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Can Grey Company be a fun list to play against
Never 20%  20%  [ 2 ]
Always 10%  10%  [ 1 ]
It really depends from player to player 70%  70%  [ 7 ]
Total votes : 10
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 Post subject: the fun of a Grey Company list
PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:14 am 
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Joined: Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:03 pm
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I've heard some of you thinking Grey Company is rather boring to play against (to say the least),
if the GC player starts using black rain it indeed is boring
But as a Grey Company player I need to say that we're not all so boring players to play against, I started up with them on advice of a friend (a purely Evil player) with some things to remind, yes they all have a bow but those bows are not their only advantage (yes I try to shoot at start, just a matter of not wasting bows but at start when I don't need my full movement for all of my troops), my greatest fun in the Grey Company lies in their Might, at every 5 models you have at least 1 might probaly more if you include any named heroes, so my tactics are following: I divide my army into small pieces and try to make my enemy divide his force in pieces to (therefor I truly need those bows, they force him to divide his attention between all my bands), to do so I must advance and my foremost groups dont have time to fire. Once his army has dissolved my bands are usually stronger than he can make his as he faces F4 and a heroic action/dice boost against every band,
and the real fun starts at Breaking point, his troops except those combined with heroes (my bands attacked by those get swiftly enstrengtened by one of my major heroes (Thranduil and Aragorn/Glorfindel (I always got one of those 2 with me) depending on need) or they just give an heroic sacrifice (I'm Good if I was Evil it would have been after I sacrificed them :P) where his troops falter and dissapear.
Another fun way of using Grey Company is as an ally, then I just bring around some dunnies or RotN to ad some cheap might and Stands Fast
(and somehow can manage to ally the death with Thranduils Halls with 1 dunnie as 'Main Contignent', really gonna buy some death when I find a new shop)
Hope you guys like this kind of guerrila strategy better?
PS I give my strategy away because no other player I play against is on this site and there are as far as I know not much people from East-Flanders here so small chance I face one of you
PPS When are those new Eldar (folk of the stars, elves) finnaly going to come? Thanks forehanded for the person who knows this and want to share his/her knowledge with us

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:45 pm 

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it depends on the player, the scenario and the terrain.

for a fight to the death it's desperatly dull. but for capture the captain, take and hold or breakthrough it can make for a really good game for both players.

if the terrain means it's difficult to be shot at then it's a much more (ironically) even playingfield.

also if the player wants to walk back 3" each turn then yeah, may as well pack up

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:59 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 10:05 pm
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I have a group of friends who i play LoTR with but who uses grey company and he uses the forward 3" tactic then once your within 24" he ALWAYS retreats 3" until combat is inevitable. As a result of this he plays very few games against us but considers himself to be an amazing tactican...the new mordor stuff helps many evil armies stay alive until combat...unforunatley goblins have been forgotten about once again and may not benefit from the orc drummer rule.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:09 pm 
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it really does depend on the player

if there like me they continuesly point out that they are awsome! and all my oddles are shooting at you and how many of your moddles are dying to bowfire and then when the taterd remains of your force do reach my lines my supirior fight value will soon sort you out!

but it does really depend on where your fighting too, if you use your terrein to the best then you should be able to waste there shots and get to there lines pretty much un harmed
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:41 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2007 8:14 pm
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It all depends...

I use the Grey Company as the Allied force to bring about 20 archers to my army as I don´t like the Ithilien rangers nor do I like WoMT archers the Citadel Guard however are O.K So I use Them both... :roll:

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