fight of 10. Hurin was accounted the greatest human warrior ever, so if Elendil had a fight of 7, that might put Hurin at an 8 along with the Mighty Hero bonus that Aragorn has (I can't think of any other way to account for him slaying 100 trolls, as in the book). Having a base of S4 D4 A3 W3 should hold for most.
So on that scale Turin might have a Fight of 7...?