Angrok wrote:
The bigger problem is the selection of opponents and that is something that I really can not blame the store for it. There are really only three players that I enjoy having games against. My solution has been to try and have us come in to the store at the same time on days when LotR events are not scheduled (and, therefore, we can just do our own thing).
Yes Angrok that’s what a gaming club is really all about; finding people you enjoy playing with and being able to “do your own thing”.
Angrok wrote:
However, one has rarely come in due to college while another comes in infrequently and spends more time with 40k/WHFB than LotR.
If you get another location to play you can invite people over for a specific night of SBG. Most gamers just like playing games; if one game is easier to play they’ll play just to get that gaming fix. Even if they may like on system more than the other. Don’t be hard on them just make it easier for them to play SBG.

Corsair wrote:
kidterminal: why don't you recruit people via the branching method.
Thanks for the thought Corsair, but I'm ok with my situation right now. I play with my friend and the two of us are sucking his teenage son and his friends into it. Fortunately they don't hang around the GW store so they don't have to "unlearn" anything. I set this thread up for Angrok and anyone else struggling to have a fun time with SBG.
Let's face it SBG is the stepchild of Games Workshop its not promoted at the same level as WH & WH40K. Its often crowed out of smaller GW stores so the staff can play with the latest army book releases. This in turn dampens down enthusiasm, causing players who've only ever played in a store to move on to other things. If we want to see more SBG players we'll have to pick up GW's slack. We need to promote the game and this means providing a place for them to play.
Dagorlad wrote:
The LOTR SBG is great and I love the minis and whatever, but I am thinking along Kidterminal's lines and contemplating starting my own gaming club, just so I can finally have someone to play these non-mainstream games with. There are a couple of guys I know who live nearby who might be tempted to join up, plus my son has some friends who are into WH40K (they just need to complete their training and unlearn what they have learned).
Hey Dagorlad now you’re getting it! We play Legends of the Highs Seas (which is really SBG with a cool campaign system) and some day we’ll play one of these new zombie games. Cheerleaders bashing zombies with cricket bats who wouldn’t play that!