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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:29 am 
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I just picked up a Mithril Dragon, The Uruloki or the Fire Dragon...


Now that I've seen him in real life, I think he might fit pretty well for a (younger) Glaurung

If you like, I will do my utter best to paint him up with a nice "Golden-red-brown" look and write an article for him...

I'd be happy to do some more aswell, but I realise I've said that many times without beeing successfull... However, this Dragon looks ace to me! :)

I'll post a pic soon of the model next to a gondorian warrior...

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 4:33 pm 
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As promised... Here's the little fella with his pet...


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 15, 2008 8:34 pm 
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Nicely shaped model, but my impression from the books was that Glaurung was much bigger. IIRC in the scene where Turin slays him, Glaurung's body is spanning the whole ravine in which Turin is hiding.
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 10:16 am 
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that's why I said as a younger Glaurung, when he wasn't fully grown yet...
But that's in fact at the time of Fingon, when he drove te worm back to Angband... which doesn't cover the period anymore... :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 5:11 pm 
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:lol: great minds think alike!! Oh well, I suppose you could do with a sneaky peak after all ;)


This is indeed the model I was intending to use for Glaurung! Picked this one up off ebay for about £10, a real beauty!

I am still open to recruiting members to join our group, read the 1st page for details. We have a small group so far, but any more support would be great! I'm hoping to get things moving next week! :D

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:48 pm 
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Sorry if I'm bothering unnecessarily, but I care much about that and want to be sure, that you saw it, Andy ;)

Ulkatur wrote:
andy_son_of_richard wrote:

- What skills can I offer?
- Can I lend the time?
- Will I remain interested throughout the project?
- Am I open to suggestions?
- Do I know the story ‘The Children of Hurin’?

Lemme think :roll:

- Translating & partly writing (I would probably need corrections)
- Why not? :D
- Unless it stops :P
- Of course :)
- Of course again ;)

Maybe I won't be very helpful with modelling sections, but I think my help might be useful when it comes to writing anything :)

And I could do the translations to Polish at the time, so we could release both language versions at one time <dreams> :D

Ulkatur :)

P.S. If you command in this, Andy, I'm more than sure it would turn out to great thing ;) Polish people where amazed with your previous suplement, so I think this, as something new, should be even better for them :D

BTW, great news so far ;) The dragon looks great... and your same-thinking is very interesting :P

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 7:53 am 
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Looks great mate!
Only 10 pounds... hmmm... I paid a little more... but it's ok after all, lol. I really love the model!
I've never seen one painted before, looks ace mate!

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:30 pm 
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Just to keep everyone informed, the project is up and running! Just awaiting Dagorlad to open a development forum before we can begin working on it, but I know he's very busy atm.

I am still open for others to help out, please read the previous pages for background to the project. Don't hesitate to PM me for more info.

Just too keep the interest, i present the possible profile for the main hero of the story, Turin...


Note these rules are untested/disscussed so are therefore still up for disscusion (hence the lack of points and background info). Also note, I haven't decided on that model to use for his profile, the helmet does look alittle big :P Just a hint of what is to come...

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:54 pm 
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Wow, did you do that conversion? Nice work! :shock:

I like those special rules and equipment, simple but effective. Nicely done!

I'd like to suggest an alternate for the Curse though. Turin never had trouble in combat, but was fated to make wrong decisions at the critical time. This didn't just affect him, it affected others as well.

So maybe when he uses a heroic movement to charge, or heroic fight to fight and charge again, he has to make a courage test, or he ends up charging the nearest enemy model (which may or may not be his intended target). Any other troops he's called to follow may also be affected...

With that in mind, maybe his courage is a 4 or 5, but he has an "Indomitable" bonus (like Boldest of the Bold) which is +2 when facing terrifying enemies and never roll for the force being broken.

As for stats...ah stats! :) FWIW, here's my thoughts on a general framework for first age heroes:

Those heroes of the first age would have been the match and more for the heroes of the second age and beyond. Gil-galad has a fight of 9, and great as he was, he was a lesser son of greater sires. So Fingolfin and some other elf lords would have a fight of 10. Hurin was accounted the greatest human warrior ever, so if Elendil had a fight of 7, that might put Hurin at an 8 along with the Mighty Hero bonus that Aragorn has (I can't think of any other way to account for him slaying 100 trolls, as in the book). Having a base of S4 D4 A3 W3 should hold for most.

So on that scale Turin might have a Fight of 7...?
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:55 am 
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The forum is ready now and should be available to the team members you listed Andy - let me know if there are any problems. Sorry for the delay - my life is stupidly busy at the moment.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:44 am 
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hey dagorlad! cheers for your swift responce :shock: i seriously didnt mean to get on your case as like you say, you are very busy atm! However, thankyou, now the work begins ;)

Whafrog, I see you points, however... we'll disscuss this in the development thread :P (very bottom of the forums)

It is still not to late to help out...let me know if you are interested in the project!

Andy, son of Richard and brother of Paul of the One-Ring website
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:18 pm 
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The Model for Turin really looks great! A nice helm a heroic position.

Although his profile looks a little bit weak to me. He is a very strong fighters, one of the best human fighters of all era's, but even Aragorn is stronger then him.

I would give him fight 8 (even Elendil has fight 7), courage 7, because he didn't fear enemies, not even strong dragons. And maybe be could even get strenght 5.

I would also included the option for heavy armour, but then he can't wear a bow. But that would be better when you look at the model.

The Helm should give him something extra for protection. Maybe he should have an extra fate for every time he gets a wound. Or he gets a fate, but he has to roll 5+ to succeed the roll (and then the Curse of Morgoth doesn't count)

It could be a nice rule for Gurthang when hitting one wound, that he doesn't wound automatically, but that the model is killed, regardless of the wounds the model has, but the wound can be recovered with fate...

And if you need some more people to help with the profiles, I can help you :D I am working on my own supplement, so I have some experience with making profiles ;)

Eclipse Painting - Let Miniatures Shine - Commissions
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:47 pm 
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Great work,
but I agree with Gondolin on the part of Gurthang,
it was called that "none could endure it's bite"
(I'm retranslating from dutch here)
so a kind of Drain Soul is most close to the book
For the rest a great job and thanks to make a profile on Tolkiens most interesting hero

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:54 pm 
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HI all

IF im not too late I would be glad to help with the book.
My friend and I have already done a Wind Elves sourcebook for Warhammer and we are planning to do a Silmarrilion one

if you think I should try for a silmarillion one please tell me

My email is
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 8:25 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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pwner jaleno wrote:
if you think I should try for a silmarillion one please tell me

Have a Look At "Fall of Gondolin" , Andy also made that and it's covering most of the Silmarillion..
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:11 am 
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Are you still recruiting for this?

If so

- What skills can I offer?

I'm pretty good at conversions, not a bad painter, got a degree in English, so picky when it comes to punctuation and I noticed about 3 typos in the Mordor book the day I read it.

- Can I lend the time?

Sure I can pitch in a few hours, I'm usually up most of the night due to my work pattern.

- Will I remain interested throughout the project?

Yes, providing we seem to be getting somewhere.

- Am I open to suggestions?

Yes, it's a team effort.

- Do I know the story ‘The Children of Hurin’?

Just finished reading it.

Also, I'd had a look over this thread, so I think, subconsciously I was having ideas as I read the book. like a mix of Rangers of Arnor and Ruffians to represent the Outlaws.

Let me know,



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